Hey guys, I started this board to exchange information. and now an inferiority complex rears it's ugly head... Thanks... for nothing.
Great to see such knowledgeable people from around the globe discuss this topic.
I haven't seen Darth Maul on the board for a very long time. I know he's from Singapore. The emailaddress shown in the topic is the same as he registered with, so using the board email function won't help either...
Maybe someone can do some exact measurements of the MG stand (in metric!!!!) and post them here?
I altered mine to fit on my bike lift table (?) so I can't help.
OK, that's enough for now. As stated in the board guidelines this is not the place for pointless discussions on what happened over 60 years ago.
I think we can all agree that the prince was very unlucky in his choice of costume... (understatement of the century...)
topic closed