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Everything posted by thumper

  1. I had high volt readings on mine 14.8 - 15.1 @ 3000 RPM took each fuse and relay out gave a shot of Deox to them. 14 volts now
  2. From a very old post, three bond a dime in the hole clean well before bonding. I did this 15 years ogo all still ok.
  3. Got it running great! My old twinmax not working correctly so ordered a new one and did the tune up again. So thanks for most everyones input all is well.
  4. Thanks everyone, will get it sorted.
  5. Hey guys I have been here fore 20 years just looking fore a little help. Dont need or want to be picked apart phil keep your sarcasm to your self PLEASE.
  6. Thanks again Lucky Phil as always your help is sooooo helpfull
  7. power commander is off the bike
  8. Cylinder psi warm WOT #1 154 #2 155.
  9. This started happening about 4 years ago just like a switch had been flipped. 1) Put a new injector assembly from ebay and a new timing chain tensioner runs the same. 2) Put a new TPS runs the same. 3) Did a full tune up after each change runs the same. 4) fresh fuel new fuel filter and all new relays and plugs runs the same. I will keep tinkering let you guys know if I find anything just thought someone else may have had the same situation.
  10. Yes that is the case, new tps also.runs so good until hot.
  11. The sensor has been replaced that is why
  12. 2000 v11 28,000 miles will not move smoothly from stop, have to rev it up before taking off so it wont stumble and or die. Have done the tune up no help. Only does this when hot, if I unplug the heat sensor it runs great. So I am thinking a possible CPU problem going to lean when hot? Thanks in advance all ideas appreciated.
  13. 10 4
  14. Daveguzzi1 have you solved the problem? If so what was it?
  15. I have, always A OK by me.
  16. No second one, Bike has 30000 miles on it. Going to the beach for a week will work on the wiring next week May need a new regulator
  17. I have but will check it all over again.
  18. Thanks guys I put a load tester on it for 5 seconds that dropped the voltage. Dont have the number it dropped to as it was still moving. Got it charged and will see how it goes. Odd thing voltage to the battery @ 4000 RPM 14.92 Is that 2 high? My kawasaki is always between 13.9 14.1 Thanks
  19. Ok so my Odyssey just got to 12.63V So 3 min discharge,then charge at 15 volts 6 amp For how long? Thanks
  20. Yes I do. I have been switching the bolts out to do the TB adjustment. Just wondering what is the better way to go, will one effect the cough more than the other.
  21. 10 4 thanks that canister fell off long ago So I will run a hose between the throttle bodies. Thanks Scud
  22. My vacuum ports were pluged with a bolt. My 996 Ducati had a hose between the throttle bodies and the setups are simular. Is this correct to have a hose between um or plug it?
  23. Did you try to adjust the idle using the air screws on the injectors?
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