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    Rhode Island USA
  • My bike(s)
    04 Balabio

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  1. I have a classic set of Teknos with brackets and a set of Givi V37s with brackets I had set up well on my V11 Sport. Both in excellent condition. Tecknos $150 Givis. $500. Pictures on request.
  2. Will be going MIA again...the humans will be requiring my attention.
  3. Next trick chk V @ relay sockets...and change out relays. They could be tired. What's the latest good source?
  4. Am I suffering from the miss conception the KS wires are GROUND when in fact their +..hot ? (Looked @ schem again.) Thanks that's very clear. I just need to get back up there before new job starts. PS...I went MIA because I didn't set up "notifications" I was wondering where everyone went 🤪
  5. Both twisted together. Singular I get 5v!
  6. No..the crazy circumstance is I had sold the Sport due to OLD AGE..🥴 and trying to help the buyer out and have only had an an hr and a half to poke at it. That's when I played musical relays, repsliced the KS wires and got confused at 7.5v there. Looking @ your wiring schem( THANK YOU!) I don't see why it wouldn't be 12v. ???
  7. Further info.... Did not REPLACE relays...played musical chairs. Runs 100% until complete shut off. I have not been able to reproduce "no fuel pump whirrr" at Key On (long story..) I suspect shortest route at this point is all new relays. I know all about their poor history though the ones in it are the GOOD CHINESE ones. How unintuitive can you get??🤣 Still wondering WHY 7.5v at spliced wires. Need to look at wiring diagram I guess. From all my years on Guzzis I know this is something stupid. You do too I'm sure. Just want to give you all a shout out. Thanks so much. I even broke down and sent Japp a couple looong over due bucks. 🤪 Thanks all.
  8. Should Vmeter be reading 12v at the spliced KS wires? Im getting 7.5v.V11 is shutting off after 20mi AGAIN after road side splice got me 1000mi.
  9. Experienced total shutoff while running fine while touring the Addirondacks in Aug. After 2 or three times I bypassed the kick stand switch and everything was fine for the next 1000 mi. Now getting same exact symptoms. Runs 20 mi. Shuts completely off. Restarts after a few minute then dies aftter another 10-20 mi. Roadside splice and twist looks fine but did it again anyway. Checking voltage from battery to offending wires I'm getting 7.5v. My first instinct was just ground those out directly to the frame BUT maybe they get some unintuitive curveball voltage thru the ECU $$$ so I'm holding off. Seem those kick stand wires should be 12+ v. But my stupidity of late has been impressing me. Relays have been switched. Could the FP itself be poorly grounded? 2nd suspect is electric Fuel petcock. What's a good test method? TIA
  10. I have not done ground up tunning. General house keeping, bar swap, shift spring, Givi Addaption (I gotta do an article...big beautiful Givis on a V 11 !) Flat tire. It's pulling like a big dog, starts at tickover and idles right about 10-11...BUT I'm with you... a perfect / correct tune would / could make it smoother. The swanky billet aluminum grips ain't helping. They ARE pretty tho. 🤣
  11. Again with insightful thoughts... thanks again... I'm leaning towards "something up with motor mounts" Investigations begin in AM. Then off to the ammo store. 🤣
  12. Good thinkin,'
  13. Ding ding ding !!! First thing in the AM ..THANKS Phil......Duh!..In my defense I only took one 40mi ride with the clipons. Still..should thought motor mounts before "sinkers" 😃🤣 the club bars on risers I took off were full of BBs.
  14. Ya..they have the weights....I'll pull them and fill the empty tubes up with sinkers.. maybe.
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