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Everything posted by invstor17

  1. invstor17


  2. Thanks for the offer on selling a fitting Jim. I may take you up on that in a few miles. I was having trouble getting the angle right so I bought a oxy torch to get it real hot. I also bought some narrow nozzles and extensions but just cant seem to get the nozzle on there. I wish I could see the fitting. Remember to put a piece of wire into the grease fitting so that it doesn't collapse when you bend it .....
  3. Anyone else out there who takes otherwise fanatical care of their bike simply give up on the front U Joint? After spending probably $150 on parts trying to create the magic 55 degree bend with a torch to reach that front uni I give up, how many miles can I expect from the shaft if I never touch that u joint with grease again? Low miles so it has probably never been greased since the factory. Thanks, and no use trying to talk me through it I have thrown in the towel.
  4. Much appreciated!
  5. Tried searching and couldn't find. I was hoping someone could tell me the torque spec for the nuts on the exhaust studs? Lost a stud and nut one one side. Thanks!
  6. Awesome, please let us know if they work out of the box. Thanks!
  7. Has anyone purchased these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Barend-Mirrors-Ducati-Triumph-Aprilia-KTM-Moto-Guzzi-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem20b5a1fb9bQQitemZ140486245275QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_3424wt_1026 No relation to the seller, I know the CRG models require a modified bar end, and was wondering if these would as well?
  8. invstor17

    Oil Cooler

    Hey Guys, Noticed my oil cooler brackets were cracked and ordered a set of stainless ones from Harpers. Showed up, went to install, and three of the four large head black bolts that thread into the cooler were totally rounded off in the allen key hole, now that I had a go at removing the fourth one, it is as well. Seem to have been put in with a special nuclear grade loctite when it was in to have the regulator replaced. Couple things. First, if someone could tell me the part numbers for those bolts and the fancy rubber bushings behind them I would really appreciate it, a source for them on top of that would be VERY much appreciated. Second, any advice for removing the ones in there now with the rounded off allen holes? Anyone experience this? I was going to try and grab the outside of the round bolt head with a big pair of channel locks before trying to drill and use a bolt extractor, always had mixed luck with those and proximity to the oil cooler gives me pause. Thanks so much guys!
  9. Just a follow-up thank you to everyone for their advice! Fairly simple change out, Seems to have fixed the problem. As far as the side stand, it turned out to be missing a bolt that actuates the cut off switch, a 5mm bolt and nut to cinch it down was all that it needed, now when the stand is down the bolt trips the switch and kills the engine when it's put in gear. Thanks again!
  10. Thanks for the advice guys, Hubert it's encouraging to know that it can be done with onboard tools in an emergency! I searched for tank removal and found nothing but after scrolling through the how-to section I spotted it, must have been using the wrong term. Seems like two rear fittings and it's free, so I'll try that and see if removing it makes it easier. Thanks for the tip on the sidestand, I didn't know it even had a switch, after hopping on the other day I went to pull off and noticed that it was down waiting to pogo me off 5 feet later, bike in first gear engine running. is the switch only on later models? my other bike has a suicide stand and I'm afraid I'll forget to put the v11 stand up at one point because of that, can you retrofit? Thanks again!
  11. So I took my new to me 01 V11 Sport out for a ride to grab some fresh oil today and ironically came out of the shop to find a pool of oil on the ground below it. After getting it home and cleaning it up I discovered that the oil was coming from the bottom of the bellhousing which gave me a heart attack, the bike only has 400 miles on it and I literally just got it. New rear seal? Clutch seal? Etc, seemed like a major problem for sure. Anyway, after reading some very helpful forum posts here I checked the breather tube and it was completly falling apart at the neck mount, the top of the engine had a light coating of oil all over the area at the top of the bellhousing, so I'm really hoping that hose is the culprit allowing oil in there. I was hoping to get some tips from those who have replaced this tube, on how to do it, I'm ordering a factory replacement tomorrow and I can't imagine how I would get to that upper clamp, it's blocked by a mount. The lower one looks like it would require a very long screwdriver to reach as well. Any help, tool tips, or walk through info from someone who has performed this operation before would be GREATLY! appreciated, I don't have a workshop manual and can't even figure out how to remove the tank to get a better look at this point. Should I do anything to the bellhousing knowing that engine oil has gotten in there? Should I avoid washing this area knowing anything can seep in there now? Thanks so much in advance!!!
  12. Hi there, I was hoping someone on the forum could confirm for me that an after market front brake lever designed to fit a 2001 monster will fit a 2001 V11? From searching the forum I was able to see that monster levers worked on V11's, just wanted to make sure that V11's used the same controls year by year, that you didn't have to order a 98 monster lever to work on an 01 v11 for example. Thanks!
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