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Chuck last won the day on July 7 2024

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  • Location
    Central Indiana
  • My bike(s)
    '87 Aero Lario 95 MZ Skorpion 24 Triumph Speed 400

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Community Answers

  1. Chuck


    Maybe a cable of some sort poked in the tubing to clear it?
  2. From (failing) memory, if the knob is on the left it is LH thread.. on the right is RH.
  3. I still haven't had my second cup of coffee and definitely haven't looked at the schematic yet, but why isn't it the ignition switch?
  4. Nephew Ricky had one of those mondo expensive CVA (I think) special built baggers, and it had the wobble. The dealer couldn't get rid of it, and Ricky couldn't sell it without taking a *serious* bath.
  5. Yes they can. I followed a guy with his girl on a bagger through The Snake on Mulholland drive. He was throwing sparks on every corner, and she was beating him on the back with both fists..
  6. Yeah, Dave Blue is one of the good guys..
  7. Who are you calling old, you young whippersnapper? All my tools and measuring instruments are 'Merican. None of that sissy metric stuff. My LeBlonde lathe won't even cut those threads.
  8. It sounds like the selector spring. @Scud on this list has them.
  9. I used to work on a friend's Countach occasionally. It's electrical system was Guzzi familiar. Talk about a vehicle that screamed "I'm a machine.." Glorious sounds.. You couldn't drive it anywhere, though. As soon as you started it up, there would be a cop following you.
  10. EV batteries *are* recyclable.. there is money in it. I watched a video of a big recycling plant, and they get about all of it. Battery EVs aren't perfect, of course.. but they are a good stop gap until hydrogen (most likely) is perfected. At the very least, they cut fossil fuel usage, and we really need to do that..
  11. Uhh, cars.. like phones, are only charged to 80% to maximize battery life unless absolutely necessary. On a trip the navigation will take you to a supercharger when you have 15-20% charge left. Then, it will only charge as much as needed to get to the next supercharger on the route when you have 15-20% left. Generally, that takes around 15 minutes, but can be less. A trip certainly takes longer because of that, but Dorcia and I made a pact 20 years or so ago to stop every two hours and walk around a bit to ward off blood clots in old people's legs. That argument is a non starter for us but YMMV.
  12. I need a bumper sticker saying, "I bought it before I realized he was such a @#$$#!." Best car I've ever had, too, Brad. By far. Maintenance is eating me up, though.. in 50K miles, I've had to fill the windshield washer bottle. Twice. It's pretty good in the snow, considering we aren't running anything special for tires. If it gets bogged down, (not much ground clearance) putting it in "off road" mode or "slip start" will getcha going. Edit: Apparently the site *really*didn't care for what I think of him..
  13. DeOxit Gold was invented for this kind of stuff..
  14. ^^^^Yeah, I've never understood a TV in the shop, or listening to the radio while riding..
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