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Everything posted by Jeffro

  1. Jeffro


  2. Hi, Check the connectors at rear of fuse block! This happened to me a couple of times,replaced the fuse all good for a while but the last time it did it it melted the holder and fuse together, left me stranded on the side of the road! Turned out there was a loose connection at the rear of fuse block causing fuse to run hot under load. I cut the wires feeding in and out of the block and soldered an after market heavy duty fuse holder in between. Never had an issue since, that was over a year and 15000km ago.
  3. has not set their status

    1. Jeffro


      Beta 2 Burn Out Than Fade Away!

  4. Hi Just a thought what condition is the air filter might need replacing? A chocked up air filter will drop the idle speed.
  5. Hi Checkout the link of one currently for sale in NZ http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=461314023 I payed NZ $8000.00 for mine with 50000km on it a couple of years ago. With such low miles it would be worth it plus you know the history. Cheers Jeffro
  6. Hi mznyc Thank you for the reply, i am new to this forum stuff so not sure were and how to do stuff. Ended up taking the pres-elector cover off and pulling apart the seer ring assembly checked out the pawl spring and boss arm it looks as if they have been replaced as the spring is a loose fit on the pawl arm boss no sign of wear, got a bit paranoid about pawl spring breakage after reading up on all the issues here. adjusted the gearbox adjuster screw whilst cover off, shifts better with some fine adjustment it doesn't matter how far the adjuster screw is in or out as long as the lock nut and cap screw still tighten just needs that fine tuning once happy with the depth of adjuster screw. Wasn't impressed with the seeger ring shafts having no seals between cover im thinking of using bearing retaining compound to hold in place as oil has been weeping out, have you heard of this been done before. Also i have noticed that the pawl arm rubs against the bottom seeger gear if gear shaft has pressure pushing inwards so will be looking at tightening gear shaft as far into wards the case as possible, hope fully this will sort the problem out. My initial problem is gear lever seems to be “sticky” and some times drops from 5th to a neutral between 3rd and forth when changing down.
  7. Hi can any one tell me how many turns of gearbox adjuster screw needs before final adjustment, i have been experiencing the same problems as Peter Roper had in his discussion dated October 2005. i had major problems backing off lock nut and backed off the adjuster screw an un known amount and not sure how far to screw in. Peter Ropers discussion link dated October 2005 http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6118&hl=preselector&st=0
  8. One of our local Roads with http://www.bike-italian.co.nz/
  9. Burt Munro training ground!
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