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Lucky Phil

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Lucky Phil last won the day on February 5

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  • My bike(s)
    v11 sport,GSXR1000 K7,Ducati1198s, Ducati1000ss,DucatiST2.

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Community Answers

  1. I've owned 3 MV's. Two 750's and a 1000 all from 2003-2005 and they were beautiful bikes with such fine engineering details and TIG welded frames. Phil
  2. Thats got to be one of the most moronic videos I've ever watched. I won't get that 3 minutes of my life skipping through it back I'm afraid. Phil
  3. What more "tacky" than wearing them, lol. Don't get me wrong I can enjoy "tacky" sometimes but if you're going to wear it then you gotta embrace whatever comments come your way. Phil
  4. Won't fit I don't believe. Not only is the transmission different and will get in the way but the engine is also offset in the V11 Sport compared to the 1100 Sport. Phil
  5. Depends on what 8 valve model you chose. The 2010-2013 had the notorious flat tappet issues and even if they have been rollerised a later model would be a safer bet. Remember if it's a flat tappet engine then it's going to fail guaranteed. I think either 2012 or 2013 was the last model from the factory with the flat tappet engine. Phil
  6. There's nothing to a rotor. It's just a round blob with magnets. Unless it's thrown a magnet or a magnet has migrated out and is touching the stator then there's nothing to go wrong. Why are people talking about belts and brushes? It's a V11 Sport isn't it? Phil
  7. Can't get parts insured! whats that got to do with anything as the shipper of the parts. If the buyer accepts the risk then whats it to the seller. I send and receive plenty of stuff uninsured and a lot of it's in the many hundreds and sometimes several thousand dollars. Why, well if you've seen the insurance coverage fine print and ever tried to claim insurance for the odd thing thats gone astray you'd know. Phil
  8. Ariete make seals for them https://motociclo.com.au/product/fork-seals-moto-guzzi-9401100-1200-ariete/
  9. Has to be sanctioned by Guzzi though surely. With all the "Guzzi" mentions and the fact their lawyers try shutting down anyone that uses the name and logo unless it's them or sanctioned by them then the factory must have some involvement.
  10. It's a concept drawing/cgi thing. I suspect it's a fishing exercise commissioned by Guzzi to test public reaction. Run it up the flag pole and see who salutes before they commit to creating a prototype. Phil
  11. It's just a video of a Harley going into a speed wobble on a straight piece of freeway and spitting it's rider off. You see far worse get offs in every MotoGP race. The reasoning makes this amusing. Just search "Harley death wobble" on youtube. Phil
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