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Everything posted by Motomonster

  1. If you doubt the accuracy of your current instrumentation, what makes you think a $25 bicycle gizmo will be any more accurate -- or, even work properly for any length of time? Isn't this the second one you've had to buy? Other than that, I think that any gains would be minimal for two reasons: 1) The cluster doesn't weigh enough to strongly affect performance, so ditching it probably wouldn't give you enough gains to justify the procedure. 2) Your faring covers the cluster, so if you're ditching it for aesthetic reasons you probably wouldn't notice the difference much (from an observer's viewpoint) unless you got rid of the faring as well, which would be a waste of a good custom paint job. A free one: Less is not always more when it comes to being informed about the operations of your bike.
  2. Maybe I missed it, but, HOW THE FCK DID THAT HAPPEN?
  3. Yes, the rattle is normal. It scared me at first too. Now I kind of like it; it makes the bike sound like a giant gringing machine.
  4. Thanks, Ian!
  5. Wow, that high? I was thinking of a bit to boost the regualr octane a bit. I've got some mods, but I don't think I have enough to do justice to 115 octane. Thanks for the info.
  6. Very wise ones, The underwater anarchist and I are thinking about getting a 5-gal drum of racing fuel and adding a bit to our normal fuel to see if we dig it. Is this worth it? A good or bad idea? If yes, how much should we add?
  7. Wise ones, Since I don't know how long my fuel will be in my tank over the winter, I put in some stabilizer over the weekend and then rode about 15 mi. Is it my imagination, or does stabilizing the fuel boost the performance? It seemed like everything smoothed out -- quite noticably -- and my acceleration was quicker. Anybody have any comments on this? Am I just dreaming?
  8. I have the airbox kit and it kicks ass. I get a noticeable powerboost in the mid to hi RPM's. My passing power is right there. Plus, your bike will bloody roar.
  9. I don't think the alt cover gets very hot; mine's made of plastic. I wouldn't worry about it. If it's "heat resistant" paint it shouldn't be flamable when dry.
  10. Aw, c'mon. Don't tell me my cheepo helmet is more functional than your superpwer superdeluxe helmet with retractable faceplates and sunvisors!?! Tighten that puppy up and get on the good foot. That psychotic wind resistance is just telling you that you're alive, man.
  11. I just installed the kit on my Stone. Don't worry, they have you covered. They have bolts included for your bike; you can use only two of the fasteners, they slide to where you need them. The performance is very noticable, especially when you reprogram your powercommander. If you are thinking about getting one, stop everything and do it now. Enjoy, Motomonster
  12. Hi, I read where Rich M. put moly in his gearbox and liked the effect. Anyone else done this? Any potential drawbacks? What about moly in the engine?
  13. I saw that, but I didn't read that anyone had tried them.
  14. So, did anyone ever try those BRISK plugs?
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