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edge last won the day on August 27 2023

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About edge

  • Birthday 10/11/1955

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  • My bike(s)
    V-11 Lemans 2002

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Guzzisti (2/5)



  1. edge


  2. edge

    Edge Guards

    WANTED: Somebody to take over the crafting of Edge Guards for the community. I have been off the grid for a few years, the Guzzi is gone, and I have a box of molding blocks and tools that I used to make "Edge-Guards" for the community. I have the original rear strut mold, and various templates for the battery box, upper shock lug cover, etc... What I am looking for is someone with simple craft skills, passion for the community and mark, and willingness to keep making them to fill the demand. It's takes Kydex sheet plastic, a small router/dremel for cutting plastic blanks, and a heat gun to form, as well as a V11 to hand mold the lug covers. I made a couple hundred for the community in the day, did them at cost +shipping world wide (and made lots of friends in the process). Don't bother me if you’re not all in on this, trying to make a buck, or will leave it sitting on the garage floor. I'll send you what I have, and walk you through the process for putting together the kits. It was a simple solution to a common problem (search it). Sorry for the delay on offering this back to the community but I hope the right guy/gal steps up.
  3. Maybe a web foul as I didn't follow the whole thread but just the same, I went with a set of Two Brother Racing risers and did not need re-cable/line the controls. Still fits within the fairing and gave a bit of lift and of course sweep and and angle all adjustable. http://www.twobros.com/Cust_Service/Instal...V3-RBR_Inst.pdf Don't remember where I bought them but I am happy. Bar end weights were a bit of a challenge as nothing from the goose would transfer beyond controls and grips due to ID, missing threading, etc...
  4. edge

    Laminar Lip

    Had mine for about 4 years, sometimes fugly but always softer on the helmet. Makes 60-80mph much less stressful on my neck. Above and below 60-80mph not much good for anything beyond bug deflection.
  5. If the bike has been down, I would check the bottom tripple tree stearing stop lug(s). If the tank is set properly, my guess is the stop broke off if tank is set propperly. Also if the stearing stop lug is gone/munched, I would look at the damper too, since it has been hyper extednded/compressed in the process.
  6. edge

    lifting rear of V11

    I am not sure I would trust the fender inserts to do more than hold the hugger
  7. FWIW; I had mine professionally polished 4 years ago to get rid of a bit of road rash on one of the covers Both covers and repacment head guards came out wonderful and still look good today without any polishing beyond normal cleaning. No laquer or other coating applied either.
  8. Still here.... I just got more plastic Friday and will be a couple of weeks before I can get them done due to work travels but I have four in the cue that I have already PM'd. If there are more interested, it is a good time to PM me so I can cover you while I am at it....
  9. What he said... Check the cap seal, my guess someone rmoved it to stop tan-suck. FWIW not such a good idea as demonstrated
  10. Several here have done the same. Depending on the model, they are made by the same company, and are a near perfect fit at much less money. The anchor point on the bike may have to be modified a bit with an extra alignment hole but they can be pretty much a direct swap. Do a Buell search turn signal search here and you'll find several threads on compatibility.
  11. Neptunes!
  12. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...buell+foot+pegs this link will cover most of what you are asking..
  13. Found this one while surfing and thought it was tastfully done... Price is a bit steep but I am sure it would be a hoot http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Moto-Guzzi-...sspagenameZWDVW
  14. FWIW; I had a similar problem with road rash on one of my valve covers. My fix was to have it stripped and polished out. 4 years later they still look very good, no sign of the original scuff mark and no more maintnenace that what i gave the painted surfaces. I saved a bunch of money not replaceing them and I think they look better polished anyway...
  15. On the upside, here is a better example of "Target Fixation" when it comes to keeping your eye on task at hand ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7gG4Z5SZAY&NR=1
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