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emry last won the day on June 29 2014

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About emry

  • Birthday 07/09/1972

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  • Location
    Marietta, GA
  • My bike(s)
    2002 Scura #269, 1970 Ambassador 'Granny'

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Community Answers

  1. DALLĀ·E 2024-08-01 22.00.53 - A Moto Guzzi Scura motorcycle parked on the surface of the moon. The moon's rocky and cratered landscape stretches out under a dark sky filled with st.webp
  2. I didn't know this was an actual debate... WOW.
  3. Agreed. The small amount of AL there is probably well within the tolerance from MG for the rotating assembly. But get a proper impact, air, electric, or battery, for next time and get the proper puller. Don't use a screwdriver to try and pry it away from the case.
  4. Start with new plugs as gstallons suggested. If that doesn't work then fresh fuel. Keep it simple at first and don't over think it.
  5. Just a note folks, Scura's came with Ohlins front and rear. Very different construction than the Marz as used on the other models. So setting notes probably won't transfer. But even the OEM set up of the Ohlins was horrible so don't feel like we got anything special.
  6. You already know you need a good battery. Testing with a bad battery is moot. With a poor source voltage anything down stream will always be suspect, because it doesn't have its requirements met. Good battery. Then test. No searches.
  7. 2002 Scura ZGUKRAKR02M114895
  8. Wow. Yes, modern charging technology could be applied here. But remember that the generator on the Guzzi's produces AC current, which the poor low cost reg/rec then tries to keep with in limits after rectifying for for a PB/acid battery. Which are pretty resilient to abuse overall. You could use your DC-DC solution down stream of the current reg/rec but it probably wont get you much net positive results due to the poor AC-DC component in the system. Can a better AC-DC reg/ref be designed that could incorporate functions like you DC-DC converter? Of course. Just time and money.
  9. The seals in the MC can go bad when sitting. When you grab the lever the seal doesn't and the lever just pulls back without pressurizing the rest of the system. A few of my race bikes do this when getting pulled out. Sometimes a good flush will clear debris that caused it and sometimes the MC needs new seals to fix.
  10. A Sport 1100, Centaro, and Daytona crossover will not fit a V11 or vise versa. With the Sport 1100 crossover mounting in the same support location as the V11 the headers are about 5in. (125mm) short. I just made this mistake on Ebay due to a bad listing and am trying to resolve it.
  11. JB Quik... for those surprise oil leaks..
  12. Pretty sure that is it. I didn't see anything in my shed. So for $6 give it a go. I used carb cleaner to removed "bubbled" paint then sprayed away. Haven't touched in in a decade.
  13. I know this was done here before, maybe it got lost with one of the reboots. I didn't like the HD paint, the texture was finer than the OEM Guzzi stuff. Best match I found was actually one of the Rustoleum Textured. Cheap, matched fantastic, easy to find in the US, and has actually lasted a long time. I honestly couldn't tell you where I painted and where I didn't when looking at the bike. I have to see if I still have an old can around for the specific one I used.
  14. AMP Superseal 1.0. Make sure you get the correct keying, there are 3 different ones if I recall. Corsa-Technic
  15. Have fun everyone. Good thing we are not working on improving fire, we all would have food poisoning. Enjoy!
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