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my first v11 had the titanium kit racing ECU with the PC. it ran beautifully. My current one is bone stock. also runs beautifully (well, it recently had some issues.. but not with the ECU)... go figure. it was some years apart between the two but I can't tell any difference.
Saw this local on CL: https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/mcy/d/daly-city-2002-moto-guzzi-v11-scura/7363269828.html not worth that money- but could be an interesting project if one could get it for less than 1k.
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
Summary: Sudden and intermittent loss of throttle: electricity still on, but all combustion seemingly cutting out. 1. Did this months ago and I limped home, pausing to let it cool then going a short distance. It started to "Huff" when given gas... revving to 4k and then falling off then up and falling again. ruh... ruh.... ruh... ruh. I changed the relays and it then seemed completely fixed. (but it also got cooler and I was not riding far.. ) 2. I took it on its first extended ride and about 5 hours into the ride, as I came off the coast into the inland heat, it started to cut out again on the freeway. first just once, then progressively getting worse until I limped into Eureka. sounding and acting like it had months before. After that it would maybe start, maybe not, and only run for 1/4 mile.. or less. I fiddled with a ton of stuff- but nothing roadside would fix it. at least all my connectors got a good greasing. Ended up replacing the Phase sensor: A fairly generic sensor for the timing. NOTE: after I did this it seemingly ran fine- but I did not take it on a 200 mile ride to find out. Since I was working on it, I also replaced the fuel pump and petcock with a manual version. Subsequently I went on a ride and it had some bogging down issues at throttle- but turns out I was an idiot and did not tighten down the return fuel line. that done- all seems good! But not done the 5 hour test yet! that will be later in the summer or fall. thanks for all the help - -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
thanks! i found the issue: Me being a dummie. (i'd say something else but keeping it family friendly) When I put it all back together i forgot to tighten down the return fuel line properly. thus the "smelling rich" was fuel leaking! ahhh! well, fixed that and seems to be back running like a champion. I even took her adventure riding on some gravel and old rock roads... handled it pretty well --- if it had some knobbies on it could have ripped it up. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
yeah, that is truly in the cards at this point. Yes, new phase sensor, fuel pump, petcock(manual) - I thought the fuel filter would be the no brainer change but maybe because mine is a 2000 or I just ordered wrong. (or it has been retrofitted at some point). problem is I am ia tiny town of only ~200 people so its not like a thing I can just go grab. But gas poured out of it. both ways, seeminly with no problem or resistance. One question: The fuel return line has a tiny vacuum nipple to activate it and I just have it open... hmmm. where does that vacuum line go? could that be the issue? -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
Hey! Finally got back up and replaced all the parts. Except the fuel filter which seems to need threaded niples/connectors whereas mine was a single unit with built in niples. Fuel seemed to flow so re-used it. Started up and rode off and all seemed fine! New sensor But - new issue. Or maybe version of old issue. Seems to be running rich. Got one backfire. And under high load it bogged down after it got warm. I thought maybe with my fiddling id bound up the enrichment circuit cable but its clear and functioning- seems to be closing. Started it after sitting a few minutes and it smelled much to rich. Any other thoughts? Maybe the load sensor on the right side throttle body? Cheers Josh -
I went a googling and ended up in the exact same page from mouser - on ebay an option but from china- https://www.ebay.com/itm/273548275761?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338722076&toolid=10001
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
PS: Lemans III - I have some envy I will not lie. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
thanks! The parts arrived about an hour after I had to fly out- But I purchased fuel related parts as well as electronic- can't hurt to change out both. will have to wait till i get back up. got home and fired up the moto morini for the first time in a while... -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
well she is tarped up and behind my mother's shed - be back up in a couple weeks and the parts should be in and I can take it on. the issue was this time- I was coming up to work on our family friends old cabin so instead of working on the bike, I was battling rat turds and piss after 10 years of neglect- 4 days straight of just cleaning shit. I made one heck of a burn pile for when winter comes. next gonna put in a septic tank, LED lights, (got the generator) need to get a new regulator for the propane- stove and refrigerator don't work- both rat infested so probably just need replaced. , need to get a pump for the creek to get water. the Roof - shingles from 1971 was growing ferns and small trees. so ... got to do that. outhouse has fallen over, lots of rotten logs and slugs inside- makes the guzzi issues seem less serious. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
ordered new fuel pump, filter, and manual petcock from MGcycle.. so gonna do all that as well. probably time even if they are working to get those sorted. I can keep the old ones as emergency spares if they check out ok. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
heh. i have gone through the cycles of not super happy about it. but I don't blame the bike- mostly me for not properly maintaining it. So its now in oregon in the back of my brothers old truck- which luckily DID make the trip. reason I was traveling up is my mother and brother finally got vaxed - first time I have seen them in 1.5 years. I just booked a flight back to SF as i have to get back to pick up my daughter by tuesday- I ordered a new sensor from MGcycle and the bike will stay here until I come up later in July. I may work on it a bit today but also may just take the day to enjoy - my childhood friend is coming down to meet up etc. anyway, bike trouble aside its a good trip - and at this point coming out of the pandemic--- any experience that is not me sitting at home in front of a computer is actually a good one... even if its pushing a Guzzi down a freeway. at least I know I am alive! -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
Fuel pump turns on and pumps fuel. Used that to clean the lines of the possibly bad fuel! Sadly i am sending this from the side of the road. Ran beautifully for about 2 miles then just stopped. And back to doing the weird rev cycle. Still waiting on pick up. Should be here in about 30 min -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
it may still not be related at all- as it sometimes for no reason jsut does work for a while. but fingers crossed that is the issue identified- and partially abated. burned the heck out of myself getting to it though. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
OK! it stopped raining and I went out and removed the phase sensor, cleaned it.. and indeed, that oring was all messed up. So I removed the ring.. it was chwed up and expanded etc.. no good. Cleaned the mating surface as best I could.. put it back in.. and VOLA! the bike works! Now it has done this before... so not sure if its just back to its intermitant "runs Great! then dies in a few miles- or its actually now set correctly. My brother is nearly here so I may try and ride up and he will follow and see how far I get. NO oring but a bit of oil leakage I can deal with at this point. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
it does and I inspected them.. they look fine. but they could be a problem for sure. on the list to do a better job once I get it to the shop. anything come to your collective minds about things I would need to order vs just make work? I only have a limited time in oregon to see if I can fix it so probably need to order now and express it. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
thanks all! I got a bit and its on the side of the road, I did drain the tank as much as possible, tried new gas with some similar stuff to Heet (could not find heet). And it started to rain... so. at this point I have my brother coming down to pick me up! I can get it up to oregon and get it into a shop where I can take it apart properly. I am afraid doing any more roadside "maintenance" may just make things harder to fix later. Good news: Now it does not go AT ALL. and is being very consistant in how it acts unlike before. SO it might help find the cuprit unlike when I had to ride it 4 hours before it happened. Now: Starts up, idles fine, give it gas and it goes up to 2k if I take it slow but above that it drops rpm, revs up, drops, revs up drops, 1/2 second each. I can peg the gas (I was doing so trying to flush out with the cleaner and new gas) and it Revs up to 5k then dopts, 5k, drops. same pattern. Does this every time now. putting it in gear and trying to ride it.. it just dies as the rpms bottom out. otherwise it will sit and idle just fine seemingly forever. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
could be so many things I guess. I am waiting to go into town and get some fresh gas- I think if that is not it.. then I can't do much more here. this morning- as cold as you want- it barely got started, then got about 1/4 mile and conked out. I just left it there and did not push it back this time. I had hoped it had just enough to get into town and get some gas but no go. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
well. I took it out- tried to get to town and it started off fine.. then crapped out completely. I had to push it back and it was like 1/2 a mile and I am now officially exhausted. I am starting to think: YES it could be bad gas. at this point its all I have left except that one wire. and the wires seems to have no effect if I move it or pinch it etc... so its probably fine actually. unfortunately. If its bad gas that will be excellent- as I can just get new gas. I got petrol at a fairly normal station up here-- but it DID start to happen right after i got that gas, and progressively got worse. perhaps as I ran through the decent gas still in the tank. seems crazy it could really be that bad, but its worth a shot. Drain, Seafoam, and fill. maybe that will fix it! tomorrow. its dark now. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
thanks! well, I at leasts straightened it out.. got it away from any heat. I also checked those connectors under the fuse box- my box has two hex screws holding it it. one WAS a little loose- see if that helps. once I fix everything then it should work! gonna give it a try in a second. got to get the tank back on and such and getting tired. and its getting cold.. fog is rolling in. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
seems not so uncommon: looked on ebay and see the same damage (but mine is much deeper) on that one for sale. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/QbQAAOSwR8hdyz03/s-l1600.jpg -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
its not SUPER new. 3 years? there were a lot of dragon flies. still- that should not have those symptoms. I'll clean it out anyway as soon as the guy gets back and I can borrow some more tools. Meanwhile, I think I may have found it. the timing sensor cable must have been too close to the engine, the rubber has two burn marks in it, making divots. I don't see any wires but it could have been enough to fry them. I may take it out and see if I can repair it. any harm in just pulling that sensor side with the hex bolts? or do I have to do a thing before I do that? may totally not be the problem, but it looks suspicious. hopefully someone in town is better at soldering than me (also I have no tools for that one) -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
think something could have gotten sucked into the air filter> hmmm. -
ANSWERED Emergency on long trip: any advice on bike randomly shutting down?
jetboy replied to jetboy's topic in Technical Topics
I just changed all the fuses, just in case. and I'll swap in the spare Omron- is #5 counting from front or back? Yeah- Ill check the battery connections.