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Everything posted by Aerostat

  1. Aerostat


  2. I collected my V11 Ballabio yesterday after not being around to ride it for a few months. The battery (Odyssey PC545) was a bit sluggish turning the engine over but got things running after a bit of cranking. I set off, stopped to fill up after about ten miles and restarted with no problem and finished my ride about sixty miles later. I then tried to start up again to move the bike to its parking spot but the battery was quite dead, just about managing to turn the engine over but not quickly enough to start it. So it seems there is a problem of some kind in the charging system, I am thinking maybe some corrosion in a relay or connection somewhere due to standing for a few months. Any electrical gurus out there to point me in the right direction? Thanks, Allen
  3. I have just bought a 2003 V11 Ballabio and it is clear that some servicing is needed fairly urgently. The idle isn't regular at all so I think a valve adjustment check followed by throttle body check are the first things on the agenda. Next I want to check the condition of the rear shock absorber as it seems rather bouncy no matter what I do with the knurled adjuster knob (is there another adjuster somewhere?). Any recommendations for somewhere to refurbish the shock if necessary? Is there a way of getting hold of an owners manual or better still a workshop manual? I tried the CD downloads elsewhere on the site but the files don't open properly. Cheers, Allen
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