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Everything posted by Pandamonium

  1. Yeah i know its the wrong time of year to sell. Should have mentioned I havent taken it out in the cold/ice/grit, been in the house for about a month now
  2. I'm thinking of changing the V11, fancy something a bit more modern, the alternative is to go all out and cafe racer it. My V11 is the sport, 2001 in black with silver engine and red frame, about 17000miles, Its standard except for some optinal guzzi carbon fiber extras (front mudgaurd, dash mount and starter motor cover)and a small Givi screen. Its in good condition for its age, few marks on the tank and tail (black polish and you cant see them), paint on the frame under the seat is flaking and the angle drive for the speedo from the gearbox is starting to go as the needle does tend to vibrate, tyres have lots of life in them. Thinking about £3250. Whats peoples thoughts? Cheers Mark
  3. Sad day, its a great loss. Hard crash to watch. Thoughts go to his family team and friends
  4. Thanks for the replies. 68c, that does not sound like fun at all. It turned out to be an easy fix, the throttle cable had been pulled towards the front of the bike, putting tension on the cable, when I pushed it back down all was grand. Cheers Mark
  5. Need some help, Started the V11 up yesterday, all grand, rolled off the choke, then the idle went up to 2-2.5k rpm. Picked bike up right and the idle speed went up to 3K rpm. Checked choke, it opened and closed, gave it a rev and the throttle shut fine. Anyone any ideas? The rubbers between the cylinder heads and throttle bodies looked like they had seen better days, ordered news ones, but taped them up incase air was getting in there, still high idle. Thanks Mark
  6. Pandamonium

    New Member

    I think that was the one I was looking at on ebay too haha Mark
  7. Pandamonium

    New Member

    Thanks Pete. Jaap, You have email my good man, thank you Mark
  8. Pandamonium

    New Member

    Hi, That was a nice looking bike, in very good condition. Yeah you do have to make it your own, I havent settled on exhausts yet but the standards do have to go. Where did you get the carbon fibre starter motor cover from? Im missing my cover. Cheers Mark
  9. Pandamonium

    New Member

    Hi Jerico, Is this the one moto strada had in? I bought a black one from them just 2 weeks ago. Nice choice of exhausts. Enjoy Mark
  10. Thanks for the replies all. I'll send you an email now Jaap and we will give them a bash before going new. Cheers Mark
  11. Pandamonium


    Hey all, Im missing the badge/sticker off the top yoke and from the front of the engine, just behind the wheel. Does anyone have any idea where to get replacements? Thanks Mark
  12. Thanks, will post pics and thoughts up asap. Looking forward to it
  13. Hi all, All being well I am chnaging my 2007 moto morini 9 1/2 on saturday to a 2000 V11 in black with silver engine and red frame and 14000miles. Seems right and clean and standard except for a carbon fiber front mudgaurd and a givi screen. Day one will put about 250 miles on the clock so should see what its made of. Should look good parked up beside my dads 1992 1000S in a few weeks time. Cheers mark
  14. Yeah its a v-twin, 1200cc, roughly 120bhp and 100lbft torque Cheers
  15. I shall try............. Also has big touring screen and tank cover (no longer has tank bag) Cheers
  16. Pandamonium

    Hi all

    Hey everyone, Been having a look on the forum past few days and thought I'd join up. Considering getting a 2000 V11 in black. I have at present a Moto Morini 9 1/2 but as there are so few about, believe to less than 20 and mine is the only one in N.I., and no sign of them coming back to life, Im thinking its time for it to go. It is a great bike, thats the deliema, its 2007 and only 7500miles. My old man has a 1992 1000s in excellent condition, doesnt get out much though. Some cracking looking bikes on here. Cheers Mark
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