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belfastguzzi last won the day on August 8 2015

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About belfastguzzi

  • Birthday 12/05/1956

Profile Information

  • Location
    County Down, Northern Ireland
  • My bike(s)
    V7lll Rough; 1200 Sport (last of 2-valves); Griso 8V (first of); V11 Scura 2002 #497; LeMans Mklll [lovely Aprilia Dorsduro 750 burned to a crisp]

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  1. Hmmmm certain evidence points to the Apr*lia Mana being one third MORE righteous than said Grease oh. Perhaps that situation is down to heatstroke though.
  2. Good to know, thanks for the info, Gary!
  3. Docs = The Silver Cyborg
  4. In an accidental way, I noticed a Wordpress site I subscribed or connected to in the past but have forgotten: it's Orson't amazing Travel Blog. Scrolling there, I saw the time he visited Northern Ireland on a Scotland-Ireland venture more in 2011. We went to the North West 200: unfortunately a bad year when heavy rain, a bomb scare and a huge oil spill prevented racing most of the day. Orson was on his Triumph Thruxton rather than V11 for that trip. I think he a few bikes stored in various parts of the world for his travels. Last time he was on the forum here seems to be 2019 and I don't see any author info/bio on Orson's Travel Blog or dates on posts. Is there any news of Orson?
  5. I'm sure I've put thoughts on this before, but a long time ago. I'm sure many have. Along with aging, it's unavoidable. I think not so much about my own accumulation of recent decades, modernish things with relatively fleeting life and use, but the more everlasting items that have built and shaped through generations. They can be weighty and all together they certainly take space. They are often simple in construction and function, robust and good for purpose from past into the far future. Stone masonry, carpentry, iron fettling. Now I feel this is the end of the long line of use and interest though generations: what is present will be dispersed or junked after me. There's no point in passing-on, as these items would only be burdens. So really I should just get rid of such old things to free up precious space I need. But the solid integrity of these things... they are just not 'throwaway'.
  6. Thanks Docc, back in ye olden days there were a few Welsh riders, round and about at V11 UK events ok. Baldini was Cymru Comrade in Chief and he might still be around the forum. He's been more active here than I have, from what I saw previously. Having the Ulster Rally event just made me think about it again. There are active connections between NI and Scotland, England to a slightly lesser degree, but not so much Wales, though a few folk here go to the annual MG Red Kite Rally in Wales. On a different though possibly related note, the Moto Guzzi dealership situation in UK is ever more dire, with more dealers jumping ship, or effectively being pushed over the brink by Piaggio Guzzi. Once again we have no dealership here in NI and I don't see it ever coming back. Of course that means the vital portal connection is unplugged and no PADS, service, service record etc etc. Nevertheless, we do receive the intensely annoying glossy Guzzi adverts for buying into super-shiny Modern Guzzi Life (without a dealer and without any super-shiny aftercare). Is the NA dealer network still in decline, I wonder, these C21 days? 1930 Sport 14 at last year's Ulster
  7. Already, it's year since I posted about the Ulster Rally 3, on May Spring Bank Holiday 2024. Yes, there was a rather unseemly gap between the first two in 2009 and 2010 and the third, fourteen years later. Well, last year's event in the Sperrins 'area of outstanding natural beauty was excellent' and I'm having another this year, same location, same long-weekend. Andy Bogwopit has just messaged me here, so I hope he'll make it. A couple of others from England have booked, and there was a good contingent of Scottishers last year. Does anyone in Wales ride a Moto Guzzi these days? You can see info here > https://belfastguzzi.com and on various pages https://belfastguzzi.com/ulster-rally-info/ https://belfastguzzi.com/book-ticket-to-attend/ Booking form https://belfastguzzi.com/contact/ Photos from 2024 https://belfastguzzi.com/ulster-rally-24-27-may-2024/ 2009 https://belfastguzzi.com/ulster-rally-1-2009/ 2010 https://belfastguzzi.com/ulster-rally-2-2010/ Email me if you've any queries: belfastguzzi@me.com David V7 lll 'Rough" and 1200 Sport 2V plus others still waiting to be fixed.
  8. Driving my Land Rover (I wish)
  9. You know you are writing that on a Moto Guzzi forum, right?
  10. More BELFAST, please! And thank you.
  11. G'day. Riding a V7lll Rough and 1200 Sport. V11 still broken, hence no activity here, sadly. I'll retire one of these years and perhaps then get to the V.11 and other broken things.
  12. Of course you were mistaken: @gstallons am I right? Scud? But I guess this was yet another opportunity to talk about RUSH . Who?
  13. ol' but young(er)
  14. LOL, pics I have. That's the easy part. In fact there are some on that website. You may spot some ol' chums there. https://belfastguzzi.com/guzzi-gallery/ https://belfastguzzi.com/you-your-bikes/
  15. Old times' sake and all that: might anyone be interested in popping over for an Ulster Rally 3, this year? Campsite, nice location in Sperrin Mountains, B&Bs available nearby if that's your preference. Info on website here. Previous: UKV11 and Ulster 1 & 2
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