Isn't it all perspective? There could be a cloud by the.... oh, nevermind.
JR, you give up too easily. You don't believe, deeeeep down with yourself, that others value your contribution. But, believe me: they don't . never mind, let it all out.
BTW I'm in Bordeaux (France) at the moment and have had a few glasses of 'blonde'. I'd believe that there are helicopters.... anywhere.
Looking forward to your future outpourings
How are the Frogs?
Guess a Kiwi would,nt be too popular over there at the moment!
I,m having a red myself!
cheers Guzzler.
Oh 7.45pm Sunday 30/10/11.
He he yet another Sunday!
Hmmm, sunshine, somethings not quite right. Oh yeah, I'm in Europe somewhere, where the sun shines at the end of October.