Nein, such Korrupt speaking-pollution doesn't mak me smaile et alle.
However, after refining some of that swill through delicate translation machines, the purified result does make me smile, slightly.
The last few sentences, in Proper German:
Und efter CCU fifz mehr mehr yer, VE vil Aluminium speking Deutsche wie zey vunted in die CCU Waldwinkel des Drosselventilhebels. Wenn zis WAD es smil, Vorwände pas auf Tonne oza pepl.
And in Proper English:
And efter CCU fifz more more yer, VE vil aluminum speking Germans like zey vunted in CCU forest angles of the throttle lever. If zis WAD it smil, pretexts pas on ton oza pepl.
or, as there seems to be some dispute about the correct contextualisation of Drosselventilhebels:
And efter CCU fifz more more more yer, VE vil aluminum speking Germans like zey vunted into the CCU forest angles of the butterfly valve lever. If zis WAD it smil, pretexts pas on ton oza pepl.