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Everything posted by belfastguzzi

  1. 'Tis evening on the moorland free, The starlit wave is still: Home is the sailor from the sea, The hunter from the hill.
  2. Oh. In keeping with the pastoral spirit, I thought that was a frog on the end of his straw. But hey, now you guys have wrecked BigJ's reverie.
  3. The Tenni Puffin (Very Limited Special Edition)
  4. Try the Tenni Forum
  5. How about this as a 'conversation piece'. If you tire of it, you can always eat it.
  6. What is the software that John O'Sullivan has for his Palm Pilot? It gives diagnostics of some sort. Must include rpm. I'm sure the Palm PDA programme was discussed before – any memories?
  7. I take it that you mean if I clean the cans 'til they're sparkley they will pass? Do you shove the soap inside and then pull it out with the rope? I hope you aren't imagining anything else.
  8. Why are you using a picture of your toilet bowl (post Timmelsjoch and Grampenpas dinner) for an avatar?
  9. I don't like it, not one little bit
  10. I tried some in Strasbourg. Too much cabbage.
  11. Yeah. I think Martin Barrett found out. But apart from him...??? Who knows? Guzzi have to say this to cover themselves. The cans do have the Guzzi badge on them so that sort-of helps them to look like they came with the bike. I'm interested to see what happens when I go for the annual MOT test at the government test centre. Let you know. Unless they take me to prison.
  12. and do you know that Tenni's son wrote great poetry? Tenni's son raps it up He even wrote a homage to his dad's Guzzi 'The Eagle He clasps the bars with crookèd hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ring'd with the azure world, he rides. The wrinkled road beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls.' – diesel spills were a problem in those days too, evidently. He also got quite excited about the limited edition, 600 or thereabouts, Scura run. (Don't know what he thought of the Tenni.) 'When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Honour the charge they made! Honour the Limited Edition Scura Brigade, Noble six hundred!'
  13. I am happy with the way that mine runs throughout the range. It is certainly better than the stock set-up. No big holes in the performence. Fluency may be (???) improved with the addition of a PClll, sometime in the distant future??? MG Ti pipes, the Ti kit (race) ECU, Stucchi crossover and K&N airfilter with half the airbox lid removed. It goes great in the city, especially when passing cars!
  14. Yes this one. Good old Rotax 650 abused again.
  15. Seymour Powell are 2 guys, aren't they? Didn't they design that feminine Aprilia whatdoyoucallit about 15 years ago or so? I'll have to Google.
  16. I'm suffering from Tenni's Elbow. He keeps sticking it in my eye. Is there a cure? Helpful download I'm real glad we've got proper medical support for Tenni Guys on here.
  17. belfastguzzi

    02 Scura

    There's more bad news about the clutch on the way. I'll wait for a while to see if the guy who has suffered wants to post about it, but it gives major reinforcement to the idea that there is an inherent fault with these clutches.
  18. L. I'll try to remember to do this at the weekend. DB
  19. I imagine that the stock crossover is the same and that the only difference is the added balance pipe on later models. I don't think that the header pipe makes much difference to the sound volume?? Apart from fitting straight-through cans, the big difference is definitely fitting an open bore crossover instead of the stock part – and removing the air-box lid.
  20. Better things than quiz points await the brave...
  21. ? You tried to post in the T*N*I Forum? Try harder This is waiting for you ----------> Get one of these and you'll go far...people will look up to you...
  22. That has nothing whatever to do with Tenni! You'll never get a Tenni Match Point like that
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