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Everything posted by belfastguzzi

  1. toilet stops I suppose You haven't been paying attention. John O'Sullivan's photo is already in this thread. He looks like this: so you should be able to spot him. And a trawl of the archives reveals that, Martin Barrett is a bit of a strange bird. Try to spot him, before he pecks you: You'll know Baldini by his 'tasteful' bike: I wish I could find that picture of BigJ. Oh, here it is: He's not so Big. and I think this guy runs the Guzzi Club: This is Nana. She might not make it though: You'll find me by the clock. I'll be keeping a close eye on the time: Hope that helps A year ago sigh. Older and wiser now. (BTW if you look at that link, it's a different Big J)
  2. belfastguzzi


    I never knew that Ortlieb make all those bike bags. I've used their watersports dry-bags and they work great. I wonder are the bike bags available outside Germany (& U.S.A.)? I suppose they must be. Mail order?
  3. And petrol reserves will be finished anyway.
  4. Guzziology has a section on 'Lubing big-twin rubber cush drives'. He talks about problems of 'stuck cush drives' in bikes that came from the factory unlubricated (particularly in the mid 80's). Because of this I lubed everything, including the rubbers, but I suppose it's possible that he was actually talking about the metal parts only, as folks here are saying. Makes sense. He also goes on to say that it has been suggested that even properly lubed cush drives lack enough movement to effectively perform their job. He says that Teo Lamers take out half the rubber inserts and additionaly drill three holes in the remaining inserts, so they compress more. Apparently this dramatically increases the life of driveline splines and U-joints.
  5. Prepare yourself for Steak & Guinness Pie 1 kg Round steak 1 tbsp Flour 1 tsp Brown sugar 1 tbsp Raisins (optional) 5 Onions 300 ml Guinness 8 Slices bacon 3 oz Lard Chopped parsley Recipe of short pastry Cut the steak into bite sized cubes, roll in seasoned flour, and brown in the lard with the bacon, chopped small. Place the meat in a casserole, peel and chop the onions, and fry until golden before adding them to the meat. Add the raisins (if wanted) and brown sugar, pour in the Guinness, cover tightly and simmer over a low heat or in a very moderate oven (325-350°F) for 2½ hours. Stir occasionally, and add a little more Guinness or water if the rich brown gravy gets too thick. Meanwhile, line a deep pie dish with half the pie crust: bake it blind: then add the Guinness/beef mixture from the casserole, cover with the top layer of pie crust, and bake until finished, probably about 10 more minutes. Variation: for the brown sugar, substitute 3 tbsp honey. Vegetarians can have this, but leave out the bacon: Boiled Bacon & Cabbage 2½ lb Collar of bacon¹ Medium-sized cabbage Place the joint in a pot, cover with cold water and bring to the boil, Remove the scum that floats to the surface. Cover and simmer for 1½ hours (or 30 minutes per pound). Cut cabbage into quarters and add to pot. Cook gently for about ½ hour, or until cabbage is cooked to your liking. (Test constantly: do not overdo it) Drain, and serve with potatoes boiled in their jackets, and a sharp sauce - mustard or HP sauce (NOT the US version of HP, the steak sauce, which isn't the right kind of thing at all.)
  6. You've become very flexible, all of a sudden. All the rainwater getting to the brain?
  7. and don't be thinking that we'll be impressed with all those quiz point medals that you have. That sort of thing doesn't wash over here at all, at all.
  8. belfastguzzi


    A monkey escaped from the Belfast zoo this week.See! Luckily not as huge as yours, and he stayed away from the Guzzi. This is the feller. Heh, heh! Remember this: ye olde threade
  9. Since putting my wheel back with everything greased, including the cush rubbers, I have been constantly wiping grease off the back wheel. So a lot of it just seems to be getting flung out, which isn't great.
  10. belfastguzzi


    I doubt if there's much point trying to use panniers with the ti pipes in their upswept position. I have Oxford panniers and there's absolutely no space for them. THe height of the pipes means that panniers have to come forward as well as up – then you're sitting on them. Maybe small, shallow panniers will fit, but will they have room for anything more than a set of waterproofs?
  11. Good news. In that case I might travel down the coast by Rosslare. Is anyone going into Dublin/Dun laoghaire? What time? You going from Drogheda on Friday, BJ?
  12. Hmmmmmm. Could be the cue for a thread called, 'How timely is it?'
  13. Do you want me to tell you what happened me on Friday?
  14. Yes and yes Superbike & Superstock, 11.20pm on BBC1. Wed 11.40; Friday 10pm, BBC2: you'll have to set the video recorder/wife.
  15. belfastguzzi


    Winding Roads in Derby sell the custom-fit Famsa tank bag and other luggage. I got mine from them by mail-order.
  16. Hi Søren It's very strange. All that is needed to change the pawl spring is to take out a few allen bolts and remove a cover. Parts can be mis-aligned when putting this back and it sounds like that is what happened with your bike, resulting in them having to take it apart again. Did they charge you for taking the whole engine out??? At least it's all fixed now and running like a train! Do you know if they fitted the new, revised spring with a bigger coil, or perhaps changed both the spring and pawl arm? If they didn't, and fitted an older 'normal' spring that they had lying in stock, watch out because it will break again.
  17. Better come to Ireland then, 10-12th
  18. 7th of the 7th, perhaps a good sign
  19. Thanks for clearing that up. When you originally posted about the 'recall', I suspected that it might have been a translation confusion but it's better to know for sure. It does sound like the spring could have gone. Was that checked? Was the whole gearbox removed at first, or just the sideplate? Seems like you had the whole engine out :!: – do you know why this was done?
  20. 1, 2, 3 & 4 This just gets better & better. Must have been one of the most consistently great races today. I even had to feel happy for moaning Max. Really happy for little Loris, throwing & wrestling all the way to the last corner and a fantastic podium. Valentino etc etc etc
  21. well, it's push-bike city anyway
  22. Ahhh. Looks like there's a week of TT programmes coming up on BBC1 now, though people will be heading off to various rallies at the end of the week.
  23. belfastguzzi

    Suck This

    Same goes for nursing home
  24. belfastguzzi

    Suck This

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