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Everything posted by belfastguzzi

  1. 24 October 2010 Click HERE to see the full Flickr Photoset
  2. Bad News Dust obviously. Like it says in the title. It's quite common.
  3. Internal Combustion is great, but ELECTRICITY really can be fun! I'm converted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ff_AXVlo9U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOkTrqTd0hw
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt0DU1V4yxo
  5. A Dyson would look better in there. Cyclone power, too.
  6. Mostly dust. Ya want it sent over?
  7. Pt 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-ABelgFdjA + parts 2 & 3
  8. There was once a Brit 'cycle indvstry too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnHYoNdwFnM
  9. series of vids on the 85 BM story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9GF1qFyD9w
  10. Their populist machines were of course affectionately known as Bvgs
  11. Anyone? They're a bit drooly over the Speed Triple alright. £8599 1200 Dorsoduro £9799 They didn't do the V7 Guzzi as promised. Next week, they say.
  12. Some of us don't read wildguzzi very often. Not enough wheat. You'd like this
  13. U UU modern Germanic car maker
  14. Those guys say that you're best to get off and push the 'thing': it goes faster. Maybe that's 'cos the battery's runs down? "The Empulse is a in advance depart from the Enertia, indicated by a way the company is promoting a thing. When you exam rode which first bike Brammo reps were a small cagey about its tip speed, primarily indicating it would be limited to 50mph but later observant it’d do over 60 if you pushed it. With the Empulse they’re creation no bones about the 100mph+ tip speed. "
  15. Well, actually, it mostly looks better than the Guzzi Oddsmobile. It's just a pity that the whole midriff looks it's bursting out of one of Guzzirider's Friday night party corsets. Not nice. If you want luggage? I suppose it does make sense for commuting, when for me, the petrol motor doesn't get warmed up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMIRhNir4FY However for me, the point of the bike, the whole enjoyment of it, is wrapped up with internal combustion. I can't imagine riding on a soul-less, life-less battery.
  16. I imagine that Harry's whisky collection is equally impressive? Uisge – that would be visge to us traditionalists: me, MacGvzzi and Moto Gvzzi
  17. VGLY
  18. Yes, yes, yes, MvcHvggis, of course it be ye olde latine. What I asked was.... did they use it, I mean, vse it, in any other ways at the time? I gvess not.
  19. ah, the spirit of the times and the universality of fine design well, at least two genius design gurus think alike hence this cousin to Guzzi's er, um... sporty, red concept Lovely
  20. I nearly posted about it a couple of months ago, but I lost the details and couldn't remember the name. The thing is, the price is horrendous. Isn't it £60,000 or something? That might be an exageration, or it might not. If this is the same bike, it was very pricey.
  21. :!: :!: Could the analogy, perhaps, be strained?
  22. Never, ever send your childers to Amerikay or to Awstrayl-i-ay Oh, hang on... I did, both. (she had never lifted a gun: until she went to Awstrayl-i-ay)
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkURGXFNNDA
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