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Everything posted by belfastguzzi

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbB1qwhKaaE "F1 engines don't warrant C.A.D. all you need are a notebook, calculator..." and a set of wood carving chisels – see around 30 mins. A marvellous record of these small engines with huge (heading to 1,000 horse) power. (So now why aren't video's posting properly?)
  2. Ach, what a shame, it's so handy to you too. I hope that there is dry weather. I need this to be a recreational break (from work and stuff) and don't want to be slogging down the length of Ireland in the lashing rain that has been our summer so far.
  3. Bah! Dented the cans parked up & pushing it about in the shed at home! Boo hoo. My can got dented – and I was on a road. And my tank and fork leg got bashed/nicked - and it was in the Official MG Agents. Yeah – and more. Safest place for the bike is out in the wilderness.
  4. I'm not convinced by the awkward, slabby looks. Most times that a new variation of the Griso design is produced (and full marks to those adventurers who do so) the original just looks better. That motard version of the Stelvio was exciting looking though. Maybe the Griso should be left alone and the Stelvio be used more as the bike to mess with. If I was going for a big motard style bike, the 1200 Dorsoduro would be way out in front of this.
  5. Ah, right. I've read the linked article, about how SF's calls for help were heard. Ok, it's worth a try: help HELP H E L P !
  6. Spam!? No need to excuse news of such offerings. Except for the major meat-envy that arises. I wish we had some of that flavo(u)rsome spam here. We don't even have the crumbs dropped from dry bread. ____________________ I've just received yet another message from yet another Guzzi owner in Ireland who is left 'hopeless' by the real spammers: Piggy O
  7. Just be aware that using full synthetic comes with certain risks- >Found on rec.crafts.metalworking Subject: Beware synthetic oil Beware etc... etc... haha that about covers it (geddit?) and I'm with Gene. Perfect for the lousy Scura. Do you know that it has excellent properties as a soothing cough remedy?
  8. That's grim bad news, Andy. Fortunate, at least, that the insurance will help. I've posted in the Club forum and sent to some people in an email > As discussed over the last year... there will be a summer get-together in the South of Ireland. There will be camping and probably B&B-type accommodation. 27 - 29 July http://www.motoguzziclub.co.uk/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=14732&PID=182346#182346 Location > Alihies, Ring of Beara, West Cork-South Kerry http://www.bearatour.../ringbeara.html If you intend to go, add your name. Cheers: here's to the sunny south-west.
  9. Yes: that's it.
  10. Not the Scura.
  11. Here in UK you can choose to do a Speed Awareness course instead of the fine and endorsement. You can only do that once (first time caught) and only if it is within a certain percentage of the limit. You would have been too far above the limit I guess. Is there such a scheme in the Nether Regions?
  12. The clatter is probably just the normal Guzzi clatter. Nothing to worry about. They are noisy in the flywheel,transmission area. The noise changes as the clutch lever is pulled in/let out. Top end will be a little noisy. When he said he did something with the valves, he may have meant that the gap has been set slightly wider, to the 'world' spec, rather the tighter North American spec. That should be a good thing. The bass sound depends on what exhaust and silencer system you run. You'll need to put on an aftermarket can to get bigger bass thumps. The good sounds will come when the bike is running on the road, under acceleration and on over-run – and when the clatter is not pronounced.
  13. There were other issues with the 2002 bikes, additional to Al's list. Someone else asked about this a while ago, so there is another thread not too far away about the 2002 models and what to look out for. The thing is though, the problems that came from the factory should have been sorted out over the past 10 years by previous owner(s).
  14. Aw no. Real bad luck.Sorry to hear.
  15. Looks like it could be the Allihies area. Very nice location.
  16. Last weekend in July The Northern Ireland Guzzi group (sort of group) is wanting to get a run to meet-up with others South of the border – and there has been renewed interest from the Eire Guzzis to get-together: so a 2012 plan is shaping up for a meet in the South West of Ireland. There may be both camping and B&B options. Details will be posted when known. If interested, post your name. Kerry/Killarney area, 26/27 to 29 July 2012
  17. The racing has been superb so far, around this huge 9 mile circuit. It can be seen worldwide at http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/northern-ireland/18006142
  18. Please see the pictures and descriptions that are in various posts here > http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16872&st=0
  19. My objection to the direction Guzzi are heading is nothing to do with bringing in new tech, new mechanicals, watercooling or hating to see things change etc, etc, etc... It's this sort of crap! - styling add-ons with no function other than disguise! Design the thing right & it'll look right! Like fake plastic half bell mouths on a Fi Honda, the leatherboy straps across chromed plastic tank on the V7 Racer(Racer? Sure ) shows just who's running the show nowadays. Make us a modern, cutting-edge motorcycle - but make it true to the values of Guzzi - original thought, solid engineering, & design that follows function not just guesses at latest market trends. Sure the V7 might sell - of course MG have to sell - but does it sell more than a T3 did in it's day? It doesn't have to be a fake to sell! Decent, market-leading product & customer & dealer care - how hard should it be? But can you imagine the minds that brought us the V7Classic, the Breva & 1200 Sport with all their chromed plastic & bumper trim turning out anything that'll become an icon? What does it tell you about the Guzzi design dept that the V7Racer is the stuff of their dreams? KB For Baldini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qdv6C9ElgE&feature=g-all-u&context=G236a80fFAAAAAAAAAAA
  20. Jaap, I can't come for the full event as I am working on some of the Bank Holiday period. A few of us on this side of the water (NI) are wondering about the possibility of travelling over for one day only, Sunday 6th, in the hope that we could meet up with people at some point. There is a ferry that arrives in Cairnryan at 10am and departure would be 7pm, so we would do what we could between those hours. I have just sent an email to the contact addresses on the Rally website to ask for an opinion about the possibility of a few bikes coming for the day.
  21. That's a bit of a tease, Ralphy. Or is it a figment?
  22. Apparently the guy that did it was on tv a few weeks ago talking about it. JR must be right in that the lens distortion makes it look odd/unreal (to me).
  23. Lucky for us, I believe that most of you guys don't have passports (or newspapers).
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