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Everything posted by belfastguzzi

  1. Hi Dave, this problem could be the same one as was discussed a number of times maybe 5 or 6 years ago, but unfortunately no reason or solution was ever found. From time to time I and some others had severe problems with the shift lever sticking in low gear and not budging. It was horrendous on a trip down through Ireland where I couldn't get out of second gear. So bad that I stopped on motorway and opened transmission to check if the shift spring had broken. It had not. This problem is not to do with badly adjusted linkage or dirty oil. Both those things were and always had been regularly checked and kept 'perfect' by me and others who experienced the problem. The best that we could come up with at the time was that it might have been connected to heat. That's very tenuous. When this happened to you was there any unusual circumstance, such as being stuck in slow traffic for a long time? There are a lot of small variations in the V11 gearboxes over the years. I can't quite remember now, but I thing that on the forum here we have seen something like 5 different versions in small details. I think that there has clearly been something not quite right with these boxes and Guzzi tried various small mods to make it better. But dear knows what they were up to. Mine is from the infamous 2002 year when just about everything that could be wrong, was wrong. Please report back if you discover what is wrong. Maybe it is just a simple thing that you have overlooked. Hopefully it's something that can be diagnosed and fixed. David
  2. Yeh, non-starting Guzzis,eh? As above, check connectors and fuse. Perhaps it could also be voltage drop due to the odd wiring system that Guzzi persist with. These bikes need a big kick to get them started and slightly low electic supply results in no start. The starter solenoid itself requires a good supply, but this can be diminished by the odd wiring. Even the most modern models are suffering from this. People thought I was talking rubbish when I first reported this on the Griso, but for the past couple of years it's been reported world wide. It's a fact. the old Guzzis suffered from this - and as MG has not changed the start wiring route, the issue carrys on even to the current 'higher tech' models. You say battery is good. Check all connectors as others say, not just for disconnection but also dirt, corrosion... The ultimate solution is to bypass the stock wiring that is routed through connectors and a starting switch that wouldn't normally carry a starting current. This means taking a feed from battery direct to the starter relay. For some reason these bikes are susceptible to sticky starters/solenoids, more so than other 'normal' vehicles. The sticky solenoid is made worse by the poor electric supply and in turn its partial operation makes the demand on electric supply worse. Take the starter off to clean and lubricate both the starter shaft and the solenoid. This makes a big difference in ease of operation. While doing this, look out for any corrosion, metal tangs or other little bits of mechanical obstruction and clean them off. For reliable starting on these bikes, it seems clear that the electric supply must be close to fully perfect and all aspects of mechanical contact and operation must be good and smooth. Good luck with this. Just be glad you haven't got the added complexity, interference and non-diagnosibility non-fixibility (without any form of dealer service or Piaggio support available) of the current ECU and controls! I don't know what I'm going to do with my expensive heap of unreliability.
  3. Any experience of this serious error (ECU) message and any ideas on getting rid of it? Or have I got expensive trouble? 1200 8V (Griso) I don't need to go into details of the intermittent non-start issue as it's been much reported: but could it have a connection to the serious error (ECU) warning appearing at bottom of dash display? The dash is displaying the '! SERVICE' warning, which means a serious fault and I think an ECU related problem. The diagnostics code shows an ECU 56 fault, which is a 'Vehicle Speed' error, whatever that means. The appearance of this error may be coincidental or could it be related to the non-start problem? Anyone got any experience, ideas? I have disconnected power to ECU, but the fault message keeps showing when powered up again. Apart from connecting to Axone or any other mythical diagnostic device, what can I do about this error? I have spent all day stripping, checking all sorts of things. Bike is now starting and not blowing fuse (yesterday it was not starting) but the serious error display persists.
  4. The neutral indicator light on my Griso 1200 8V has only worked half time. Dealers here haven't helped with it. Though a new switch was meant to have been ordered under warranty, like other warranty parts, it never arrived. Piaggio UK turn a deaf ear. This is a major hassle, having to find neutral in traffic without an indicator, not being able to run engine with side stand down... and I have often wondered if it might have any connection with the intermittent non-start issue. It is impossible to get at the neutral switch on top of gearbox without disconnecting electrical items, taking out complete air box and so on. It's not a casual job. I don't know what is causing the problem, but one possibility could be that the switch is not making full contact. As I can't see much of it, I don't know if this switch can be adjusted for height/contact. Does anyone know if it is adjustable? Has anyone replaced a switch unit? What's involved? I had heard a few years ago that there were problems with these units and that they were replaced under warranty. Anyone know about that?
  5. Well so much for that. The most unreliable, cursed Griso does its useless thing again. At first toll booth a third of the way down Ireland, push starter button to restart – and nothing. Kept trying for a couple of hours, bike sitting at side of the motorway. Usually this intermittent factory in-built problem is entirely whimsical and after a period the bike will decide to start. This time, not a flicker of life. Eventually scavenged some wire from the bike plus a bit of tying wire that I had and bypassed the Griso's own scummy wiring to turn the starter with a direct feed from the battery. Headed home, intent to not stop: luckily just about within a full tank range and I had refilled a few miles back. Sat at home last night with packed bags and non-starting Guzzi gloating outside. Shame. Have been talking about this trip to meet up with Southern Guzzis for the past 2 years and looking forward to this weekend as my main holiday break this year.
  6. Where's that non-moderator? He's not doing his non-job and he's doing it very well, I don't have to say.
  7. Quizzical? Points means prizes stumps mean a stumper. All was not / is not as it seemed. Gongs inevitably lead to corruption, yes even in the halls and chambers of the V11 Forum. There came a day when points became as valuable as a Greek Euro. I cashed mine in.
  8. There's the seed of a great idea there JR. Let's have a forum for non-posts. It would be MaSsIvE, in a non-massive way. You could be the non-Moderator. I can't see what I'm typing these days anyway, so this new forum would save a great deal of spectacle related hassle.
  9. Well, congratulations Ben, I think! Congratulations especially for, uniquely amongst these people here, following in my footsteps: though in a backwards kinda way. I'm sure the leak will be easily fixed and should not be a big concern. I've had a couple of oil leaks from my Griso, though it's not the same engine as yours. One leak was caused by an idiot official service agent (don't make the mistake of having an idiot official service agent work on your bike) and the other was caused by me smashing the right side head into a large concrete road kerb. Obviously no idiocy was involved there. I fixed both with large amounts of skill and some bits of glue, hammers and stuff. So there you go: keep following in my footsteps and all will be well. Probably best not to follow in my tyre (tire) tracks though. D PS with all this talk of Google Analytics, I was inspired to google 'JRT'. This is what I got:
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbB1qwhKaaE "F1 engines don't warrant C.A.D. all you need are a notebook, calculator..." and a set of wood carving chisels – see around 30 mins. A marvellous record of these small engines with huge (heading to 1,000 horse) power. (So now why aren't video's posting properly?)
  11. Ach, what a shame, it's so handy to you too. I hope that there is dry weather. I need this to be a recreational break (from work and stuff) and don't want to be slogging down the length of Ireland in the lashing rain that has been our summer so far.
  12. Bah! Dented the cans parked up & pushing it about in the shed at home! Boo hoo. My can got dented – and I was on a road. And my tank and fork leg got bashed/nicked - and it was in the Official MG Agents. Yeah – and more. Safest place for the bike is out in the wilderness.
  13. I'm not convinced by the awkward, slabby looks. Most times that a new variation of the Griso design is produced (and full marks to those adventurers who do so) the original just looks better. That motard version of the Stelvio was exciting looking though. Maybe the Griso should be left alone and the Stelvio be used more as the bike to mess with. If I was going for a big motard style bike, the 1200 Dorsoduro would be way out in front of this.
  14. Ah, right. I've read the linked article, about how SF's calls for help were heard. Ok, it's worth a try: help HELP H E L P !
  15. Spam!? No need to excuse news of such offerings. Except for the major meat-envy that arises. I wish we had some of that flavo(u)rsome spam here. We don't even have the crumbs dropped from dry bread. ____________________ I've just received yet another message from yet another Guzzi owner in Ireland who is left 'hopeless' by the real spammers: Piggy O
  16. Just be aware that using full synthetic comes with certain risks- >Found on rec.crafts.metalworking Subject: Beware synthetic oil Beware etc... etc... haha that about covers it (geddit?) and I'm with Gene. Perfect for the lousy Scura. Do you know that it has excellent properties as a soothing cough remedy?
  17. That's grim bad news, Andy. Fortunate, at least, that the insurance will help. I've posted in the Club forum and sent to some people in an email > As discussed over the last year... there will be a summer get-together in the South of Ireland. There will be camping and probably B&B-type accommodation. 27 - 29 July http://www.motoguzziclub.co.uk/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=14732&PID=182346#182346 Location > Alihies, Ring of Beara, West Cork-South Kerry http://www.bearatour.../ringbeara.html If you intend to go, add your name. Cheers: here's to the sunny south-west.
  18. Yes: that's it.
  19. Not the Scura.
  20. Here in UK you can choose to do a Speed Awareness course instead of the fine and endorsement. You can only do that once (first time caught) and only if it is within a certain percentage of the limit. You would have been too far above the limit I guess. Is there such a scheme in the Nether Regions?
  21. The clatter is probably just the normal Guzzi clatter. Nothing to worry about. They are noisy in the flywheel,transmission area. The noise changes as the clutch lever is pulled in/let out. Top end will be a little noisy. When he said he did something with the valves, he may have meant that the gap has been set slightly wider, to the 'world' spec, rather the tighter North American spec. That should be a good thing. The bass sound depends on what exhaust and silencer system you run. You'll need to put on an aftermarket can to get bigger bass thumps. The good sounds will come when the bike is running on the road, under acceleration and on over-run – and when the clatter is not pronounced.
  22. There were other issues with the 2002 bikes, additional to Al's list. Someone else asked about this a while ago, so there is another thread not too far away about the 2002 models and what to look out for. The thing is though, the problems that came from the factory should have been sorted out over the past 10 years by previous owner(s).
  23. Aw no. Real bad luck.Sorry to hear.
  24. Looks like it could be the Allihies area. Very nice location.
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