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Everything posted by guzzler

  1. Funny, I was just thinking earlier on that we've not heard from DucatiGuzziIndian for a while... Hope all is well in your world ole mate! Cheers
  2. You know just as these disasters bring out the very best in people....unfortunately they also bring out the very worst too!
  3. Thanks mate. Yep, I checked in one of our local bottle shops and plenty of Pinot Grigo but no Muscadet unfortunately. We do have a more specialsed bottle shop in town and a big chain store that carries international and more varieties closer to Melbourne, but with the temp hovering round the 30 degree mark and a nine year old granddaughter chomping at the bit to get home and into the pool, I had no choice/ say in the matter and had to head for home! Will try again soon ha ha . Cheers
  4. My brother had a Torana ( same body shape as the LH here), but a six cylinder. A previous owner had replaced the gearbox with a 5 speed Toyota Celica unit and this was as quick if not slightly quicker off the mark than an SLR 5000 too.. The V8 would eat it once into it's stride of course. Cheers Guzzler Ps I think it was a Celica gearbox but definitely something similar if not.
  5. Ahhh a Countach. My hero car as a lad and had the poster on the wall of course! Cheers God this bloke gets to drive some cars.....
  6. It would also help if the tree huggers cleared a bit of undergrowth whilst on the job......
  7. Thanks mate. I think I've found a couple of places locally and will try and get a bottle to try as am now quite intrigued.... Yeah, I do normally prefer a red and a good robust Shiraz at that but also enjoy a delicate Pinot too. We get extremes of weather down here and when it's hot I turn to the Sauv. Blanc. As for Chardonnay ....No thanks! Although my neighbour a few years ago gave us a bottle of same which I thought was exceptional! It was a special vintage from his son's vineyard in the Yarra valley which he'd been sitting on for a few years, so now know how good it can be.... I think we're in for another 30 + deg day today so will drop into the bottle shop in Warragul later and see if I can find one to try. Cheers
  8. Geez... I might write it down on a bit of paper, hand it to the staff and ask if they've got any of this..... Cheers Ps I would like to try it eh
  9. Mick, I reckon we keep our antipodean interpretation to ourselves, lest we offend the delicate European sensibilities mate.... Cheers Guzzler Ps no offence to those sensibilities by the way folk's!
  10. Gee now I'll know how to pronounce it when I ask.... Although it won't quite sound the same with a Kiwi accent!! Cheers mate
  11. Mate The weather here is nuts, whilst you're getting snow, we had 40 degrees yesterday and today (back to work arghhh) it's 18 and lots o rain....! Hope that wee weather window works out for you eh. I'm hoping my New Years ride might be Friday to the office or Sat to see Dad but if the heat arcs up again might have to wait till we get more stable weather. If that ever happens ha ha. Cheers
  12. Good luck and may the planets align for you mate. Cheers
  13. More than happy to pay for quality in anything... But I object to paying for crap masquerading as quality...regardless of where it was made. Cheers
  14. That's handy to know, as don't like the idea of trusting my motor's well- being / life expectancy to some Chinese process workers quality control...... I know the vid says made in Mexico, but cheap labour usually goes hand in glove with poor Q C. Cheers
  15. When the time comes.... Just hope my mobility scooter won't be subject to this nonsense, but I doubt it...!
  16. Like many bike and car enthusiasts I enjoy riding and driving and actually get quite a lot of satisfaction from doing it well... If I'm to be merely a passenger while some device controls everything then as much as I hate public transport maybe it'll be time to embrace it. Hopefully by this stage my sphere of movement will be quite limited.....
  17. I remember this from the previous post and thinking what the.... Geez, how long before they also shove a probe up your clacker when you get in the thing and castigate you for what you ate for brekky that morning? We bought our last new car 8 years ago and when that's done will be looking at a good used option with fook all electronic listening devices / controls and hope like hell I'm off the road before this era really becomes the norm! Cheers
  18. Another example of piss poor quality control..... Unfortunately, with potentially catastrophic repercussions!
  19. True that Shithouse is for the most part derogatory, unless as a bloke you'd like to be built like a brick shithouse.... Sorry but the Centauro was definitely in the shithouse category he says ducking and weaving!
  20. I think Nanar might be interpreted as Shithouse down here.....?
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