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Everything posted by guzzler

  1. You make a very good point about how we rode and drove in the 70's etc.... I still take a certain pride in Driving well and am appalled at what I see on the roads here too! Be quite happy for all licences to be cancelled and made to be re-taken with a minimum standard rigorously enforced before you got it back. Never going to happen but bloody hell it'd be good to get these idiots off the roads. If you want to play with your toys take the ****'in Bus /train. Cheers
  2. I always thought these were not bad bikes especially with pipes but..... They are a BMW and I just can't like that fairing! However they do seem to be a more civlised (or mannered) V11 don't they? Cheers
  3. G'day When helping out at one of our branches recently, I bumped into one of the customers I've known for many years. He's just bought another new GS1250 Trophy at $32,500 worth down here.He loves all the bells and whistles it comes with and by God does it come with them....! My concern would be what would the electronics be like when the bike has 100,000 kays plus? I doubt it'll get to that all the same but it's bloody hilarious when comparing this thing with the V11. Definitely chalk and cheese but as he says if you were to do a lap of Oz this would be the bike to do it on. Cheers Ps still rather do the lap on an old T3 though ha ha
  4. We saw a new Defender recently when up in the Northern Territory... Bloody hell nothing like the old one and much more like a Range Rover,can't imagine they'd even contemplate taking it anywhere near where the old one would go! Especially considering it would easily be a 6 figure purchase down here! Cheers Ps it was parked in a car park at a wildlife park in Alice Springs and reckon that's as much dirt as it'll see.
  5. Ha ha Wouldn't a get outa jail free card be a godsend..... Stuff of dreams that. Cheers
  6. No revenue to be fleeced from you as just passing thru no doubt....
  7. Wow... The odo rolled over to 00000 again just before I got into the office yesterday morning! Now have 94 kilometres showing on it and still running like a champ! Cheers
  8. Ha ha Love the sticker.... Never too late to have a happy childhood! Cheers
  9. Yeah, I remember those too.... Suzuki must have done well with these (at least here in Victoria) as there were heaps of them about in the 90's. Think they had a dummy tank and you could get a helmet in the storage space? Ha ha think they revved to the moon too! Girlfriend went with a GPX250 instead. Cheers
  10. Interesting... The Chinese don't recognise or abide by any International rule. Cheers
  11. Drop Bears.... Yeah, if they don't getcha the whole fookin tree will...! Cheers
  12. It's incredible how they do blend into the countryside eh... Especially bloody Emus! Mate I near pissed myself at your last comment! A...shocking experience indeed! Ha ha Cheers
  13. You're not wrong about them bounding outa the bush mate... I have a simple rule of being off the bike or off the road by about 4pm due to the wildlife and one very vivid memory was the cause of it. Back in 1989 I did a bike trip to Darwin and Kakadu Nat Park on a most inappropriate SR500 loaded with gear and girlfriend.The original plan to come back via Qld was abandoned due to the SLOW pace ha ha.Anyways leaving Erldunda for Ayers Rock in the late afternoon meant we'd be riding at night to get there.I was wary but thought bugger it will give it a go. About half way into the 260 k ride it's pitch black and COLD plus the SR's headlight was about as good as holding a lighter out front and I see headlights coming towards us from the direction of the rock.By the time the headlights get close to us ie about 10-15 metres away it's lights illuminate a HUGE roo, it had to be a big red.It bounded outa the bush from my left never having touched the lane we were in and landed on the road right in front of the 4WD and it's headlights and bounced off into the bush on the other side! We wouldn't have had a chance had it come the other way! Being dark as Hades out there you don't see them coming till it's too late and to say it scared the CRAP outa me is the understatement of the year.The remaining 130 odd kays were spent jumping at even the bugs hitting the helmet.... Then when we were almost there the road turned into a swarming see of MICE just to freak us out even more (didn't think it possible)! Turns out there was a mouse plague out there but anyways we made it! I've just driven this road a couple of weeks ago with my wife this time and it brought the memory (s) back so apologies for the rambling....! But yeah, a Roo is definitely better viewed from your plate than the road in the dark of night!!! Cheers
  14. I had a couple of Roo steaks when we were in the Northern Territory recently. Cooked to perfection and easily best I've ever had....Yum!
  15. Yep, that's it mate! Apparently, it's $90K's (Oz) worth.... The specs and engineering are incredible but sounds like the reality is a little different...Oh dear. Cheers Ps it did sound good WHEN it fired and kinda think with a weight of 150 something kilos plus can spec anything up to a blown 1098 Duc motor it would go like a dog shot in the satsuma's!! Not sure what the spec on this one was but bet it would scare the bejeezuz outa most of us.......
  16. Well not today but yesterday.... After getting home late Friday night ( Holiday ). Sat was shopping as fridge empty and unpack settle back in etc. Sunday and Monday chores round the house as want to get some riding in on last week of Annual leave and weather looks good! (for a change). Bugger, back giving me some grief after the wood cutting (Arthritis / lower back) but this means the bloody lawns will have to wait till that's better!! (not so sure that's much of a silver lining though). So... after hearing that the weather will now be turning to crap from Wed thru back to work Monday but possible good weekend a plan was hatched to go and see my mechanic Rob down on the coast and discuss next service and may as well get an oil change whilst there. Funny but a good ride on the bike doesn't do the bad back any harm at all and doesn't detract from the ride! So off we go.... Weather a lovely/ sunny 18 degrees and no wind.The bike fired right up and ran perfectly.It being a weekday and 9.30am I had the road down to the highway to myself and both of us just flowed along and LOVED IT. Got there and found a Veyrus (hub steering Ducati powered EXOTICA) was driving him NUTS...Wow incredible looking thing that has given the owner nothing but GRIEF in the 2 years he's owned it! So, I think he was glad of the distraction! All sorted and time to head home,temp now in mid- twenties too. Once again, I had the fun part of the road to myself and both me and bike just flowed along at a nice brisk pace.The Polaroid I was expecting from a few weeks prior never turned up but the paranoia of it still a little fresh ha ha. All in all, a great wee outing even though it was only 160 odd kays but oh so good for the SOUL. Cheers Ps So glad I did this as weather this morning is wet with a high of 13 degrees.....
  17. Not sure I'd want the V11 Hindenburg variant.....
  18. G'day folk's. I,ve also ridden a few BMW's over the years, mates not mine. R90S/R100RS early and the gutless Vanilla monoshock version /K100RS and RT. I'm 5' 11'' and also found that my legs didn't fit inside the RS fairing and had to splay them uncomfortably and the screen dumped the air right in my face! The bars tend to get to you after a while as well. It was a pity as I loved these when I was younger. The K RT had a bloody great barn door of a fairing and always felt that the leading edge was too close to my face on that, but it was very protective. If I HAD to own one I reckon I'd go for an R100S or CS but after the personality of my Guzzi that ain't gonna happen.... Cheers Ps If I were to have a bike for touring with the other half (no chance of that though!) I reckon a sorted T3 would be the go. But it'll be a cold day in Hades before I part with the V11....
  19. Ha ha Perhaps the Ragged Fringe of Eccentricity suits us best....? Cheers
  20. It's the tail end of winter here ( yay ) and I'm riding into the office once a week again... As such it's dark in the mornings and I love the soft warm light of the Vague'lias ! It's about the only warmth ha ha. Cheers
  21. G'day Well with a break in the weather on Thursday I thought I'd brave the cold and take the bike into the office as I really wanted to try the C6 and R12 fork set up.I was pretty impressed with C4 truth be told... The first 20 kays at -1 were brutal on the hands and it took 5 minutes to get my wallet out of jacket at the servo to pay for my gas....Thank god it warmed up further on. Anyways on the way home..Wow! Theres this one BIG dip early in the piece just out of sight after a tightish left hander (this is after a series of great corners to get you in the mood) usually taken at about 100 k's because of it.I've tried several lines through it and hit it every bloody time a coconut so you can't avoid it! It's a huge hit and definitely wouldn't take this corner at any more than 100k in fact often slowed knowing it was coming up! Well the other week at C4 it was a BIG improvement BUT holy snapping ducks urine Batman...This time around it was hardly noticeable.. just another wee bump in the road! I thought maybe I finally got lucky and found a way to avoid it but no I definitely hit it! Very impressed and can't wait to test it more, as couldn't ride the rest of the road at my usual pace due to traffic wet roads and the looming spectre of a polaroid in the post for a previous misdemeanor! Cheers
  22. I also run 34/35 f and 37/38 r on my 01 Greenie with a 160/60 rear. Accidently overfilled front once and HATED it so am quite anal about pressures. When I get to get out for a ride even if it's only a commute I want to enjoy it and not ruin it by duff tyre pressures! Same, always solo and a tank bag only on a weekend away. Cheers and here's to back road misbehavior....
  23. yep, I'm going to stick with 95 here even though it's crept up to $2.25 a litre! Bugger.
  24. Good on ya mate....
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