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Everything posted by guzzler

  1. Yep I had the same issue years ago and they were glued back. Not had any issues since but don't know what glue Rob used. Cheers
  2. Under the old Guzzi management it would have been possible as they have tried many configurations over the years! But under Piaggio I doubt it....
  3. Bloody hell Doc Thats the best looking Gold Wing custom I've seen! These were also a good looking bike as standard. Cheers Ps My GPZ 900 was 225 Kg's and my GSXR11 was 200 kg's so the V11 isn't all that heavy unless compared to todays lightweight 175-190kg bicycles....
  4. Ha ha I meant the weight, everyone carried on about the weight back in the day! I also knew a bloke with one back in the eighties who was pretty impressed with it and saw one locally not so long ago. Thought to myself, gee they still look pretty good too. Cheers
  5. Mate in this day and age of gold wings and bloated cruisers it doesn't seem as bad as it was back in the day... I reckon they still look pretty good too! Cheers
  6. I should add that I've got the bike pretty much how I want it though so no biggie really! But if ever the Tattslotto #'s come up.... There's a set of Alpina wire wheels for starters!
  7. Yep, I fear the minister has put paid to any further aspirations in this regard too.....
  8. Doc I just had a look at my 01 ...No bracket! A few years ago, I even ordered the plate from the States ( yep got an original Guzzi part) and when I gave it to Rob ( Mechanic ) he told me there was no means to attach it! Rob told me no sign of any cracking on mine and that it all looked pretty sturdy as I did get him to suss it all out at the time. Because of this I've not worried about it since. Cheers Guzzler
  9. Loved the spinendipity... I bumped into another greenie not so long ago at a servo close to home none the less! I've only ever seen one other,it was at my mechanics a few years ago and bugger me it's the same bike as at the servo... There is Lucky Phil's and possibly one other greenie that a bloke in the Vic club had and sold but seems to have disappeared. Bloody hell common as muck... Cheers Ps I've seen a red Lemans and another bloke in the club had a V11 Tenni but sold it and also disappeared. Almost forgot about the local Scura but that's gone to Qld. Pps a spine raid here in Victoria might be a lonely affair!
  10. Ha ha If I were a single man and didn't have to debate matters of finance with the minister..... I think I'd try a sportier tyre to see how they FEEL compared with sport touring tyres. I'm curious as my mate Dave runs sports tyres on his MV and we've ridden in some pretty ordinary conditions, and they've not given him any grief either. However the Angels have never given me any issues for the sort of riding I do and I get great mileage outa them.... Cheers Guzzler
  11. This place is and has always been a god send as far as keeping these bikes on the road! Especially in the early days of ownership when having ah teething issues and getting them sorted! Even when you have it sorted it's still a bloody great place to hang out as I get the feeling we're all kinda like-minded! Anyhoo it's a credit to both Jaap and Doc and long may it continue to be such a beacon! Cheers Ps actually I see new members keep on joining so definitely doing it right....
  12. Yeah, reckon I'll stick with my Angel GT11.... I just rode home from work earlier today, 70 kays 11 degrees TORRENTIAL rain and even with 13 thousand kays on them they were rock solid, stable and secure! They've still got quite a lot of life left in them and will replace with same or next gen Angels if available when I'm ready! Bloody good in the dry too ha ha Cheers
  13. Just mingle and blend in......
  14. Ha ha They do look good in the sun don't they....! I get quite a few WOW that looks great... is it a standard paint job? When I tell them it is they look incredulous! Cheers
  15. They are, aren't they....!
  16. Thanks mate I have a Shendengan Mosfet Reg/Rec with another earth too which would help by the sounds..? As we have a bloke here in the Guzzi club who has had an electrical fire on his Tonti Le-mans many moons ago it's something I'm not keen to replicate! Don't know the cause of that though. Will consider one when time comes... Cheers folk's
  17. Thanks mate Don't worry I try not to ride when the weather gets below 5 degrees these days... That looks like it'd be a lot easier to swap over than the Odyssey. Hmmm something to think about!
  18. Thats interesting, thanks fella's. I've had a good run with the Odyssey's in my bike but what a pain in the arse they are to change over... Thankfully thats not that often! I have wondered about these Lithium batteries but like others wouldn't go that way due to the risk of spontaneous combustion and cold weather performance! Sounds like these issues have improved quite a bit and may consider one when needed next? Ha ha if it's ok in CHCH weather then it'd be fine here in OZ! Coming from CHCH originally I'm familiar with the weather..... Cheers Ps do you need to trickle or charge these things as if so that would be a deal breaker for me? I ride year round here so normally battery is kept charged but since covid and work from home I've had the odd period where she's sat for a bit.
  19. Wasn't able to do anything but look at her on the way out to do the shopping this morning... We just got home and the heavens opened! So now just about to open a bottle of Vino sit by the fire and have a look at my birthday present from yesterday, the book Moto Guzzi 100 Years, in between looking out the floor to ceiling windows at the rain lashing the balcony! Bloody nice and cosy inside but still a part of me wants to get togged up and go for a ride.... I can just hear my wife.... You idiot. Ha ha... the fire wine and book win for today! Cheers
  20. G'day folk's. I've been reading the March issue of Bike magazine. There's a piece in it about our V11's being classy/ good looking and overlooked... Also reckon's in the UK prices are round the 6 k mark and rising! He does mention the weight and that performance is underwhelming but charming, yet in another part of the mag they test the new Norton 961 and are complimentary about it's 77 horsepower and 230kilo weight! My V11 has roughly 84 at the wheel and weight of about 215 ish dry and I'm pretty happy with it and have no problem with it's weight either on the move or in the garage! Certainly don't want or need a 200h/p sub 200kg guided missile that has to be neutered so mere mortals can ride it to the shops! Anyhoo sounds like more folk are starting to notice our bikes! Cheers
  21. Ha ha Creaky knees and a neck that's been bolted back together means I'll stick to my ole V11 Sport! I went to sit on a 916 once when picking up my bike after a service and there's no way in hell I could've ridden it. Ha ha doubt I could've gotten it out the workshop! Cheers Ps Jaap's bike does look bloody good though!!
  22. Heh he I remember an ole mate from school dropping round to show me his new to him H1 500.... It was an early one like Footgoose's too. This would've been in the late seventies but I can clearly remember the NOISE the blue 2 stroke haze and ole mate disappearing up the street at a RAPID rate o knots! As the beach was about 300 metres away he quickly learned about the Kwak's brakes or lack of them.... He did get it stopped in time and the sound of him howling off down Marine Parade could be heard for bloody ages! Ah another wee trip down memory lane! Cheers
  23. I loved the old monoshock DT Yammies back in the day! It was a toss up a blue DT250 or a purple XL250S! The 4 stroke Honda won out but if I'd stayed in NZ and not gone gallavanting round the world.... I think a DT400 would have been next! Cheers
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