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Posts posted by guzzler

  1. 7 hours ago, docc said:

    There it is! I can't recall who made them and I seem to remember only one V11 even having one mounted. 

    (Thanks for the kind comments on my>old<Sport. In fairness, that image was from before the 100,000/161k kays mark as I see the speedo angle drive from before the Speedhut clocks. Looking to add over 1,000 kays in the next few days. SpineRaid! :race: )


    I'm at 90,000 k's ( whisker under ) and that is still a hell of a lot cleaner than mine !

    She hasn't had a good clean in ages and this makes me realise it's time to get rid of the winter grime. 

    Enjoy the Spine raid !

    I've got some cleaning to do....

    Cheers Guzzler 

  2. G'day mate

    No not threaded.

    They have an end cap with an arm,the mirror clamps on this end and is inserted into the bar,

    Then when you tighten the allen key the arm expands inside the handle bar and tightens everything up.

    I'd take a photo but as usual with these digital cameras every time you want to use them the bloody battery is flat..

    Hope this description explains?

    Cheers Guzzler

    Ps being a cheaper Rizoma copy I did have to resort to a little bodgery, not much mind.

    • Like 2
  3. On 8/15/2021 at 5:34 PM, VtwinStorm said:

    If I have a choice, a V11 LeMans. It already includes a fairing.

    My maximum budget is 6k USD for a low mileage minter.

    If not, a V11 Sport/Naked/Cafe would be great too. I'd just have to find a color matched Magni fairing to complete the look. Like the V11 below:



    Geez they do look bloody good with the Magni fairing eh...

    Cheers Guzzler

    • Like 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, SFTripod said:

    Hello Guzzler,

              Thank you for the info. The BiTubo on my 2000 V11 has started drooling, & wanted the HyperPro upgrade. Most of the info on them mentioned that it would need to be mounted on the upside, not nestled discreetly. Oh, & LOVE the Greenie. There truly isn't anything quite like a V11...


    G'day mate

    Yep they mount up just like the standard unit !

    I've had mine for about 7 years and nearly 50,000 kays without an issue of any sort!

    Ha ha cheers James, I love this bike eh.

    I've owned some iconic bikes in the past but I can't think of any other bike that I've owned where the magic of owning /riding it is still there after 10 + years and 70,000 kays.

    Still look back at it as I walk away after a ride too...

    A beautiful madness ha ha 


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  5. I have Mistral carbon cans ( no db killers ) with Stucchi crossover and open airbox lid.

    Some have read this set-up before and gone whoa way too much, but it's not at all.

    My wife who hates loud bikes ala open piped Harleys and inline 4's with race pipes LOVES the sound of the green one.

    Also most people I ride with comment favourably on the sound.

    My all time favourite bike note was a bevel duck with Conti's but this set up has nudged it from first place for me!

    Cheers Guzzler.

    • Like 3
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  6. Well, finally managed to get out on the bike yesterday!

    After 10 weeks of covid lockdowns  ( total of 3 x weeks ) crap weather ( plenty ) family commitments ( 1 x weekend catch up between lockdowns ) and household chores I was asked to help out at one of our metropolitan branches due to staffing shortages yesterday. ( been working from home last 12 x months )

    It's about 80 kays ( 50 miles ) away and I thought bloody ripper I'm taking the bike even if it fookin snows!!

    So 5.15am and a balmy 6 degrees I'm togged up and hit the starter.Jeezuz, she's not been used for 10 weeks and she explodes into life at the slightest touch of the button.

    I reckon she's looking forward to this as much as I am!

    So even though it was just a commute/drone down the highway it was great to be on the bike again and I can take the longer twistier fun way home after work!

    Well it wasn't quite meant to be, the weather decided to turn, really strong winds down by the coast not so much fun and knackered after a crazy day so thought I'll take another less fun but better than the highway way home.

    Bugger just before the turn off the low fuel light starts flickering on so that's out as no gas stations that way.

    No choice but to just drone down the highway again and stop for gas at the servo close to home.

    Ha ha bloke at the servo really loved the bike and could'nt get over the colour!

    Surely that's not a standard paint job ha ha . ( she's a greenie )

    Anyways hit the back road behind the servo  and gave her a taste of the  redline in second third and fourth just to clear the cobwebs !

    Ahhhhh SUBLIME before constabulary paranoia set in.I'd seen a few rozzers about as this is the first weekend of freedom after the latest lockdown.

    Home, change and a glass of Shiraz in front of the fire with the wife and the weekend to look forward to.

    Bloody Marvelous.

    Cheers Guzzler




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  7. 5 minutes ago, docc said:

    I didn't check more than one currency converter when I posted the values above.  As it changes continually, it is only an estimate until the actual exchange occurs. An email to Joe will tell you if shipping to Australia differs from the US.

    Joe described other issues that may need attention on the installation. He gave me permission to post his comments, and I will likely do so this evening. Again, I am pretty sure these are the same matters so carefully detailed by Luck Phil having to do with the cam bush and the oil pump bearings:


    Thanks again Doc

    I was just after a rough idea of cost, nothing exact.

    Not knowing what parts required ( just gears or blah blah also needed ) means no idea of actual cost!

    Wouldn't mind doing this on mine down the track as this bike is a keeper eh.

    Cheers Guzzler  

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, pete roper said:

    Well, you'd go to a currency converter on the interwebs and ask. ???

    And the currency converter will tell me...

    I need these gears and this and that but not the other??

    And it'll be this much.

    Sorry I asked 

  9. 7 hours ago, docc said:

    Joe replied to my email immediately and offered considerable additional information that I will try and post later. I believe much of this has been included in Lucky Phil's installation thread.

    Joe did say there are Daytona and V7 gear runs ahead of the V11, so ours will probably be by the end of the year. The cost of £675 UK Pounds is, today,  $924USD  ($1258AUD)  including shipping (to the USA).

    Thanks Doc 


    • Like 1
  10. G'day( or good evening in the Northern hemisphere ) mate !

    That sounds right ( I'm not that well versed in these matters ).

    It was Brad Black ( Brad the Bike Boy), a well known ( world wide actually ) Ducati mechanic who suggested putting it on when my original one gave up the ghost many moons ago.He swears by them so I figured if he recommends them they must be the way to go!

    Never had cause to even think about it again and I ride year round here in Victoria ( well Covid lockdowns excluded ) and don't ever charge the battery.

    Anyway mate you shouldn't have to think about your reg/rec again so hopefully you can get out there and enjoy your summer riding season.

    Cheers Guzzler

    Ps we've just had a once in 10/20 years storm come through which wiped out the power for 3 x days!

    We had a lull in the storm where the winds and rain stopped and I thought maybe I'll sneak out on the greenie.Wife insisted we take the car and charge her phone ( our only connection to the world ) whilst we're driving.

    Wow, very very glad I left the bike at home!

    Also BLOODY GLAD  to be reconnected to the V11 world again!!     

    • Like 2
  11. G'day mate

    I 've had a Shendengan Reg/rec on my bike for about 10 or more years!

    Yep they are good!

    Anyways I don't have the battery light on mine as I remember Brad ( mechanic ) mentioning that this couldn't be connected!! Something about 3 wires and only 2 connections?Or something along those lines. 

    I look at it as a small price to pay for not having to worry about reg/rec's again.

    Cheers Guzzler

    • Like 1
  12. Bugger, mucked up the text again !

    Anyways this was me at the bottom of the garden looking up the street.

    Checking the weather before we set off on a 3 day long weekend up into the high country.

    We were lucky in that we only ran into murky crap on the Sunday on the climb up from Mt Beauty and across the plateau and back down to the Blue Duck Inn and back to Omeo.

    A big part of the Eastern seaboard was hit with MASSIVE rain and flooding not long afterwards, but we managed to avoid the worst of it and got to the Marlo pub on the coast where we had a great afternoon/evening with the locals!!

    What a hoot.

    Cheers Guzzler 

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