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Posts posted by guzzler

  1. G'day mate.

    Welcome to the fold!

    Once you've got it sorted you'll love it eh.

    I'm no mechanic but I can highly  recommend a couple of local blokes who are VERY VERY GOOD!

    Brad Black ( Brad the Bike Boy ) in Oakleigh is closer to you.

    Rob Grant ( Guzzi Repairs ) in Cranbourne.

    Cheers Guzzler


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  2. 5 hours ago, p6x said:

    Did you ever went for the Oxford tank bag?

    I am looking at purchasing a tank bag too. Problem is that I don't have the bike with me to try it on. So I need to make sure it is going to fit.

    I have found a tank bag from Givi on Amazon.it; said to be purposed for the Moto Guzzi V11 Le Mans; obviously the model is no longer available, but I found their newest model which has the exact same dimensions.


    Givi borsa di serbatoio


    G'day mate.

    Yes I did buy the Oxford bag  and am quite happy with it!

    Having said that I have yet to get out on a trip to try it out ha ha. 

    I have fitted it to the bike though  and it fits with no apparent issues and can't wait to get out on the road with it.

    Hope to get away for a 2 x day ride sometime this month and test it out now that the planets seem to be aligning to enable this!

    He types with fingers crossed!

    Cheers Guzzler

    Ps if I can get away will advise how it goes.


    • Like 1
  3. Yep

    I won't put anything but the PC 545 in mine !

    The ole tart is turning 20 years old this year and I replaced the original Spark years ago with the PC 545 which as Doc says is same thing.

    That lasted until about a year ago.

    So in 20 years she's 12 months into her third battery !

    They never get charged but then again I ride all year round here,

    But having said that she sat unridden for 3 months ( still can't believe that ) when we moved house about 7 years ago and still fired up no issues!!

    So I'm sticking with the PC 545.

    Cheers Guzzler

    • Like 1
  4. G'day all.

    After the madness of 2020, ( and unfortunately for many, it continues !) Just wanted to wish all V11 addicts a


    Stay safe and I hope that 2021 lets us all do more of what we missed a great deal of this year

    Spending time with loved ones and riding our V11's!!

    Cheers Guzzler



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  5. I also have Mistral carbon cans with no baffles!

    Really don't think the sound is offensive at all, in fact I love it.

    My wife who is not into bikes in any way also thinks the greenie sounds really good too!

    And she winces when ever the shotgun piped /unbaffled  Harleys go past as well so does know the difference eh.

    Cheers Guzzler


    • Like 1
  6. Gee, condolences on your Mother in Law mate.

    As for the young fella, good luck to him, they (Vic Pol ) need more good people.

    I gotta say though I've been bloody impressed with them any time I've had any interactions of late due to this virus/lockdown etc.

    Cheers Guzzler. 

  7. Well not today ( Saturday ) but yesterday.

    I was going to post yesterday but got sidetracked!

    Anyways been locked up at home during the lockdown for weeks then work decided I should work from home.So the 5 week holiday ( ?) came to an end.Quick trip into the office to get the laptop/phone etc not Friday but the previous one.Well I forgot a particular file that I need so email to the CFO to get a Travel permit, Yep!To go back to the office and get it.

    So yesterday I did a couple of hours work at home and got togged up for the ride into the office.Nice enough morning,bloody unreal to be on the bike again after 3 weeks I can tell ya.Got to the office and got the file.Head for home.

    The weather has gotten even better so decide to take the GOOD way home and enjoy some twistys.All is good until I come off the highway just before the roadblock.The cops pull me over as think I'm trying to escape the Metropolitan stage 4 lockdown.Fair enough too.Both the cops were super friendly and we had a good chat.Afterwards they waved me off before giving me the lowdown on roadworks on the road about to travel.This was on one side of the wee town of Lang Lang.I got stuck behind a 4wd and truck so overtook them.Unbeknownst to me the highway patrol saw the whole thing( on the other side of Lang Lang ) and in hindsight probably thought eye eye heres someone trying to escape the ring of steel ( Vic govt term for the border around Melb metro and regional Victoria ) and gave chase!Saw the blue flashing lights and thought SHIT  here we go, how much is this gonna cost and how many points?Anyways they did the checks, same again never had to show my papers ( sounds like something out of  a second world war escape attempt doesn't it!) as they asked a few questions and they could tell by number plate recognition that I was legit.A quick breath test and they too waved me on my way.Same again bloody good cops!

    Well a little jittery after my close encounter with the long arm of the law but no fines/loss of points, I set off home.

    The suns out, the wind has dropped right off, the roadworks the original cops told me about were on the other side but I did look out for the crap on the road advised about and had a GREAT RIDE HOME!

    The ole bugger run and handled fantastic and the 32 kilometres was just the mental therapy needed.

    Well got home and  scoffed some lunch and did another couple of hours at work then turned the laptop off and joined my wife on the balcony for a glass of shiraz!

    A bloody eventful but great day!

    Cheers Guzzler. 


    • Like 4
  8. Ha ha

    I've been lucky enough to have been up in a helicopter and an old Tiger moth and DC 3.As a passenger not a pilot!

    I've also skydived, my Dad was a paratrooper in the British Army as a young man so almost felt compelled to try  it!

    Although all of the above were truly life affirming experiences, the helicopter  ride  was over a glacier  in NZ,tiger moth flight was over the Great Ocean road here in Oz and the DC 3 a flight over Melbourne and the Port Phillip bay at night.

    I have to say they can't compare to my lifelong love of motorcycling and the experiences that it has given me!

    Gotta say though, how bloody lucky are we  in that we can do all this!!

    Cheers Guzzler


    • Like 4
  9. On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2020 at 8:51 AM, Tomchri said:

    Missed the first picture.
    Cheers Tom 46d29b8e6f3b757f719c948659c83613.jpg

    Sent fra min SM-A505FN via Tapatalk

    G'day Tomchri.

    Sorry for the thread hijack folks, but where did you get the tail tidy/rear light assembly?

    I reckon this area is one that needs a wee bit of attention on our bikes and yours looks pretty good!

    Cheers Guzzler

  10. Guy's

    When are you going to do a REAL  Southern Spine raid ??

    Like the Southern hemisphere  per chance!!

    You could call it the EXTREME Southern Spine Raid perhaps ?

    Seriously   though, hope the planets  align and it's a goer for you all.Have a bloody good time and enjoy it eh.

    It would be a hoot to be able to be there and catch up for a ride and a few sherbets afterwards.

    Take plenty of photos for us down here eh!!

    Cheers Guzzler

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  11. I hear you about getting outa the rat race mate.It seems to be getting crazier all the time!

    We  did several road trips  and looked around all over before we made the move so it wasn't a hasty decision.

    I still work and didn't want to retire just yet so in the end settled for something commutable to Dandenong.

    The fact that we fell in love with where we are and the wee town of Drouin was icing on the cake eh.We're basically an hour from the snow, same from the beach and same from our families.

    It's funny I always felt an affinity with Gippsland, don't know why.I'm not a native either being a Kiwi, maybe it reminds me of NZ or something? Ha ha.

    I know the weathers a bit all over the place but I kinda like having 4 seasons , must be the Kiwi in me, I'm from CHCH so know all about changeable weather!

    Funny you mention your daughter coming down.My wife was hell bent on us moving to Tassie, but I kept telling her wait till we see grandkids as although close we'd not see them as often as we can when you can just jump in the car and drive for an hour.We  now have 3 and it's bloody good to able to see them so easily.Well not at the moment but this lockdown won't last. 

    Anyways mate good luck with your possible Escape from the city if you chose to do so.

    Cheers Guzzler.


    • Like 1
  12. No worries mate!

    Now that I have a new Tank bag - yay.

    The Minister thinks it a good time to clear these from the shed after 10 years of gathering dust ha ha .

    More than happy for someone to get some use out of them or parts thereof.

    Cheers Guzzler




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  13. G'day mate.

    I have a set of these Tekno bags that came with my bike.

    I'm not a fan of them and removed the framework from the bike.Everything was then shoved in the shed.

    Long story short, I'll never use them and if someone else can get some use out of them then free to a good home!

    A caveat though.

    The right side bag was ripped and the previous owner repaired the pannier with cable ties to get him where he needed to be at the time.

    However it's only the fabric and inside structure is  intact as is all the framework.The left bag is all good!

    I'm not able to post any photos unfortunately ( beyond my expertise ).

    Jeez I suppose the other caveat would be the tyranny of distance. I'm in Victoria Oz !

    Still, don't suppose it'd be that expensive to post eh.

    Anyways if anyone's interested let me know and after the lockdown I'll see about getting them packed up / posted.

    Cheers Guzzler 



    • Like 3
  14. G'day.

    I don't profess to be knowledgeable about these matters but from what I understand the PC111 was the only way to get around factory tuning issues back in the day?

    The ECU was sealed or blocked somehow and you couldn't over-ride it's parameters so it had to be fooled by whatever method ie PC111.If you wanted to retune it.

    I know when I first got my bike, my mechanic was trying to get Magneti Marelli to let him access their ECU's without success so went the PC111 route.

    Then he was able to alter the ECU via Tunerpro ( I think ) and now with GuzziDiag ( or a combination of both ) it would appear that it's a lot better / easier to alter the ECU to suit your mods.

    I was also told that the PC111 has been known to cause issues on it's own?

    However at the end of the day I can say that my bike has run better since I got rid of the PC111 but as I have mentioned there may have been other things that may have contributed to this.

    Persist with it though mate as you'll love it once it's sorted.

    I wonder sometimes if getting these buggers sorted is a rite of passage to see if we're worthy of ownership!

    Cheers Guzzler


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  15. Ha ha

    Not to be confused with the Sea change of course!!

    Actually we did a Sea to Tree change when we moved from Bayside Melbourne to the Country.

    That doesn't really count though as it was suburban Melbourne of course!

    And here ends the Aussie vernacular lesson for today folks.

    Cheers Guzzler

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  16. Ha ha.

    We watched that as well !!

    Was good to see the town and environs on the TV eh.

    We made the tree change 6 years ago and don't regret it for a moment mate.Beautiful part of the world.

    Give me a yell next time you're heading to Lang Lang mate, maybe catch up for a coffee ? When we're able to get out and about freely again of course

    I travel the Lang Lang to Drouin road a fair bit so any excuse to do it again eh!!

    Anyways stay safe in Melbourne mate, it looks like we're gradually getting on top of it.

    Cheers Guzzler



  17. This was some time ago and I don't think Guzzidiag was about ? Or if so in it's infancy.

    Think it may have been done via Tunerpro alone?Don't quote me on that though.

    But once the ole bugger was running well, pretty much left well enough alone eh.

    Thanks though mate but doing it myself is beyond my capabilities.

    I will look into having the map refined  at some stage as Guzzidiag sounds like it's a better option to fine tune it.

    Cheers Guzzler



  18. Oh something I forgot to mention.

    After all this was done she was a lot better but still not quite right.

    I think the last piece of the puzzle was setting the CO trim to +40 and no dramas since.

    At one stage it was returned to +20 and guess what returned!

    Hope this helps someone out there as this really did annoy me at the time eh!!

    Cheers Guzzler   

  19. Yeah I had the hiccup/stumble  thingy happening too, in the early days.


    Touch wood she hasn't done it now in years  ( God I hope I haven't provoked the great Guzzi God of gremlins for mentioning it !)

    Not really sure what may have sorted it as probably a combination of things.

    Replaced the crap timing chain tensioner for the Stucchi one ( much better ), got rid of the power commander and had ECU reflashed, new TPS.

    This was after changing out all sensors plug leads and generally chasing the demon blah blah.

    Anyways she been bloody good for ages now!

    Touch wood ha ha

    Cheers Guzzler



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