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Everything posted by guzzler

  1. I have the Hyperpro damper on mine and it's fitted same as Phil's Ohlins jobbie... Cheers
  2. Thanks for sharing this mate! It's what it's all about eh,sharing what we've done and the results in the hope it helps others! The standard non- existent comp damping then everything in the last 25mm was downright scary in certain bumpy corners, jeez it used to deflect and bounce hitting them in a straight line! Fixing this is the BEST thing you can do to the bike. Cheers
  3. You're right on the money there mate.... We've had the fire on every day since early April and reckon like last year it'll be on till Oct/Nov..... Bugger. Bonus though about 9.30 ish this morning it warmed up as the sun came out so after taking the wife shopping I dragged the bike out from under her coat and rode down to Langwarrin to see my Father. It's about a 200k round trip with about 70k of interesting twisties. It was a bright sunny morning of about 8 or 9 degrees when I left with the smell of cut grass plowed fields gum trees and was that a faint hint of spring...? Bonus # 2 was I had the GOOD part of the road to myself both ways and by God did it feel good! Ha ha both the bike and I revelled in it! Bring on Spring!! Cheers
  4. I loved ( still do ) the Magni fairing and lusted after one years ago... However, the cost to have one down here is prohibitive but luckily for me I guess I finally realised that if I went with one I'd have been forever swapping between it and the wee Stucchi! Then I got to the point where I actually prefer the look of the Stucchi! I believe the bars have to be lower with the Magni as well and my buggered neck wouldn't cope with that anyways.... Also adding the marital harmony that sticking with the Stucchi ensues I reckon I've dodged a bullet there! Cheers Ps having saved so much on a Magni, I wonder if the minister of finance might consider this a plausible excuse for a set of wire wheels....? Pps Sadly, no nor me.
  5. Ha ha, it does sound very James Bondish doesn't it... At the other end of the spectrum, we've had the coldest /wettest 2 months of winter in 30 years here, so only 3 rides and commutes at that in 2 and a half months! I can't even look at her as she's all wrapped up in her coat ( bike cover )....arghhh. I'm beginning to understand the cabin fever of the northern hemisphere a bit more now. Cheers Ps Spring's coming at the end o this month so fingers crossed!
  6. Good to see she's properly dressed with her wee fairing too Doc....
  7. Haha, just finished a load o wood and I reckon a pie sounds like a bloody great idea mate! Shiraz o clock in t minus 2 hour 15 mins..... Cheers
  8. Cheers Mick. Might need a few sips o the magic Shiraz to get my head around that formula, but your description makes it understandable!
  9. At the risk of mentioning this and upsetting the cantankerous god of magic smoke..... I haven't had an issue with fuses since having a Shendengan Reg/Rec and extra ground installed many years ago! Cheers Guzzler Ps what's the betting now I've mentioned it....?
  10. Thanks again folk's.... Great info as usual and what a fantastic resource this place is! I reckon I'll add a wee bit more rear preload ( 4mm ) to cover my weight gain and see how that goes. Then a bit further down the track have the shock lengthened by 5mm. Cheers
  11. Thanks for that Doc... I knew there was good info on this on here but couldn't find it! Cheers
  12. Welcome back to the madness mate. Looks like you got a hell of a deal there as you said! Cheers
  13. G'day mate Yep it is in millimetres... Sorry was going from memory 0.6 or 0.7mm but did check my receipts before confirming it was set to 0.7mm.... As mentioned, mine was at 1.4 mm and way out of spec but I also had a few other issues at the time. That bloody stumble/splutter used to shit me in the early days and damn glad to see the arse end of it! Cheers
  14. Still deciding what to do mate... I agree though as I would try it with 5mm shock extension and forks as is first. I'm sorta thinking this might be the way to go... Cheers
  15. That's good to know mate. I'll need to replace mine soon too, as currently at 4.2mm thickness. Cheers
  16. I just heard back from Hyperpro Australia. They can lengthen the shock by 5mm for me for $300 plus postage to/from Sth Australia. Turnaround is 3 x days.. I wonder if this might be the best solution to put some more weight on the front as the shock still feels good as supplied with 10mm preload. To the others who have the Ohlins shock which is 5mm longer than standard....how do you find this? Did it weight the front any more? If I did this, would you do anything with the forks ie put them back flush or leave as is at 8mm up thru triples?? Cheers Guzzler
  17. Fella's. I just checked back through my records... My Phase sensor was at 1.4 mm (way out) and reduced to 0.7 mm back in 2011. From memory the gap should be 0.6 or 0.7! I also had a crap standard timing chain tensioner replaced at the time which probably contributed to my issues.. but make sure the Phase sensor has correct gap as above. Cheers
  18. Guy's It's important to get the right gap for the Timing sensor as well. I did have mine adjusted with correct spacers early in the caper when she was doing what your bikes are doing.Several other things were replaced at same time so can't pinpoint this as sole issue but do remember others having these issues with it when trying to diagnose my problems. Too little or too much gap will cause running issues! There is info on it on here but will dig it out for you if needed... Cheers
  19. Yeah mate Exercise is the key isn't it. I don't work anywhere near as physically as I did when younger plus add in a wife who loves to cook (and damn good at it too!) then Covid and working from home et voila... No way I'd ever smoke again so that's outa the question! Then again it being winter here, I'm back to my lumberjack impersonations so maybe sawing the wood instead of the chainsaw? Nah that ain't gunna happen! Weight's holding steady so will keep an eye on it before any drastic measures are called for..... Cheers
  20. Mate It gets harder to lose weight the older you get.... I'm also kinda fond o my pies and wine.....! Ha ha Cheers Guzzler
  21. Thanks mate. Always appreciate your input on this issue! As mentioned earlier, I''m a bit heavier these days by the tune of 10 or so kilo's and my main intention here is to lessen the rearward bias of this increased weight by increasing preload slightly. Don't get me wrong the bike still handles bloody well and is stable but I really did like that added weight/feel on the front.I already have the forks up thru triples by 8mm and didn't really want to increase that as it does lessen trail so thought by stopping the bike sagging ( slightly ) under my new lardy physique it might keep the weight forward slightly? I guess the best solution would be to change out the spring (it's a progressive one too by the way) next time shock is serviced but this will be a ways away. Cheers Guzzler Ps the backpack does contribute to this as well and I might try without it. Pps All this is really FINE tuning the handling but if it makes it even better then it's been worthwhile eh.
  22. Thanks mate. I haven't had any deflection issues since I did Guzzimoto's Compression leg fix and run Comp at 4clicks from full soft with tyre at 35 psi. Cheers
  23. A lovely dose of understatement Mick.... Cheers Ps he's bloody right about the bullshit rules of Moto GP and F 1 too...unwatchable!
  24. A great idea Mick.... I'll have a glass or two tomorrow after work and try and get my head round it,maybe even a pie or two to add more ballast! Cheers
  25. Ha ha, mate it was pies and red wine that contributed to the weight gain of 10 kilos and got me here! Well, that and stopping smoking. Cheers
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