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Everything posted by Dazguzzi

  1. Dazguzzi


  2. Hi, my brother in law is on the look out for a V11 Sport or Ballabio , Scura etc ( preferably as late a model as possible but not a Le mans. If anyone is thinking of selling one please PM me with full details including price and i will pass it on. Many thanks Daz FOUND ONE ! Many Thanks.
  3. WOW... in 1st gear, good effort. My thoughts exactly. I would not find that therapeutic !!!
  4. http://www.dpguzzi.com/relay.htm I have used Dan from the above link to supply 2 complete sets so far. His prices are superb and bearing in mind he is based in Michigan which is across the atlantic for me, the service is second to none. Only place i would use now.
  5. Fine, that's the way mine is now. Cheers
  6. Brilliant, really appreciated. Darryl
  7. The fuel circuit should go tank - pump - filter - both injectors - pressure relief valve - back to tank On some models the pump and maybe the filter is inside the tank, on others it's bolted on under the tank. The pressure relief valve on mine is a small unit about 1-1/2" diameter fitted to the return connection of the tank on other bikes the relief valve somewhere in the hose between the injectors and tank. The relief valve setting is 34 - 40 PSI The pump circulates the fuel around as long as the engine is running No, you can't just run one hose to each injector they can be connected Y fashion or with a hose that passes by one then the other. Hi, thanks very much for that.That is pretty much what i expected as it is a similar principle to my Cali that has a fuel return pipe on the underside of the tank at the front and only one outlet from the tank. I didn't buy the Le Mans new so just want to be certain that the fuel lines have previously been put back on the correct tank nozzle. My Le Mans has an in tank fuel pump/filter assembly and two L shaped plastic outlets, one of which is White and marked IN and a Red one marked OUT. I can see from that that the Red outlet supplies the fuel but what i am trying to determine is which is DEFINITELY the correct pipe to go to each respective nozzle. The coupling on the injectors themselves appear identical with a Link/Balance pipe connecting them as well. Does the RED OUTLET pipe go to the left hand throttle body or the right hand throttle body. Cheers Darryl
  8. Hi, i have a 2004 V11 Le Mans and have removed the fuel tank. I marked the fuel lines before undoing the quick release couplings so know which pipe goes to which tank coupling. My question is this ,I honestly thought one of these pipes was a fuel return pipe from the injectors but out of curiosity,i have traced the lines and they simply seem to go to each respective throttle body. Would it actually matter if in the future the lines were coupled up to the wrong tank connector and if so what is the correct pipe coupling position ie right throttle body connected to furthermost right coupling? Cheers Darryl
  9. Dazguzzi


    Ok, it's just that i have used it in G/Box and bevel box on my last 2 Cali's covering some large mileages and never had a negative experience with it yet. Got to speak as you find i suppose. Cheers Darryl
  10. Dazguzzi


    Interesting, can you expand please and why did any oil leak become unrepairable? Surely a new seal is a new seal if something leaks.
  11. Dazguzzi


    Same here, definitely think i notice a difference in change and quietness. Darryl
  12. Well it is not the rear brake as far as I can tell. Going to spend Easter investigating. I gain some comfort that nobody has added a comment here that they had a smiliar noise before some catastrophic failure I do use the rear brake quite frequently as I have locked the front too many times when used in isolation. I got bored with carrying a change of underwear. I too had a strange buzzing at certain RPMs and when braking. Turns out it was one of the front brake caliper cover that fit on the slide pins vibrating. A gentle little tweek of the tabs put and end to it. Noisy Fuel Pump? They can make a high pitched whine especially if the fuel filter needs changing. Darryl
  13. When was the fuel filter changed? That would be my first job as it sounds like the pump is having to work overtime.
  14. Thanks thats brilliant, any photos? An idea that i had was to buy as set of used 22mm Renthal Bars like this , cut the centre section out of them, remove the existing clip on handlebar tubes but leave the clip on clamps in place and then insert these separate Renthal tubes into the clamps. This should be a cheap easy fix to getting the bars up and back. Views on this idea, good or bad + WHY would be greatly appreciated Cheers Darryl
  15. Thanks for the advice. Darryl
  16. Hi, can anyone tell me if when raising the bars on a 04 Le Mans if any of the control cables/brake lines/clutch lines need to be extended. I am thinking about either fitting similar bars to a Ballabio or getting some clip on converters that will raise things an inch or two. I am just after a heads up as to how much ( Extra unseen ) work might be involved in doing this other than just actually fitting the bars. Cheers Darryl
  17. I have gone for the VENTURA rack system on my 2004 V11 Le Mans and it seems fine as well as very versatile. Check out their website. I bought mine 2nd hand for £40. Darryl
  18. LOL, ya answered ya own question, yeah Guzzi, a bargin bin special every bike, asembled by drunken vino piza eaters, love em or hate em... me the later, curse em every time ya ride em, park em up each time looking forward to the next ride... farking Iti's Mines a 04 a nero corsa, only one down under that I know off, having said that I havent seen one dressed like yours either but I know the model. and ummm... its not morning its bed time, catch up will ya Yes, sorry about time difference. I will have to remember that one. Cheers Darryl
  19. ya still a farking pom tho and whats with the name? not a bloody ginger nut to I hope...Is your 04 a std black job? Darryl D Morning D, My name is Darryl but often get called Daz for short hence the user name DazGuzzi. As for hair colour, no it was Brown until i joined here and it's now Grey! :-) My 04 Le Mans is standard in that the Fairing and all other panels are Black but the tank is a sort of Titanium Grey. I wasn't keen on the colour scheme to start with but couldn't turn the bike down as it was 1 owner from new, had done less than 4000 miles and the price was great. The colour has grown on me now and i think it looks pretty classy. Getting back to the exhausts i realise that the right hand side one has to stick out to clear the drive shaft etc but why on earth didn't the factory just design the left hand side one to follow suit so that it looked equal from the back. That's why i asked the question because i was certain that someone had fitted mine incorrectly assuming ( incorrectly ) that no manufacturer would turn it out from new like that. WRONG! It's a Guzzi and to be honest the more that i ride mine the more i love the fact that they are different and not always perfect. Cheers Darryl
  20. farking poms... 140 there ya go 40mm is quite a lot, add a beefed up swing arm and you can see why things are wider. mate, there was no need to take offence like you did to my 1st post, none was intended, honest. Thanks mate, life is way too short so let's put this to bed and just get on with each other. Probably both got off on the wrong foot. Please feel free to post anytime on anything i submit. SERIOUSLY. Take care, ride safe and all the best Regards Darryl
  21. Ya quite right, even tho with the 180 there is 15mm clearance which is a lot, I would a thought the calie's of the same year to have worn the same size? maybe Dazguzzi (if hes still speaking to me, note to self not to take the piss with her, umm him cos hes a little straight n stressed) could answer that as he has both bikes? Hi Dangermouse, of course i am still speaking , it's childish not to. My Cali has a 140 as standard on the rear and that just about scrubs the driveshaft. It's Tight! To answer a few of your other points, yes i'm a guy, straight ( yourself ? ) but not stressed and don't worry about attempting to take the piss out of me because it's blatantly obvious that with your level of intellect you would be unable to do so. Now be a good lad, run along and see if you can make a half decent attempt at getting a sentence together for your next useful reply
  22. yeah? mate you seem to have a shit on with my post? whats that about... you own a MG not a german shitter, so stand behind the beast and look at it... obvious aint it? yeah? yeah yeah.. the shaft and swing arm hang further out on the right cos yeah, well yeah there aint one on the left I make no opoligys if you dont consider me civil. Now Confirmed
  23. aye what? both should be on the inside righty does stick out further tho, kinda obvious why when you think about it yeah? NO, it's not obvious why, Yeah? Several other manufacturers manage to combine a shaft drive and keep the silencers symetrical. BMW Yeah? In addition, the silencers on my California are symetrical hence my query had someone fitted the ones on the V11 incorrectly If it was so obvious i would not have asked and OBVIOUSLY several others would not have answered in a civil manner, some expressing the same concern. Yeah? Thanks for your help, most useful and greatly appreciated.
  24. And here's me trying to forget my first love Well, i have gone for putting the Nearside (UK) one to the outer edge of hanger and leaving offside can on the inside of hanger. When measured from edge of rim to cenre of backbone of can both are now almost identical. Oh i feel a Honda Engineering Quality Control moment coming on
  25. Photos ..? Hi, i was editing photos when you posted. Now inserted. Thanks Darryl
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