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Everything posted by Ritratto98

  1. Sorry to hear that. I hope she comes home soon. A Rosso Mandello, si?
  2. Found this add on Craigslist. A brand new bike, no miles! A find if ever there was one. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/mcy/2723706520.html
  3. http://www.allofcraigs.com/2009/08/search-all-of-craigslist.html?cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&safe=active&newwindow=1&q=moto+guzzi+v11+sport&cx=partner-pub-9413604915893153%3Ao8xsd8d7h7s&sa=Search&btnI=moto+guzzi&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&as_qdr=a&as_epq=&as_eq=#1452
  4. Turn the handle bars all the way right and try again. Then left if that does not work. The bullet connectors to the clutch safety switch under the tank suck. If that is it, remove tank and air filter box and get some better connectors.
  5. Try MG cycle...http://www.mgcycle.com/
  6. Well, since you have not included motorcycles in your "revocation" one might imagine your preference would be with the Italians, not your English marks. Here then one might doubt your own brand of patriotism and will subsequently ignore the previous edict. And what about Thatcher and that short bloke that would do whatever the silly Bush character asked him to?
  7. Out of curiosity... how do the pipes sound? Do you like them?
  8. Where can the photos be seen?
  9. Used to be a G5.. now??? Mostly black.
  10. Hi... New here and about to buy my first V11 LeMans, but here is one I recently rebuilt!
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