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todd haven

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Everything posted by todd haven

  1. We carried the Mistrals for several years-- The carbon tends to fade in the Texas sun-- giving a dried, dead snakeskin kind of look. For tihis reason, we now carry the M4. the polished end caps and glossier finish on the carbon take a little getting used to, but seems to hold up quite well. Sound between the 2 is indistinguishable to my ears.
  2. Please be advised-- It has come to my attention that the year model marks on the fiche are misleading. I did not study these that closely. MG dates the fiche per the date of the fiche, not year model production. Hence, the fiche available is actually 2003 model bikes(Fuel pump in tank, color choices, etc.) It's a good starting point, nonetheless. A very large number of pieces are the same. Sorry for any confusion More to follow.
  3. Link to Parts fiche file, 2002 V11 Lemans http://mphcycles.com/V11LeMansAccessories.htm Go get it. Information should be shared, where and when possible. 2003 V11s to follow. Sorry, don't have it for earlier or later in .pdf
  4. The in-tank filter(mfg. by Knecht # KL145) is about $70 from Guzzi. All BMW K-bikes and oilheads use the same filter(p/n 16 14 2 325 859). About $16 bucks from BMW. Several BMW riders place these outside the tank for ease of maintenance. I have heard of no problems.
  5. TX, You ain't spose 'ta(that's Texas talk for you Europeans) use them x-ray glasses to check out the cows. That's beastiality-- and it's only legal in Amsterdam
  6. Robbie, It's a quick 2-hour blast down 290 to MPH-- come on by. You're in Texas-- we go that far for lunch!!
  7. Anthro, I don't know which particular "frenzy" to which you refer, but I have a pretty good idea. Offers were made to dealers in lot sizes and timeframes way outside the norm. Don't quote me, but along the lines of buy 20 in the next 3 days, get them for X dollars off. All our bikes are paid for with cash, not financed. This type deal wouldn't work for us, particulary in the timeframe allowed. It apparently did work for others, and many people got great deals on bikes which we or most other dealers could not offer. This hurt our sales, but not drastically. It had a much larger impact on some other dealers, to the point of some dropping the line. Before I am accused of whining, let me say-- we are big boys, and we will deal in the market where and when we can. We don't happen to believe this was the best way for MGNA to move product, but they didn't ask us. It's water under the bridge now, onward and upward. Those blow-out deals seem to be gone. Yes, we will work on bikes bought elsewhere. Have since we started, and will continue to do so. I wish all dealers felt the same way. When I'm in charge, things will be different.
  8. Yes, we have a website on the internet.mph cycles To my knowledge, we have never advertised a current model new bike for less than MSRP on our website. This is MGNA policy, and just a fine idea in my book. We have sold one bike to Hawaii-- a used Rosso. A year-old new V11 Sport to Dallas. An EV and a Breva to a couple from San Antonio(there was no dealer in San Antonio at that time.) And a few to Austin(no dealer). AFAIK, that is the limit of our out of territory sales. I don't think you've seen an MPH ad on Cycle Trader. Once someone calls me for parts, I may or may not give some discount, depending on the size of the order, and the markup on said items. Many MGNA items carry only a 33% markup/25% profit(I know and understand the difference.) I am unaware of any OE products on our website advertised for less than MSRP. MGNA did have a price increase recently, and some may not have been updated yet. I do not advertise oil filters, at any price. Stucchi crossover is not a factory part. Thanks for bringing my low price to my attention. It will change Monday. BTW, I buy those crossovers from MG Cycles. I have imported some pieces, but lack the warehouse space and volume turnover to make it worthwhile-- that's a job for cheeseheads. I think MG Cycles watches Euro fluctuations and the like much closer than I. I get a few bucks off. I wager they would do the same for your local dealer. I also buy oil filters and v/c gaskets from Rick and Gordon. Again, a few % points off what they sell them for on the web. I choose not to charge retail for oil filters, simply because $18.75 is a butt-jam, and I would not pay it myself. I am confused by your take on warranty work. How do I undercut another dealer when he refuses to do warranty work? (This is also a violation of the MGNA dealer agreement.) Warranty work carries a fixed handling percentage on parts used, and a labor reimbursement based on real shop-rate. Information is not a secret-- We provide information for all who want it. Dealer, independent repair shop, individual. TPS settings are not black magic. Nor are C/O readings. No secret handshake required. Properly-tuned machines make for happy customers-- who tell their friends what a great bike this is-- and maybe the friend buys a new bike. Which simply continues the viscious cycle of new bike sales. Where will it end? Every person in our shop has done a lifetime's worth of oil changes and valve adjustments. No one would feel put out if neither job ever came our way again. Grudgingly do it to our own machines. These tasks are also not a huge profit center. Much more a service for those can't, or don't want to, do the job themselves. One of many we offer. Some more profitable than others. If you refer to the later manual petcock from MG(03 California, e.g.) that petcock is not shown on MG Cycles website, and to my knowledge, is not sold by them. List price for the latest MG manual petcock has gone from $19.xx to $39.xx, MSRP. Not my doing. We don't get upset about installing parts we don't sell. We simply don't. And again, this is all within reason. If Texas Redneck has an oil filter in the saddlebag of his Solex, We'd probably agree to go ahead and change his oil, provided he kept his clothes on. I don't know if this policy gains us customers, but I am certain it has prevented us from getting some we are better off without.
  9. Mr Laing, As a whining dishonest greedy "storekeeper", I'd like to pipe in here. I mentioned above the need for a shop to make profit(dirty word) in order to survive. All the good intentions, well wishes, and the "brotherhood of steel" crap, as enjoyable as it is, does not pay rent, or any of the other expenses outlined in my earlier response. 10% net profit would be ideal. We would do backflips if we made 1/2 that. Re your earlier post, please explain how MPH(or the others you mention) has undercut smaller(however this is defined) dealers. We have such a small staff(4, including part time office mgr/receptionist) that illness, vacations, and time off put a huge burden on the the remaining employees. Please enlighten as to how the "small" dealers get by.(we work Mondays,too.) As per warranty-- if I had a dollar for every bike we have done warranty work on not bought from us, I'd have a huge fistful. How about warranty for a 3-state area, with others from as far away as Miss. and Va. (bikes transported for warranty work.)? Do we rate a bonus from MGNA for that? I think not. If your dealer got paid less than his shop rate for warranty work, he needs to tighten up his internal paper work. MGNA has well-outlined procedures for establishing warranty pay rates at regular shop rate, and notify dealers of same quite prominently when "adjustment" time comes around(going on at present.) Yes, warranty is paid in parts credit-- this works quite well for us. Pays for the tank bags, saddlebags, windshields, tail racks, carbon fiber bits and apparel, etc. hanging on the wall. When they sell-- pure profit(bad word again). Our lead tech has the trans recall time down to warranty rate after a few. We've done 12. This is the way warranty works. It is an industry-wide complaint--Ford had a huge revolt 2 years ago over warranty labor times-- and guys learn to work around it. Guzzi is no different from any vehicle manufacturer in this respect. I am sorry your trans leaks, but if it's the side plate leaking, there is no seal. Flange sealant is required, and not really a big job(20 mins?). I am not aware of any seal on the 6-speed which requires sealant or cement. The dealer should cover this, IMHO. We would. There is such a thing as not paying enough. "Price is what you pay, Value is what you get"- Warren Buffet Oh yeah-- We're not storekeepers. We don't sell 2-liter bottles of Coke. Or 48 ounce bottles of Tide laundry detergent. We sell repairs of machines, and there is more to it than shows up on the bottom line of the invoice. YMMVl Life is not Wal-Mart.
  10. In the "Spray and Pray" category, here's how the "lawmen" in Texas do it. http://www.anomalous-images.com/news/news281.html 12 of 33 shots fired hit this "perpetrator". 24 shots came from one officer. I wonder if his friends call him "Ace"? These guys need more range time
  11. A common misconsception, David. Parts mark-up is a part of overall profit structure. Far too many of the "mom and pop" motorcycle dealers might go along with this line of thinking. And fail as a result. It doesn't pay the bills. Just the facts. Not enough profit generated per man-hour. Fees, permits, garagekeepers and workers comp ins.,haz-mat disposal, uniforms, shop equipment. All costs in a shop not borne by internet warehouses. If you want to work on your bike in your garage or driveway-- have a party. More power to you. But DIY means just that. Working on one's bike can be rewarding and fun. And quite cost-effective. We sell parts to a large number of DIYers. And help out when they get in over their heads. Loan a tool to use in the parking lot? No problem at all. But the places that sell cheap tires also sell tire irons. Or go together with a few buddies and buy a tire changer. (ours cost $4000.00, $2500.00 for the balancer) Again, have a party. Our labor rate doubles if you provide the part. Now how much did you save?
  12. Case in point-- we have had several customers approach about buying Arai helmets. We do not currently carry helmets, and thought it would be great to have a helmet to offer our customers. In particular, we liked the idea of no cut-rate-internet sales(excluded in the Arai dealer agreement). Sell for any price you like, but no advertising below list price. Arai wants helmets fitted in the store. This supports a dealer who will pay to stock their product. The Arai sales rep(who rides a late model BMW which we service) admitted they have a "problem" with the internet. Brand new, latest model 05 color schemes on E-bay for $40 over dealer cost, with free shipping. The guy calls himself a "shopping service" No exchanges, no refunds, just another internet whore. He actually encourages people to go local to an Arai distributor, try on the different styles and sizes,and contact him for a new helmet for a "fraction of the retail price". 3 of 4 riders in our shop wear Arais-- it would have been the only line we carried-- I believe we could sell quite a few, among our riding group and clientele. No thanks. $5000-$6000 investment for an initial order in order to make $40-50 per lid?--Pass. The Arai rep left unhappy, but not mad-- He understood perfectly. Not everything in life should be ordered online-- And when we service his bike-- he doesn't carry in parts-- he seems to know better. "Price is what you pay, Value is what you get." --Warren Buffet
  13. All Guzzis use the big pivot, same as early Ducatis. Also available from a friendly dealer in Houstonmph cycles
  14. --Methinks you're just lookin' in the wrong place-- Ever been to Houston?
  15. Hmmm. Cornholio.. I don't think I like your game, Tex Then again, George Bush comes up as Fudge Packer-- It can't be all wrong.
  16. Sorry,JRT The new black face speedo have a 12mm thread where the cable attaches. Old, white face us a 16mm thread Cable engagement is defferent also. We tried that when the originals kept crapping out.
  17. The number you mention is for the Lemans/Nero Corsa and Rosso Corsa Their is also a new, different cable for the Ballabio/Cafe Sport and Coppa Italia. All of the originals were crap.
  18. Tried that here(transponder in tank bag)- and got a bill in the mail for the toll, plus a $6 fee for running the gate each time. 3 missed tolls equals $21.00-- a little rich for my blood. Guess next time I go through with midle finger exposed, just so I can be sure it's me in the picture
  19. Welcome, and don't let Tx scare you.. like our watchdog, his bark is much worse than his bite. You don't disclose your location-- all that follows applies to USA- FWIW The Rossos' were subject to the trans recall, but not the rod bolt recall(only early 2000 models,[even yours was past that date,TR]) The engine paint will bubble between 2-5k miles. I am unclear on how this is handled on a bike quite out of warranty-- If you are in the US, contact customerrelations@motoguzzi-us.com with your VIN number and ask for details. Always loved the Rosso, one of my favorites. That paint in the sun is a true thing of beauty. 1 of the 3 we sold was to a dear friend, who died last year of cancer: http://mphcycles.com/Neil.htm Can't see or think of one without thinking of Neil. Please do what he would do-- ride the hell out of it. They're great at it. And man, so was he.
  20. So, you avoid this problem by not wearing pants? Must play hell with the recliner
  21. We've replaced a few pumps, mostly in Cali's as opposed to V11's. None on in-the-tank system. Unable to tie to low fuel condition. More likely when bike sits 2-3 months. The petcocks fail when the wires break off-- the manual ones are a good upgrade. The "vapor lock" problem we have only heard of once in Houston-- and were unable to repeat when the bike was in the shop. Bike belonged to a friend-- offered to fix him up w/ fuel pressure guage and instructions for trouble-shotting, but he wimped out. No recurrence in 1 year +. Maybe if it would just get hot here once in a while. Not a big believer in the "boiled-fuel" theory, but been wrong before. Maybe more altitude-related? Still looking for answers.
  22. ST, Blacked out headlight--? Track bike? What is needed to be street legal-
  23. todd haven

    Dog Love

    Dog People-- Think back about a dog you had in the past. If you don't smile, and get choked up-- you're not dog people-- Now wipe the tear from the corner of your eye, and go pet, scratch, whatever that spot that makes the leg twitch for the current animal(s). And think about that one not being around. Repeat as needed. "The world was conquered through the understanding of dogs; the world exists through the understanding of dogs." - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Man's Best Friend, indeed. My condolences.
  24. So, did you toss in the gold tooth, hat with a feather and pearl-handled pistol, or did the new owner add those touches,too?
  25. Somehow, I don't see your picture, coupled with that alluring invitation, selling many airline tickets. But I've been wrong before...
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