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todd haven

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Everything posted by todd haven

  1. Missed it. I bow to your discretion, O Quiz Master.
  2. Winner. I was hoping it would take longer... The creator(Todd Fell) passed through our place earlier this week en route to Daytona. Assembled from pieces, it is cute to look at. The "bars" are firmly attached to the fuel tank. I figure it will soon be in some rich guy's garage, between the beer cooler and the SUV. Strictly object d'art.
  3. Year and model, and the interesting story behind this rare beauty.
  4. Ouji, The V11 uses the H4 3-prong headlamp bulb. I am confused by your post about 4-prong? Small park light bulb in the lamp is unaltered.
  5. Got my batch, Pete. Thanks. Paypal will go out Monday. 5 available pardon the
  6. This guy has what you need: http://www.easternbeaver.com/Home/Main/Pro...ts/h4_kits.html
  7. Alex, just how do you force yourself to leave those wonderful knives at home everyday?
  8. As do I. But buy Jon's first. He is starting a Griso fund
  9. Greg, Let the German know that the tank from Mikes' 96 R1100GS, orignally sold in Europe with a plastic tank, then imported to the US by a serviceman, began oozing raw fuel through the plastic about 6 weeks after ethanol was added to our fuel in March 06. This bike at the time had 80K on it, with no fuel tank issues. Looked like a blister, as if from a bad sunburn. Started with one small blister, smaller than a dime. A week later, there were 15-20 blisters. Replaced tank with used metal tank, no problem since. Never seen such a thing on the V11 tanks. Never seen one with 80K, either.
  10. Rather than a decal, tis is actually a thin plate of aluminum, with the logo cut out, letting the CF show through. Can weighs a bit under 5 pounds each.
  11. Thanks, Wick I started to post much the same info, went to check on something, and came back to a confused computer. Might even have a few stickers left, but it may take a while to dig em up. M4s are now coming with a black/grey emblem that stands out less.
  12. Sorry if I came as a reactionary jerk. “Happens to every guy sometimes this does”- Yoda Not my intent. M4 is a good product. If you don't buy em from me, buy from FalcoLion. The carboin holds up much better to UV than the Mistrals, IMHO.
  13. Don't know if you are aware... There are Guzzi dealers who also offer M4 exhaust. Here for the long haul, and not for a quick buck, I am
  14. 31741760 is the tail lens shown for European Nevadas, Quota 1000 & 1100, Sport 1100, Daytona, Daytona RS. Not shown for V11 variants. I don't know why, would have guessed them to be the same. Will check and see if the number changes on Monday. Need to access Guzzi Parts World Command from my work computer....
  15. Ok, If I posted a thread about tires, or oil, or Allah forbid , Global Warming, and it turned to techniques for soaking corks, or what have you, being that I have no interest in soaking the cork of any other male, I might just decide not to open that thread, even if it went to several pages. I see the gun twist the same way. If you are turned off by an activity, howza bout not looking at it? Not as if the BOTM has big pic of a gun, or a wet cork even C'mon. "I don't like this topic, so no one else can discuss it??" Sounds rather Puritanical. For a European. We have TV stations here that play nothing but Spanish broadcasting. It doesn't interest me, and disturbs me on some level. So, I just pass em by. Is that so difficult?
  16. Thanks, And I wondered what took you so long
  17. I concur wholeheartedly. And again, I won't say a word about guns
  18. Alex, Is it legal to carry such a weapon with you in public? On a bike? In a car? A knife can be a highly effective self-defense weapon. It's value as such while locked in a display case is somewhat reduced. There are restrictions here based on blade length, folding vs fixed blade, etc. I won't say a word about guns, or Jaap will send me to time-out
  19. Tx Redneck graced MPH with his presence for a solid 6 hours today, and AGB never poked up his head once, the entire day BTW, Tex has his eye on a Sport 1100i Beware, he may be back sooner than you expected
  20. Actually, I don't carry, most of the time. My experiences with law enforcement have left me unwilling to rely solely on others for my protection. I hope it never comes to it, but I won't hesitate to act in self-defense.
  21. Thanks, Mr Bean I couldn't figure out why it didn't work
  22. Interesting... What is it the realtors say?? Location, Location, Location 2 fellow employees carry guns. Several friends carry. Including a high school teacher. None has ever committed a crime, AFAIK. None intends to. None has ever shot anyone. Nor intends to. I trust them implicitly. All are responsible people. It's the people driving cars I fear. They do a hell of a lot more damage. Gotta run, need to clear off my desk before I go home.
  23. Yeah, Who'd be dumb enough to mess around with a wimpy little 9mm.
  24. VA Sean will want to talk to you about a final disposition of the estate of your lemans fairing. He is on this site, if he has not contacted you yet...
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