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todd haven

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Everything posted by todd haven

  1. That would be post #21, with the flashing/cycling pictures. The thread started as a salute to veterans. I see it as akin to a post recognizing Mother's Day, and someone feeling the need to point out some whacked-out POS who killed their child in a crib with a claw hammer. Pictures included. I didn't accuse you of anything other than overstepping the bounds of what I see as appropriate. You may see things differently. I'm ok with that. I was offended by your post. I thougt it way out of line. If that bothers you, I am ok with that as well. The thread was about veterans. I thank and respect them for what they have done. We have other threads here about Abu Ghirab, Saddam hanging, etc. I had a relative killed in Lebanon in 1989-1990. On a "UN peacekeeping mission". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_R._Higgins So no, you don't have to remind me what our veterans have fought against. And, I will spare you the graphic details of his death. It was far from pretty.
  2. I agree Jim, And there will be no further opportunity to "Vote Bush Out". I tried, both times. Pull the post, Dave. It is an affront to the 99.9% of service men and women who have done their jobs, as directed.
  3. The grey painted cover w/ red lettering has been on back-order in the US for 3 forevers. Used only on the 00-01 V11 Sports. Same cover with black letters is readily available. P/N for grey w/ red letters is 01023530.
  4. Wow Ralph, When you said "click to enlarge", you weren't messing around
  5. Got our first batch(aside from Mike's Daytona RS sampler, which went into a customer bike) today. The lovely Deanna made the remark "$60 to ship THAT?" It was quite heavy, by the way..... She seemed much relieved when I explained that the number on the Aus Mail Pak referred to those little bitty Oz dollars. And not our big, manly, globe-dominating US dollars
  6. http://www.guzzitech.com/CrackedHeadlight-Pat_H.html silver reflector will be the same for all bikes. The number I listed for the glass lens is for RHD'ers (different beam pattern)
  7. Perhaps a rule change, implementing figure skating judges, so as to consider degree of difficulty, charisma, spirit, and "presence"? Change the rules if you like. But the rules are the rules. When you change them and someone says you are changing the rules to benefit 1 racer, 1 team, or 1 design, don't be a bit surprised if you get compared to Nascar. Without the Skoal, Marlboros, and Miller Lite. Players, Gauloises, and Peroni seems to be different.... Had Vale won, it would have been hailed as the greatest comeback ever, and justifiably so. As it is, Hayden is "not a real champion." Same system, same rules Consistency, please
  8. Well, Ain't you the good sport How long till the Euros start crying about blood-doping, steroids, or some such. Your game, your rules, and an American won. Fair and square. I agree Rossi is among the best ever. But not this year. As we say in Texas, Quit yer bitchin'
  9. Pete, I'm the youngest of 5 brothers. Patience was learned at an early age. Just don't hang me upside down by my ankles, please. Any Northern US types who need a plate to go with a "winter hibernation" type maintenance, 1 or 2 of the first batch from Pete are available. If not, let me know, and I can put you on a list for the second run. 1 goes in the 3200 mile Cafe Sport we have in getting crank,rods, oil pump, ft and rear main, etc. And an oil pressure switch. The motor you save may be your own.
  10. Spoke with Tx yesterday. He has been having computer/internet problems at his hacienda. He thinks he has it just about squared away, and just as soon as his back recovers from climbing the pole to get access, he'll be along to let everyone know how he is doing.
  11. todd haven

    My Griso

    re the oil leak. We had a Griso on which the breather box(#1 in pic) had not been machined. Pressurized the crankcase within 10 seconds of running. This was, of course, discovered about 5:45 pm on a Friday, with a customer on the way from 200 miles away to pick it up the next morning. A quick call to technical services yielded "Humm-- Let us know what you find." Mike had it apart and noodled out by 8 pm. Customer went away happy. In our instance, it looked as if one hole was never drilled. Perhaps you've got one that wasn't machined properly? Just an idea. Never seen the oil pressure light or gearbox noise issues, no help there. Martin, it really does my heart no good to hear of such problems. We would sell many more bikes if there were nothing but glowing reports of Guzzi dealer service.
  12. Those are 2 x 55W driving lights. plus a 55/60W headlamp. Maybe it comes with a spare battery in the saddlebag?
  13. Alex, I would be glad to post any parts manuals you have. I won't post repair manuals. It's a fine line, but I have no problem posting parts manuals. I view them like a phone book-- it should be public information. Phone repair manuals are up the manufacturer to release.
  14. Thanks for the reference, Alex. To avoid confusion, please be advised that Guzzi labeled these files with respect to the model introduction, not production year. Therefore, the "2002" fiche actually covers what we call 2003 MY bikes(e.g, ft crossover and in-tank pump) Pictures are helpful for understanding, and re-assembly. Painted parts, etc. have confused some folks when ordering. Please confirm with your delaer, if there is any doubt, prior to ordering. We have no .pdf files other than those listed on our site.
  15. Or come to Italy,Tx this weekend. We will analyze your every need, in addition to it's root causes. Then we'll drink some beer, solve the worlds' problems, and wake up in the morning to some hot coffee. Elton John plays on the Town Square at Noon... ZZ Top was unable to make the rally, due to a severe infestation of head lice. If you get any free pharmaceutical samples from a sympathetic doc, bring em along. Be sure to bring along enough for everyone-- anything less would be rude. Jon, you are correct my friend. +1 to Ambien. They could charge money for that $hit See ya tomorrow, Tex
  16. Check their letterhead, I think it actually says Piaggi Group Oceania
  17. Greg is correct. Parts are still Guzzi's #1 problem. Warranty payment I hear as a complaint, but in our experience, it is not an issue. I've been paid for 2 California clutch claims. No parts, however Ditto 2 fuel tanks. Approvals are obtained 99% of the time. Credits have been on time. Is it as much $$ as we want-- Hell no! There are ways to work around these things. We do warranty for a 5 state area, on a whole slew of bikes we didn't sell. Hopefully, those folks remember when it's time for a new one. Or, they call the discount dog...
  18. Hey Jon, Didn't you get into Guzzis in order to slow your butt down? Yeah, that's what I thought Glad you're liking it.
  19. http://tcrf.com/constitution/constitution.html http://tcrf.com
  20. Pete, Got your protoype. It appears to be the hounds' huevos. Let me know when you have your more important matters handled, we will be ordering a large batch. Best with Mum,
  21. Friedman earlier this week also said that we would not pander to different ethnic groups while campaigning for governor. "I don't eat tamales in the barrio, I don't eat fried chicken in the ghetto, I don't eat bagels with the Jews for breakfast," said Friedman, who is Jewish. "That to me is true racism." http://chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/metro/4180862.html
  22. Dlaing, you didn't complete the reading assignment.
  23. Tex, When we are in charge, things will be different: We already have our Constitution: http://www.tcrf.com/constitution/English/d...on-English.html
  24. Well, it beats the hell out of collecting stamps, in my opinion.
  25. new cable # 01760492. Aailable in US, so it should be readily available in Europe.
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