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todd haven

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Everything posted by todd haven

  1. 00-01 V11 Sport ECU 01729530 2002 Lemans ECU 01729531 I believe the number changes from the 30 to the 31, will have to check tomorrow when I have all the rest of my "stuff" 2003 Vll Lemans ECU 01729590 Luhbo, no oxy sensor in the USA on V11's will edit when I check the other number. no mapping info is provded to dealers--->>>>
  2. "We Colonials" who are in the know would sooner have our testicles smashed flat with a wooden mallet than be cursed with a Jaguar. Italian bikes, German cars, for me please. Make my living on both. English cars have been banished. Not because our mechanics could not make a living off them. Hardly. Rather, because the turds would not stay fixed long enough to go home without something else breaking.
  3. And perhpas some take their politics too seriously. Give it a break already. In the last 25 years, I have found myself on both ends of the political spectrum. Finally settling on a Libertarian-based, (paying payroll taxes, business taxes, dealer license, sign permit fees, dumpster permit fees, alarm permit fees, oil storage fees, battery recycling fees, welding equipt. fees, "other combustible material fees",collecting sales tax for the state, can have that effect) restricted government approach, I avoid political discussions in social settings. When was the last time you saw anyone, regardless of their background, slap their knee, and say-- "by George, I had not looked at it from your point of view. I certainly understand you viewpoint, and how you arrived at it." You see, I have said that to people from both sides of the spectrum. I now realize they were both dead wrong, and of course, only my viewpoint is the correct one.
  4. And one that prevented me from owning a gun is one I would not willingly participate in. So we're even. I'm glad you enjoy the structure of your society, and feel the need to criticize mine. For the record, I have never pointed a gun at anyone.
  5. Guzzi p/n 01107231 msrp $388.00 usd PM sent
  6. And a Desert Eagle that's one great big ol' pistol I mean .50 caliber made by badass Hebrews -James McMurtry "Choctaw Bingo" http://www.lyricsdownload.com/james-mcmurt...ngo-lyrics.html
  7. So, what have you found to like about Tx Redneck? Looks like he's coming up short....
  8. Oke, The Carbon kits we received from MGNA did not include the Scura fuel tank/chin pad insert. I have been told the carbon piece off the Scura does not fit the V11 Sports which cmae with the rubber pad on top of the tank. Can anyone confirm this info? gh, Will look tomorrow and see if I can scrounge up a copy of the waiver bulletin.
  9. Just got my M1 Garand this week. Tex always has been partial to foo-foo foreign equipment(Guzzi/Solex) That boy borders on metrosexual if you ask me. Now Tex and I can get together and blow up some stuff. Interesting piece of history. Nice thing to have around, in case the Scots invade. "The greatest battle implement ever devised." -- General George S. Patton, Jr.
  10. Bill "Slam" Dunkus is one of the good guys
  11. A friend works at the VA hospital. Imagine the story dreamed up by a veteran to explain the presence "up there" of either a softball, or a butane recharge cylinder. btw, VA regs require photos be taken of any foreign object removed. Not pretty.
  12. Richard, please don't take this a personal attack. Your post is just the one that sent me over the edge.... At $2.50 each, how much effort should go into determining maximum spark plug life? Geez, between riding gear, tires, Power Commanders, My16M's, luggage, GPS, fairings/windscreens, seat mods, $12/qt oil, and all the other money spent on our motorcycles, are spark plugs really worth worrying about? There, I feel better...
  13. An American won? In Europe? Has he peed in the cup, yet? Musta been cheatin' If he passes the test now, they'll re-do them in 6 years.
  14. Two words of advice my friend: 1.Bleach 2.Gloves
  15. The 2 we have seen fail were both low-mile(~ 2K?) 2002.5/2003 V11 Nakeds. Wicks' and Bushpilots' are both meticulously maintained bikes, adult ridden, by experienced riders. Not babied, but not abused. Neither had flickering oil lights. Bushpilots' were not making noise yet, but were inspected and replaced along with a case replacement. They would have been making noise soon. We have seen none earlier, none later. And many examples not near as well cared for. I lean toward a bad batch as well. MI swarf case excepted.
  16. 212-380-4400 Good luck.
  17. Greg, We use a BMW hose designed for in-tank use in both cars and bikes. Also use BMW clamps, screw type- not the "Oetiker" style crimp clamps used by Guzzi. Will post numbers tomorrow. We had zero in-tank hose failures from 03 till about April 06. 7 since then. All on Californias, none on V11 variants, oddly enough BTW, they started putting 10% corn liquor in our gas in mid-March. Coincidence?, I think not. Mike's 80K BMW 1100Gs with plastic tank formed blisters on the outer surface of the paint, which oozed gas through the plastic of the tank. Much like a bad sunburn, but oozing gasoline. Very nice. Replaced with used tank(metal) No V11 tanks causing us problems yet, it appears to be a different plastic. Thanks, Archer Daniels Midland.
  18. And how do you keep it looking so nice, given all the rain in Seattle ? Bike looks great.
  19. Allan, The internal pump uses a thick rubber gasket. I have never seen one leak. The filter is a Knecht KL145. In the US, it runs about $55 from Guzzi, about $15 from BMW (K-bikes and oilheads) BMW p/n 16 14 2 325 859. Exact same filter p.s, got your payment, shims ship soon.
  20. Citimoto, Sorry for the bad news. In the silver lining dept, better an S-class Benz than a 20 year old Ford pickup. Insurance isnormally much better. Heal well, and take some time to consider ytour future riding options. All the best
  21. todd haven


    Al, Parts fiche(03-04 Lemans, RC, NC) shows different numbers for both crossover and rear mufflers for USA from the rest of the world. O2 sensor for "other than US" applications as well. Seems the oxy sensor was added in 2003, outside the US. Through 2002, exhaust seems to be the same worldwide.
  22. Wow, and all this time, I thought he was Speeds' long-lost brother, Rex RM's had the peeling engine case, and the trans recall. None had the con-rod recall. That paint is the "hounds huevos" in the sun.
  23. From the article: "Roper reached the age of 73 in 1896. That June he showed up at a bicycle track near Harvard with a modified motorcycle. They clocked him at a remarkable forty miles an hour. Then the machine wobbled, and Roper fell off. He was dead when they found him. The autopsy showed he'd died, not from the fall, but of a heart attack." That we should all meet such an end.
  24. A fitting tribute, in my opinion. A good friend died in an accident on his Cafe Sport well over a year ago. A neurosurgeon. A 16 year old girl turned in front of him. A real kick in the gut. Not-so-young, but plenty passionate, I like to think Dr. Tony is still riding. And still stopping at all the best cafes throughout the South for a cup o' joe, and a piece of pie. Godspeed, Christian. Never knew you, wish I had. Say hi to Tony for me( he's the fast guy with the big grin and the smelly pipe)
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