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Posts posted by bento

  1. i could not....COULD NOT sit through biker boyz for free!! ARGH!!!! it makes us look like savages!!!


    BENTO SMASH!!!!!



    and torque....yeah...no. i can only hope the freaky gray bike on the trailer is the y2k. and even then, i won't get to hear how it really sounds. however...


    a new hope!!


    credit to jsciullo for finding that link and putting it on da wild gootz thingy.

  2. this spring the second bike is going into the garage, just not sure what it's going to be.


    and yeah, i amaze myself at how much time i spend asuring myself that indeed, the front tire is not going to fall off this time at around 110 mph.


    back to the "still riding" thing. i got another 3 months of winter, so i just hope i get my parts soon. and yes, i ran my bike hard this summer, i dunno, it did nothing wierd. i think it's more a preventative thing than a gonna die thing, like the pinto.

  3. i have a couple questions...


    i had heard the dnds fall apart. and a guy i know has one on his honda and it is LOUD.


    i looked at the staintunes, but i want a full exhaust kit if i buy them. i thought they offered a full exhaust, can anyone confirm this?


    i STILL want that ghezzi and brian can. has anybody heard anything on the cracking welds issue?

  4. oh...it's funny now, but you wait till your bike bogs at 1....uh...something and then we'll talk.


    yeah, talk about a guzzi's heel. i rolled up to interlocen with my mechanic and you should have seen his eyes bug when he saw me trying to take off from a light. i practially had to flood the thing to keep it running. but it still choked and sputtered at odd intervals. he fiddled with the clutch switch and she's been happy ever since.


    what i can't understand is, why there isn't a boot over that thing in the first place.

  5. and check your clutch switch. i know it sounds stupid, but i actually hit a bug and it wedged some of it's parts between the contacts. it's the three little metal plates that sit just on the other side of the focal point of the actual clutch grip. i know it sounds crazy, but i had a "dead bike" problem for a while too. and now have duct tape over the switch.

  6. shoot, my insturment cluster IS my windscreen. but yeah, big n white n purdy. i got my speedo fixed and low and behold, i WAS speeding everywhere. the cops would eat you for lunch without a speedo.


    "do you know how fast you were going?"


    "well...uh...see, i don't actually HAVE a speedo..."


    "oh ho!! then you were going 160, see you in court!!"

  7. i have seen over 120 stock. but things get a little wierd up there for me. and the vibration your dealing with now? wait till you get up around 6 and 7, they go almost totaly away. man, on my break-in, my hands would go numb on the highway.

  8. hullo, i'm newish from the other guzzi board. and before i go any farther i just wanted to say that i seriously wondered about the "tourability" of the sport untill i saw rich's, and now i am giddy like schoolgirl on prom day.


    okay, hi i'm bento, i like long moonlight walks and chinese...oops, wrong board.


    34 years old from michigan. been riding since i was about 17. first bike was a kaw 1974 175cc enduro. i "shaved" the turn siganls off it the first winter i tried to ride it in. no, no crashes, just too daing cold. but i did learn how to lay a bike down on that thing, as that was the best way to stop in slippery conditions. had a couple 350s, got t-boned by a caddy(walked home from that one) that was at about 5(yes 5, indeed not 25, too much tea there?) years ago i bought a zx7 and then turned it into a shop who hasn't been able to fix it yet.(don't ask, long expensive story). i had been managing to fight off the bug till i sat on that damned sport. there was a green one and a grey one. 2 days later the green one was gone. the next day i made an offer on the grey one. and she's sitting outside out office building right now. <!--emo&:wub:-->wub.gif<!--endemo-->


    why the guzzi? because it freaks EVERYBODY out!! <!--emo&:thumbsup:-->duim.gif<!--endemo-->

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