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  • My bike(s)
    v11 Le Mans

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Rookie (1/5)



  1. ninjlao


  2. Hi,

    You've inherited a classic bike from your Dad, once you get it sorted you will find it every bit as fun as something more modern. They handle like a dream and are very reliable.

    If you post your Dads name on here or the wild goose chase site i'm sure you will get some good feedback from guys or girls that knew him.



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  3. Luhbo and Kiwi- My father died at the age of 55 of a stroke. He was always a motorhead and loved motorcycles. He was one of the first owners of Yoshimura racing USA when it came into the states. He taught me everything there is to know about cars, and so I do a lot of amatuer track events myself, and currently do a lot of suspension tuning and consulting for a few race teams. My father has collected a few single Cylinder bikes, but we already got rid of all of them, and I kept the one bike that he road out almost every weekend. He was a business man here in california and owned a heavymachinery retailer, primary Forklifts and smaller container Trucks. I doubt anyone here would know who he is, because I know he mainly road through Mulholland canyon and other local canyons here by himself, and definitely wasnt tech savy enough to use an online forum. LOL. But thanks for asking.
  4. I really appreciate everyone's help. I just invested in a Yuasa battery like everyone has reccomended. I believe the bike is 2002. Hopefully I can post up pictures of the bike later on today. I figured I would need to do an oil change and everything. Is this something I can get at the local autoparts store? What weights should I get? is there a specific brand I should get? I will look for a write up on how to do it. I asked the local autoparts and they have the proper oil filter for the bike, but I didnt purchase anything because I didnt know what weight oil I should use. Also the transmission in this thing shares oil with the engine correct? I know I should really do my own research but I just want to make sure from people that use the bikes frequently. Again I really appreciate your help. I'm shocked how supportive this community is.
  5. Long story short my father passed away and I have acquired his Moto Guzzi V11 le mans. Now I wouldn't consider myself a rider but he has taught me how. The bike hasn't been ridden for a few years. I need to be able to move it around. I know a lot of die hard fans might think I should prob get rid of it to someone that knows, and will properly take care of this bike, but its a memorabilia of my father and I dont want to. Here are my first few questions. - most important thing is the battery. Is it something I can just pick up from walmart. I just need something to get this thing moving for right now. I found a few people talking about odyssey and some other OEM brand but I do not need those for now. I just need something I can pick up after work and not something I need to order online and wait. - What maintenance is required. I will do a search again later but I figured if anyone has some spare time on their hands they can just give me the quick rundown. - I see that a lot of people are talking about some charging problem, I think mine may have that problem. I have jumped the bike but the moment I take the jumpers off the bike dies. I am pretty experienced with cars and this usually it means the alternator is dead, but then I have no clue if there is even an alternator on this thing. - IF there is anything else I should know please let me know. Thanks for your time. I am willing to learn. and I appologize for being such a noob.
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