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Twin AH

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Everything posted by Twin AH

  1. Hey Mar............ congrats on the rare and sexy ride,Was wondering if you might have picked that one up from a guy back east USA. If your ever in Vancouver!!!!! Regards;
  2. Really........... no one with a prestine low milage rosso out there........ Im a nice person. Pics if you dare. PM me The only low-mileage NC or RC models I've seen online have been DECIDEDLY less than pristine (crashed): it seems to me that the folks who payed extra for the good suspension parts & fancy paint jobs really like to ride'em not hide'em! Good luck on your search! Aw........... Its a big world out there,me thinks some ones hiding one!! Pm . me if you want to keep a secret...... I wont tell. regards;
  3. Really........... no one with a prestine low milage rosso out there........ Im a nice person. Pics if you dare. PM me
  4. Thanks Docc.......... have already been working with Moto International on a few items. Any one else have any thing to add?? regards;
  5. Hi all; Just wondering............ is there any retail facility out there that has the mother load of all bits and pieces needed for the care and loving maint. of the MG line( V-11 at the moment) I cant wait to see responce on this one looking for rear foot rests for /04 V-11fo starters.... cheers
  6. Hi Guys.......... been eye balling these for a while......... just wondering if there might be some one out there in U.S/Can that may have a prestine Low /Low milage Unmolested Nero that they may be willing to part with?? Pm me with any info........ Cheers
  7. Hey boys and girls.......... any one out there have a spotless low /low milage Nero/Rosso corsa ( I mean perfect) unmolested example that they may concider parting with in the near future?? PM me if you do. Regards;
  8. Yeah, I've got one of those rare Scura R's, trying to keep it fairly low mileage too. Bought it sight unseen from dealer on the Isle of Man - one of only four to come to the UK. Can't get off my bike anywhere without someone coming up for a chat - I think its those red seats really! Last one I saw advertised was at Teo's in Holland a few months back - but it went quick. I'll sell it, yeah right! Make me an offer I can't refuse and I'll see just how much I love it... Any way of finding one in north America............. throw me a bone here
  9. Helicopterjim........... was wondering if you would be interested in letting a newbie pick your brain about one of your MGs. Let me know.......... Im in the lower mainland.
  10. Well now this is getting interesting........... have been told that i can buy brand new/ (say /03 Scura gauge cluster ) but the geer sets for drive on speedo is not compatible. and from what I wes told ,could be not fun or even doable?????????? Just trying to find out if any one has really done it before and what was involved. thanks all.
  11. Thanks Kiwi Roy........... and yes I did get you PM. Cheers
  12. Hey Boys........... just thought I would toss this one out there. Noticed the odometer trip knob wont turn!!!!!! Ugh! first of all what happens if I get physical and break it off? Any or all ideas and options would be appreciated................... maybe Im doing it wrong? Cheers.
  13. Thanks Guzzimiester............. sounds like you may have done a few????? If I were looking for the white face gauge cluster what year would be a good one.....is it possible to order a new white face cluster and if so how much?? any ideas. thanks in advance.
  14. Was wondering if any one out there has ever/or is it possible to swap gauge pod cluster from a early model V-11 to the later generation V-11. I realy like the chrome and white faces of the earlier models............... what would be the best way to tackle this? any one done it yet?? Regards;
  15. Rare as in ........... start looking in museums??? I understand from others on the " Wildguzzi forum " that none were shipped to dealers here in North America. That being said,I wonder how many are presently held privately in other parts of the world? Appreciate any info for this quest of mine.
  16. Hi All............. newbie here. Thought I might throw this one out there for those more knowledgable than I. Coppa or Scura R,if a guy was looking for something unique and special which would you choose and why? Also if there happens to be someone out there that has one of these in prestine low milage condition that they might part with... let me know. Its a free for all!!!! Regards;
  17. Twin AH

    looking for

    Greetings all............. Im the newbie on this forum. Just was wondering what the possibilities would be of finding a prestine condition/low/low milage Coppa Italia on the West coast of U.S.A or Canada,that may be had? Found one that may be available back east but I think the shipping and brokerage would be stagering! Your thoughts. Regards.
  18. Twin AH


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