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Everything posted by leafman60

  1. Boy, you guys arent making me feel any better. I am also a BMW rider. I have 2 of them. The big issue with BMW in recent years is the rear drive bearing : the one you are telling me that Guzzi copied!!! What a dark irony. The failures on the BMW are identical. The bearing fails, the cage disintegrates and eats the seal and spills the oil. My 1150 GS did it at 40k miles. I am a member of a local BMW club and 4 of our 12 riders have had rear drive failures. This defect particularly plagued the larger K-LT models and the GS models. A visit to any BMW site (eg IBMWR) will yield much input on this problem. Recently, BMW re-designed the rear drives but one of my Iron Butt rider friends experienced the same rear drive bearing failure on his new R1200GS with the "new" rear drive. A year earlier, his LT left him stranded in Colorado and he bought the 1200GS for "dependability." Anyway, wow. Im afraid the solution to this problem is much more complicated than changing the brand of bearing.
  2. Is there any more news about the reported rear drive failures on the new Breva. I am so disappointed. Ive been waiting 2 years to replace my BMW with the new Guzzi because I no longer have confidence in its rear drive. BMW bearings are failing too. Now, I am going to go with some other brand. Dont wanna jump outa one fire into the next. I am a long diatnce rider and I need to be able to depend on the machinery.
  3. Is there any more nrews about the reported rear drive failures on the new Breva. I am so disappointed. Ive been waiting 2 years to replace my BMW with the new Guzzi because I no longer have confidence in its rear drive. BMW bearings are failing too. Now, I am going to go with some other brand. Dont wanna jump outa one fire into the next. I am a long diatnce rider and I need to be able to depend on the machinery.
  4. Ive seen 50,000 plus miles, hard miles, from a 100+ HP motor with no problems. On the road, Ive never met anyone with belt problems. Some have over 100,000 miles.
  5. My 2 cents worth on Scura clutches. I think you guys are overreacting. I know, the poor blokes with busted clutches feel a right to bitch but, sheeze, how many overall have exploded?? How many 2 plates go out?? For me, the Scura clutch is the best performing Guzzi clutch Ive had. Hooks up great and very light pull.
  6. No guys, I have not figured it out yet but I'll get back on it. I have other bikes and Ive been preoccupied with them lately. A 06 HD Road King has really surprised me. I always looked at these as old geezer bikes but, hey, they are so relaxing and great for 2 up touring. Low end torque is amazing. First quality too. No smarta## comments from the peanut gallery either!
  7. amuses, sorry
  8. This topic amuzes me. I also ride BMW's and they have experienced an epidemic in recent years with a similar problem on their rear drives. We have a local group of about 12 BMW riders and 4 of us have had rear drive problems on late model BMW's. The big K1200LT series and the R1150GS seem to be most prone to this problem. My 1150 GS falied at about 20lk miles. Even the latest R1200GS with a redesigned rear drive is having this happen. The big ring gear bearing disintegrates and the cage cuts the seal up and all the oil rains out. Sounds just like the reported Guzzi flaw. The embarrasing thing is that Ive gotten a lot of the guys looking at Guzzi as an alternate to the BMW. Now they'll balk, as will I. I may tweak a lot of folks but the slickest and most relaible rear drive that I currently have is the belt drive on the Harley. Ive also not had one single issue with the Hog except that you see too many of them on the road.
  9. Good grief, there's an old thread on this topic. Its an easy task once you have the correct utensils. go to Ace hdw or etc and get a hinged/swivel grease head. I affixed that to a 1/8" extension pipe nipple. you then approach the front grease fitting for the rear of the bike (have the universal joint fitting rotated up). After youve done it a time or two, its a piece of cake, takes maybe 2 minutes, no wheel removal or anything. "Try it, you'll like it."
  10. Carl, who made this system? Lotta work.
  11. Thanks Dave, but I swapped out the ECU and still the same tendency to burn rich on right.
  12. Thanks for the help, guys. Ive done most of those things - compression, change ecu, etc. I even had it put on the "Guzzi computer." Maybe its the intake manifolds or the injectors. Ill keep on keeping on.
  13. Guys, guys, guys... lol. 1. I know all about rich/lean heat. The richer mixture carried heat away from the combustion chamber and out the exhaust. Riching up the carbs has long been used to affect a cooling influence in special situations. This thing heats the right header and muffler to the point of discoloration all the way and including the muffler body. I didnt just check the plugs. I pulled the header and looked at the exhaust valve. Right is sooty black. Left is good brown. 2. This occurs at full running. After any run, the heat differential is very noticeable. Interestingly, the bike runs great. Good power. No flat spots. The T bodies are correct. I am not a novice mechanic but a dealer has also checked it. Any more hints?
  14. Ok guys, please help me out. My '02 Scura (by the way, my shift spring looked perfect after 7000 miles) is running richer on the right side than the left. I dont have a power commander attached. The right pipe gets much more heat as the rich mixture takes it away from the head. Ive checked my valve clearances etc. and Ive balanced the T-bodies. Looking at the exhaust valve from the exhaust outlet, the right valve is sooty while the left is tan/brown. I had a so-called expert supposedly put the bike on a Guzzi diagnostic machine but the problem persists. Any suggestions?? I understand that the mixture can be altered between cylinders with the proper programmer. Is there a knowledgeable Guzzi guy at any dealer in the southeast ???
  15. Hey guys, I grease my shaft regularly without removing the wheel. Once you get the hang of it, it takes maybe 5 minutes for all fittings, including the front. I bought the hinged fitting. I think it was a Lubrimatic brand but I think I got it at Ace. Its a fitting that simply hinges one way up and down. Next, I fitted about a 6 inch pipe (nipple) into it and screwed on a coupling and male alemite grease fitting on the other end. So, I have a 1/8 pipe nipple with the hinged grease gun fitting on one end and a male grease fitting on the other. I simply bend the hinge fitting down about 45 degrees then fish it through from the rear on top of the shaft until it connects with the shaft fitting which is rotated to the top posiition. You can see it from the front as you look through the grease shroud aroung the U joint. I push the rear of the nipple and it snaps the hinged grease gun head onto the shaft fitting. Then, I take my regular grease gun and snap its fitting onto the male grease fitting on the other end of the nipple and pump a couple of times. Works like a charm.
  16. Im seriously thinking about making the trip. Ive been to the factory before and Ive ridden that area all around Lago Como ... very nice. Maybe we need to arrange a jaap party ????
  17. Anybody know what Deben is talking about ??? Hard to believe they can afford to fly someone to Italy for buying a bike.
  18. Is Guzzi gonna have a world Guzzi shindig this year in MDLario???? I cant tell for sure from their website. Any of you guys ever been ?? Is it worth the time ?? Is it just a bunch of senior citizens on eldorados?? I may fly over if its advisable. What are the dates ? and good places to stay ?? Jaap, Paul, others , lemme know.
  19. Ok boys, I have some experience about this little screw . 03 and afterwards, Guzzi abandoned Veglia, the nice white faced gauges, and went to the, apparently cheaper, ITI (?) gauges with black faces. This changed the speedo drive mechanism and eliminated the separating-prone angle drive that attached the speedo cable to the trans. Okkkkkkkk, the screw. The odo reset knob is a little plastic deal which has a small screw that attaches the knob to a little brass insert that then screws on the odo threaded reset shaft. On all the models Ive seen, the brass insert is too large for the odo threaded shaft. The plastic knob will attach to the female-threaded insert but the insert is too big to thread onto the odo shaft. Well, guess what? They just glued the insert on the threaded shaft. The only fix apparently is to do the same. Screw your plastic knob to the brass insert and then put a dob of epoxy etc on the insert threads and carefully slip it onto the threaded odo shaft. Too soft a glue wont work. It'll twist out. Later, if you need to remove the speedo, you remove the little screw inside the plastic knob that attaches it to the brass insert which is glued to the odometer shaft. Nowwwwww, this thread question perhaps is only about the little knob screw. If the brass insert is still on the odo shaft, you only need the itsy bitsy black screw to attach your knob to the, hopefully, glued insert. I would check a dealer. Jim at Ned's is hard to beat. I gotta go take a nap after all this screw talk. bye
  20. Hi guys. Anyone know where I can pick up a fairing mounting frame for a v11 Lemans?????
  21. Ok boys , go down to a hobby store or craft store with a good selection of Testor's enamel paints. You know, the ones in those itsy bitsy bottles that are so hard to shake up. They have a "metallic red" which can closely match the red porkchop, valve cover look. But wait, dont shake it up too much. Experiment with various degrees of metallic dust in the mixture to get the correct tone. I just open the top and brush down in the littlle jar and pick up red with a little metal to get the right look.
  22. Unless someone wants to do internal engine work, I wouldnt tear the motor down to replace the cases. Sheeze. Im removing the old paint with solvent and possibly a small sand blaster. Wrinkle paints are readily available. I AM using the Harley paint. Ive used it for years as touch-up on my Harley motors. You can vary the wrinkle texture based on heaviness of paint coat and temperature. Thinner coats and warmer temps produce a finer wrinkle. Experiment with it first. Also, the glossiness usually disappears after the paint has been cured and the engine goes through a warm-up cycle a few times. In fact, the loss of gloss is why many HD owners use some type of Armor-all etc to restore the shine. VHT also offers a wrinkle but it looks the same and may be the producer of paint for HD.
  23. Dang, Carl. I got one of those things for my Scura recently. Its on my garage floor waiting to be installed. Im waiting for the weather to warm up. Its been way down in the 60's here lately. Sheeze. Anyway, I held it up and it looked to me like it would fit okay. The piece looks pretty well made to me > if it will fit. Those little ears outside the porkchops wont be so bad. Maybe you got the wrong one. If the day gets up into the 70's this weekend, maybe Ill get out there and try to put mine on. Ill let you know how it works out. Oh, by the way, Al R. and you other guys .., I WILL make some pics of it in UP and Down position > the stand, that is
  24. Thanks again, Al.
  25. Ok, good guys. Where can I find the individual wire connectors crimp on the wire ends and then snap into the plastic connector blocks on new Guzzis?? I need to repair a handlebar wire set connector. These look like a new molex types of some sort. Are they used by any car mfgrs??? Thanksssss
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