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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Ha ha! You've been good at this photography thing for a long time! Nice picture. 30 years for me. I have exactly one photo from about the time I bought my first G5. Wish I had more, but I'll try to dig it up some day. It's also one of the rare photos of me without a mustache, but at least I'm wearing a helmet, so you can't tell.
  2. Nice avatar, lol. It's currently one of my daughter's more favorite movies (she's 5).
  3. jrt

    Au Revoir V11

    Well, good luck and good riding with the new bike.
  4. What can I say- good on ya', mate. I've been riding Guzzi's for about as long.... there's probably several of us here that have been!
  5. (not in that order) Be careful out there!
  6. As always- that's a nice bike, Paul! Slow- I agree with others- get a smaller, cheaper bike for the time being and move up or sideways later on. I'm a big fan of enduros, but they are tall, so it depends on your stature. If you want to hone your riding skills, then consider taking a MSF course.
  7. seriously. If you just busted off the toe-end, then send me the structural part and I'll drill it out for ya'. If the major part of the structure is busted, that's a different story- either watch ebay or find someone with a TIG.
  8. jrt

    Offroading a V11

    Excellent bike! Have you got your bottle of aspirin?
  9. No, it's not wise. Any of it. Yes, I do have an account on facebook. I just don't use it very much. I had ideas to use for my classes, but it's just too.....intrusive? pervasive? icky? I'm not that generation, I guess. Why? You want to be my friend?
  10. I'm here for you BF. If you build two, we can race. If you build one, I can watch you race.
  11. Honestly, I can't address it very well, but I do recall that many folks changed out their LeMans IV front wheels (16"?) to 18".
  12. You think that's weird? Try this: http://kineticgrandchampionship.com/about_the_race.php Sorry- no direct pictures. But if anyone wants to compete- I'd be in.
  13. I'm sorry, Cam. It sounds pretty low. That's a 20% difference in compression. Based on past discussions here and my admittedly flaky memory, I think the first things to look at are valves and guides. I recall several reports of soft valve stems and/or guides. Are you blowing oil? The rings and cylinders are good ol' nikosil and man, that stuff is tuff. It's not at all expensive to replace valves and guides. Any competent shop should be able to do it. You're in N.C. or thereabouts? Call up Zydeco Racing or Charlie Mullendore- they can probably hook you up proper. Edit: MGCycle lists valves at @ $50 per. You might also consider having the guides 'K lined'. I haven't done it, but apparently it's all blingy and works well.
  14. The Guzzi 'ergal' adjustable pegs are not quite as dramatic, but do a decent job. I'm late 40's and have no problems after 6-7 hours. Well, not with my legs anyhow. They are similar to the Evoluzione kit (if anyone remembers those).
  15. I like it! Not big on the advertising part- but that's the gig, I suppose. I really enjoyed the look on your face before you pull the helmet down. You can't fake that! Motorcycles are just plain cool. I'll buy you a cold beverage a rally some day....
  16. Is that a real Roper plate or a Sears roper plate?
  17. Good Luck. Do you have a web address? You have posted good videos in the past, so you ought to be in the running-
  18. I had to go look up what a 'cardigan' is. I'd be up for that in lieu of a tshirt. Don't care much, though- whatever gets made, I'll buy one.
  19. Last time I was by there was about a year ago- Donelsons had completely given up on Guzzi's. It's still an interesting place with a nice collection of historical bikes, and I like it for that reason....plus I like the old mechanic there- he's a traditionalist. But the place isn't pro-Guzzi any more. It seems like an ok shop, but not what I was looking for. My favorite shop is still Ned's Auto and Cycle in Riverside, Iowa. Talk about a traditional shop, that's the one. Nowhere near a city, housed in a sheet metal building that looks cobbled together from several smaller sheet metal buildings...probably because it was....and you wouldn't believe they have any business. In fact, they do a damn good business and the owner, Jim, is one of the most trustworthy and nicest guys I've ever had the pleasure to deal with. It's a hard act to follow when you move from that as your dealer to anywhere else. I was spoiled, and now I'm back to 'normal', which is, in effect, no dealer or mechanic at all. C'est la vie.
  20. Hey, ya'll, I'm here for the cattle round-up and.... what's all this, then?
  21. Thanks, Carl. How do you like the Classic? While I spent last year in Boston, I met a kid who owned a brand-spankin' new one. It was a nice bike! I helped him learn to set the valves and change the oil- hopefully set him on the path to righteousness in the Guzzi world. We'll probably hear from him when he's about to retire- complaining that the tires are wore out or some such nonsense. Anyhow, I will forward this on to him and Thanks for the heads-up. J
  22. My condolences to the family and to you. I completely agree with you about 'character driven shops'. I wish we had one here in St. Louis.
  23. Can't help much, but if I ever visit NI, I'll write something up.
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