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Everything posted by jrt

  1. jrt

    Help please

    That is wrong on SO many levels. Glad to hear you're getting another bike, Brian. Also, sorry to hear about your troubles with the Guzzi. Hopefully, you'll get another in the future. Jason
  2. jrt

    Cover boy?

    Woo Hoo! I'm famous! $5 and I'll send you a certified autograph.
  3. Great news! Congrats to Moto Guzzi and Gianfranco!
  4. yeah, I've been looking at fluid delivery companies, but I haven't had any luck yet. They visually look like some of the fittings on my lab equipment.
  5. jrt

    Secured My Coppa Italia

    Welcome! and congrats! I don't think there are any purists around here. Well, not that kind,....
  6. A particular variety indiginous to the area near Supertwin and TxRedneck is a cedar chopper or a cedar whacker. Them's the good folks what would chop down cedar trees to clear land for ranching. Steve- good answer!
  7. It makes a good laxative. Ok, well, it makes an effective laxative. I would suggest not buying the mercury carb sticks if you don't already have a set. The electronic ones work pretty well, and you don't have to worry about a hazmat cleanup if it falls off the bike. Plus, the electronic ones can be stored a lot easier.
  8. Classic symptoms of a clutch plate coming apart. Have the dealer check the rear main seal while he's in there.
  9. Oh. If they are screwed into the metal base, then just replace them with a hose barb? J
  10. "naughty ice" ????? My dad used to alternate between Buckhorn and Texas Pride. Maybe Al's dad drank that as well- either one will put you off beer forever. Now, I drink Sierra Nevada, a great smaller brew, but I need to start making my own again.
  11. Will removing the sticker cause a problem later on if you resell the bike or register in another state?
  12. Whart- I hope you enjoy the Guzzi. Sounds like you really are a 'serial collector'. I'm a cereal collector, and I have like 4 boxes in my cupboard right now. Na, really, I'm the type that can't get rid of anything- I still have my first Guzzi that I bought 20+ years ago. It's in pieces, but I still have it. let's see handlebar risers- you can go with risers or install handlebars. There are several companies that market risers- look at MPH, Williamsville, etc. There's a thread just started on this subject here. Pipies- there's Guzzi Ti pipes that come with their own new 'race' computer. Supposedly sound and perform well. There's Mistrals, Leo Vince, Staintune, and Neptune. I have Mistrals + a Stucchi crossover and I like the combo very much. The crossover is as important as the pipes IMO. Chip sets- no such thing. There's a PowerCommander (PCIII) that is sold by Todd Eagan aka RacerX on this board. Many swear by it, but I have no experience. Tires- I think I read someone (Mike? Paul?) has recently been lauding the Diabo or Diablo Corsa as a fabulous tire. I'm not that good of a rider and there's lots of flat parts here in the midwest, so I have Metzler somethingorothers that hold air and roll- my two biggest qualifications for tires. They stick ok as well. Aftermarket suppliers (not complete by any means) MGCycle MotoGuzziClassics MPH cycles in Houston is excellent Ned's Auto and Cycle here in I-o-way is also a great dealer Closer to home for you is Eish Enterprises Agostini's in Italy Several other Italian companies advertise on this website. Tex, please DONT, DONT, DONT post 'The picture'. No. Dont. It hurts me.
  13. Can you park the bike inside the house?
  14. Sorry for being dense, but what white plastic connector? All I have is the electric valve on mine (too lazy to change it out). Is this on the 'fuel pump in the tank' model?
  15. QT lite...or regular or whatever doesn't have that feature. I haven't figured an easy way to do it yet, but you can extract them painfully one at a time with ffmpegx. English is track 2. J
  16. jrt

    Breva Fueling

    Bone stock, the Breva runs just fine (if maybe a bit lean). It pulls well and evenly throughout the rpm range. On Sonya's, there are no indications that the TPS needs to be modified. It could very well benefit from a PCIII but as is, it runs fine. maybe the spine frame is an acquired taste?
  17. Um, I think I'll let Al, the resident fuel expert, address the fuel pump. But again- this is three times in three days from three different people-popping, backfiring, poor idle when hot can all be caused by valve lash being too tight. Check and set your valves to Euro spec before spending a wad of cash on something that might not help. J
  18. Mine is still going on an '01 sport, but it lost some punch over the winter. Since it has been warming up, it's getting better again so I think it'll last this year, but not next winter.
  19. PM me your address. I got both working now (I think). J
  20. jrt

    Breva Fueling

    My guess on that (and it's just a guess at this point) would be either the lamda probe or the cylinder temperature probe has gone bad. I'm not sure how to check the lamda, but the temp probe is a simple T-dependent resistor that can be checked at room temp and heated in boiling water. Oh- once you test-drive a sport, you'll be hooked. My wife has a Breva, and it is a nice bike...but the sport...oh, yeah....
  21. Umm, motomaniac's posting and Al's undoubtably correct assessment joggled my brain- Have you checked your valve clearances? http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4981&hl=
  22. Probably not the starter cover- it's plastic. Two acorn nuts hold it on. But given that it is loose, definitely tighten it up and maybe use some blue locktite. A mess of hoses sets behind the starter.... If you think it might be mufflers, why not take them off and shake them? 20 minutes, tops. What about the shifter linkage? If loose and un-lubricated, it could potentially rattle. Edit- I just remembered- isn't there a plate INSIDE the crossover? Could it have come unwelded? Is that a word?
  23. I thought I was going to get some Moto Guzzi Undergarments for my wife... or should I say
  24. jrt

    Help please

    Sorry to hear this Brian. I do hope it all works out, and if I were closer, I'd lend you one of my bikes. Definitely brace the swingarm. I wouldn't strap the sides together because 1) it will be difficult with a tire in the way, and 2) the swingarm axle will still take a pounding. Brace the side against a wall if you have to. Can you remove the entire swingarm? I think that's going to be your best bet in the end. Sounds like a F'd up deal all around, but I am glad you didn't crash when it happened. J
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