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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Somebody needs a hug. And a puppy.
  2. I will for individuals, not for the public. If someone wants them, let me know and I'll put them on my server. Like Jaap says- there are copyright issues and also, I do feel a little (just a little) bad about letting the state pay for the bandwidth. I can't get the second CD to unzip- the first was just fine. I'm going to try it on a PC (failed on a Mac). J
  3. It's critical enough that I do it weekly...whether I ride the bike or not :!:
  4. It's ok, but not great. The book kind of rambles at times (like me), and the protagonist comes across as a stuffed shirt prick (like...no, not me). I did enjoy the all the conspiricy theorems and background on some of the art. I don't know if any of it is validated, but it was interesting. Overall, an easy book to read- buy it used and it's worth the cost. I just finished 'The Return of the Dancing Master', an excellent mystery novel by Swedish writer Henning Mankel. Next up is 'Revenge' by Stephen Fry. I've been into European writers lately.
  5. Is it running hot/lean? J
  6. Give it another couple thousand miles and it'll run even better.
  7. It doesn't take much torque to seal the dipstick. There should be an o-ring seal underneath it. Even loose, I've never had one come out, so don't overtighten it. I replaced my stock one with a thermometer gizmo, and only finger tighten it.
  8. I'm going to be of limited assistance, since I prefer to raise the bars...but why can't you drop the stock clipons? Is the Ohlins fork relieved or straight-cut? There is a 'safety' allenhead under each clipon that bolts it to the top steering plate. If you remove them, you should be able to drop your stock clipons if the fork diameter doesn't change. For rearsets, there is the hyper-expensive Guzzi option, the 'make your own' option, and aftermarket (for example rossopuro, a site sponser makes a set). Alternatively, you could replace all the heim joints with decent ones, and shim the pegs. I did the last option, and it works very nicely. Oh- another thing- cleaning and greasing the joints is very important (tip from Bruce). That alone may improve your shifting enough that you don't need to replace the assembly. Good luck. Jason
  9. Good luck, Todd! Can you make new rules and push people around now? Make them fetch you beer and stuff. Jason
  10. You're definitely not alone- I slooowwwly dropped mine while backing it off my lift. Dinked my fairing and poked a hole in my saddlebag and strained my back Felt stoopid, but considering that it was 0.5 meter up in the air, it could have been a lot worse. As far as screens go- look closely at the Guzzi 'short' or 'sport' screen. They're smaller than the one you had, but they work really well. Good luck getting it all sorted. Jason
  11. You owe me for a new keyboard, Guido
  12. jrt


    Wondered how long before anyone asked. I was just pulling your chain. Kind of like 'snipe hunting'.....
  13. jrt


    Jim, that deserves two syllables. day-um.
  14. There is never, never such a thing as too many outlets, or too many air chucks. Sounds like things are moving well along. Do you need a MGNOC sticker to keep the Harley company?
  15. jrt


    Good luck, and I hope your next bike is a better fit for you.
  16. jrt


    You want freaky ebay auctions? Check out this drama: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting Ahhh, true love.
  17. jrt

    Guzzi Future?

    And we love you for it...but I think most people don't have your charm. If Piaggio is to treat Guzzi as a 'strictly business' enterprise, focus on one or two models and streamline production and output, then so be it. The Breva is a good choice as a focus bike. It's a standard bike- no argument. The 750 Breva is also a standard bike- even a low end one. If Guzzi can produce a higher end 1100 Breva to the same standards and ease of driving that the 750 enjoys, then I really think it could broaden their customer base. Personally, I like standards- they are generally comfortable, handle ok, good to take to the store or the next state (or country) over. How many bikes can most people afford? One probably, and a well-engineered, good handling standard might just fit their needs. Then again, I am a really, really bad businessperson, so don't buy stocks on my advice. Like some people here, I have a lot of brand loyalty toward Guzzi's. I have a boatload of time and money invested in my bikes. I would hate, hate, hate to see Guzzi become a badge. I would find it so distasteful that I would lose my brand loyalty, and not feel strongly about supporting their product. Face it, I put 2-300K miles on my first Guzzi and kept it over 20 years. Now I have that one and two others...I don't reckon I have to buy any more before retirement. But I do hope to. The company has been in dire straits before, and it's always squeaked out of it. I have no doubts that it will make do again. My crazy, pie-in-the-sky hope is that by trimming the lines, focusing on a salable product and turning a profit, Guzzi can invest in new designs and produce modern motorcycles. Sorry- I just realized I'm starting to rave. I'll step down quietly now. J
  18. jrt

    Guzzi Future?

    Me too Skeeve- I like the 1000S the 1000S tank is the same as the 850 Le Mans is the same as the 750S is the same as the V7 sport (may be some minor variations, but all have the same basic shape).
  19. In the latest issue of Motorcycle Consumer News, there is an article on 'heatproofing' the FJ. At least I think it was the FJ- I skimmed the mag last night.
  20. jrt

    01 or 03?

    Uh, no. Same 6 speed gearbox. The earlier Sports (1100 sport, carbsport, 1100ie, etc. ) had 5 speed boxes, as do the Ghezzi-Brian offerings. the '01 has a better speedometer cable.
  21. No kidding- E. coli can be a real nasty one. I hope you get well soon Carl. Would yogurt help to repopulate the intestines (assuming it's that)? J
  22. You must mean backwards, or toward the transmission. That's only if the aft plate is the one that busted. If it's the front one, it would be stuck on the transmission input spline between the flywheel and the aftward clutch plate. Not trying to be antagonistic- just trying to understand what's going on. Very interesting, and I think that is a plausible explanation. huh- two completely independent conversations going on. J
  23. If you don't want to wait then you can speed up the process by tossing a handful of sand in the intakes. Added bonus is that it decarbonizes the cylinder.
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