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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Good one Jaap! We have to have stumpers occasionally, or it's not much of a game. I also like the idea that if the original poster stumps the chumps, then the original poster gets the point.
  2. Electronics or Brewing Course with brewing, you might get fired from your job for making a superiour product.
  3. It's a European website, so Jaap has to come up with a 0.015 Euro. Sheesh, I can't even make the euro symbol on my keyboard.... Anyway, I agree- wait till almost the last minute, then decide if you want to have the case done. If you do it yourself, I would argue strongly against sandblasting. Todd at Guzzitech has some nasty pictures of the results when the galleyways aren't COMPLETELY cleaned. I can't find them right now, but they're worth a look in a morbid sort of way. J
  4. jrt

    Rosso Corsa on TV

    send me a pm or email with your address. Jason
  5. In the US, you can get parts at www.mgcycle.com mph cycles carries some cool stuff as well; www.mphcycles.com and Todd Haven (owner) has been a great supporter of this website. Jason
  6. jrt

    Cop Top Speed

    Guzzirider, please don't make me spew my drink onto my keyboard. mkay?
  7. Yes, it'll be interesting. Please report back. J
  8. jrt

    Rosso Corsa on TV

    If any US folks want a copy, then PM or email me. I burned a DVD the other day and verified that it works on my player. Thanks Ken for making it available! Jason
  9. jrt

    Cool bike

    Not quite a V11 sport, but I think this kind of stuff is neater'n a coonskin cap. http://auta5p.car.cz/zavody/most_2004_vfv/most_58.htm It's a 1969 racing Guzzi/sidecar rig. Very nicely done. BTW, credit goes to the MGCL list- I'm just crossposting it.
  10. Looks like Florence.... [edit]...sorry, Firenze for the Europeans.
  11. Bwaa ha ha ha (evil laugh) Actually, it was the badge that finally gave it away for me.
  12. jrt

    Cop Top Speed

    Interesting perspective, Martin.
  13. jrt

    Partner ride

    Sounds cool. Is your avatar from Bullitt? Damn, I must have seen that movie too many times.
  14. Taurus 500cc. 1937 (ish??) could be a '38 damn, that was a tough one, Jaap!
  15. Dude, that's not healthy. Get some sex.
  16. And the irony is that we are usually cheap bast*rds. LOL.
  17. jrt

    Cop Top Speed

    Running from the cops isn't the brightest thing you can do. I just happened to see this video on another site, but it's pertinent here. At the end is a pretty spectacular crash. http://www.katc.com/Global/story.asp?S=3006740&nav=EyAzWtEg
  18. Like I predicted, didn't last long. Tim gets the point.
  19. This probably won't last too long, but I had never heard of them. This is an older model, but they are still in production. Hint: it has a power take off (like a tractor) so you can attach such things as a plow or a log puller or a three-gang mower And they say Guzzi's are 'agricultural?' edit- the older picture is too small- I added a larger picture.
  20. Thanks Goffredo. Jason
  21. Hi Gallo, Yep, it's a great bike. Slightly different flavor than the California! The electrical problems could very well be the relays. You don't mention what year the bike is- if it is 2001/02, and the relays are original, then they should be exchanged. Given that the shop took apart the fairing to paint it, I would also be suspicious of any connectors that might not be plugged in properly. Sounds like there wasn't a lot of attention to detail, so you might want to go over the bike once and check out the electrics and the fasteners. Two other common electrical problems (but these don't match your symptoms) are the clutch failsafe switch and the sidestand failsafe switch. Both can be bypassed. Enjoy! Jason
  22. jrt

    Cop Top Speed

    The trick is not to outrun, but rather to jam the signal. Not that I would suggest such a thing.
  23. That's sad news. Godspeed to Todero. Is there a family we could send a card to? Jason
  24. OK, the clue did help. Bertaut and Sons 25 cubic inches (400cc) 80 mph top speed using a Briggs and Stratton engine. I think it's just called a 'Briggs' http://www.bigeasychoppers.com/classics.html Jason
  25. Wild- and probably inaccurate- guess, but Indian-Matchless?
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