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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Is that a wingwheel? Yes, the GT is like a miniaturized 250 (or 125). However, it was a good bike to learn on as it had an incredible low COG and took abuse like no other bike I've had. Well, the Honda 175 I owned did pretty well- I used to drive it down the river....not deep enough to suck water into the carb, but just up to it. ah, good times.
  2. My neighbor had a moped of some sort (no idea what kind). Hell to start, slow to run. But I'd still jog the mile (1.5 km) to their house for any chance to ride it. My first bike was a Yamaha GT80. This is a pretty good approximation- including the bad hair, bad clothes and sandles- but it isn't me:
  3. I'm just guessing here- but maybe a shorter shock and drop the front forks in the trees? That worked for all the Tonti frames....
  4. I want the charge card. Say, what's your social security number (or equivalent)? Oh, and your address. Sorry- I can't tell you much about the 'World Club'. I'd probably join for a year just to see what they offer as services (depending on cost of admission). I met a guy named Luigi (seriously) who worked for Moto Guzzi, and he gave me a couple of stickers from Moto Club Carlo Guzzi on them. I put one on my V11 Sport. I'm saving the other for a special occasion.
  5. I think it looks great. Doubt I'll buy one, though. The Norton's main appeal (in my opinion) is the fact that it looks like an old Norton. It's appealing to a purchasing base that grew up around the time that Norton got famous. Those folks have fond memories of the Norton and they would like one and here is this brand new, modern, looks-old Norton. Like 1950's hotrods did real well over here in the States until just recently. Nostalgia. Or, as David says, it's a bike for old men. Me included- I really liked my 750 commando while I had it.
  6. I agree with gstallion's posts (5 and 7). Any air will cause you grief and if you decide to tear down, then use neversieze or locktite. I would advise against using a liquid or grease lubricant on the splines. It *will* get thrown off and make it's way into other stuff at the periphery. Also, grease and rust make an excellent abrasive material that will very effectively (or efficiently?) wear out the inner-body and clutch disc mating surfaces.
  7. Yeah, no joke there. My BMW experiment has proven that to be very true. . There are two categories of BMW riders.... Those I like & those I don't. That's what they say about each other, too. The airhead camp seems to be less obnoxious. It's a cool bike, and the attention to detail is really impressive for the age, but man is it boring to ride. I don't think I'd think twice about selling it and finding an 850T or something. I dunno- I rather enjoyed my R90S. The ride is a bit sewing-machine like, but it is a dependable, predictable bike. I put lots of 1000+ mile rides on mine with zero problems. That counts for something, I guess. I liked the attention to detail in the maintenance as well. It was a breeze to work on. Better than an 850T? Nah, about the same. I never hung out with Bimmer riders, though, so I will refrain from any remarks toward them.
  8. Do we ever really know what the significance is?
  9. Crap, am I the only one willing to guess (however wildly)? Looks like you'll get a stump for this one, BFG. Ok, It's not a James...Not Caproni (that was a deer emblem). Is that a mouse on the fender?
  10. I dunno, but perhaps it was eating the wiring? maybe... Moto Topo?
  11. Yeah, but WHY anodize nice, wrought aluminum? BTW, Søren, I'm jealous! You WILL post pictures, right?
  12. Can you add some as ground effect lighting? Seriously- NICE work, Roy! I'm impressed!
  13. Oh, what. The kid on the bridge at the end wasn't too impressed! LOL- that's what growing up in the environment will do for you....
  14. jrt


    Wow, I wouldn't have guessed that from the pictures. The Diavel looks absolutely hideous. I'm (kind of) glad to hear it though. More power to them (ha ha) if they can make it work. I'll reserve judgement on the Guzzi's as well until I can seem them. the 750 (scramber?) looks like a Ducati knock-off, but I'll wager she doesn't have the HP.
  15. It is a fascinating story. The fellow hasn't lost cognitive abilities, apparently, it is written well. Unfortunately, there's a lot of us that have been exposed to the thrill of welding galvanized and drilling asbestos. I well remember helping my dad out by cutting house shingles...day after day after week after week after summer after summer. Yep, they were asbestos. We drilled 'em for nails also. I don't like to think about that too deeply. I find smell is a real jog to the memory as far as what I've been exposed to. Big diesel motors have a particular smell that I like for sentimental reasons. I wonder if some of the problem with spray solvents are their mobility- or ability- to migrate into void spaces (like a gas tank). Another big issue to bear in mind is olfactory desensitization (can't smell the stuff after a while). Health and Safety offices are often considered a PITA (by me, too) but It is a good thing to be reminded of our frailties on occasion. I'm not going to touch that with....anything!
  16. That's great! I'm glad to hear he is still doing some work, because it was high quality.
  17. I am sorry the fellow is having problems, and I hope he heals up but I'm not convinced he is interpreting cause/effect correctly. Was he taking insulin before the incident? If so, then some symptoms could be explained by a lack of appropriate medication. And Docc- argon doesn't do anything. It's an inert gas. If there was a reaction, it would have been between the C2Cl4 and oxygen in the atmosphere. And Dave- everything is a chemical. Even water. Even Whisky. Ok, that's a mixture of chemicals. Perhaps, he sprayed a crapload of brake cleaner all over everything, filling the tank he was welding with gas. Heating with his torch simply vaporized the stuff and he ended up with acute tetrachloroethylene poisoning? http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mmg/mmg.asp?id=261&tid=48 pretty well describes his symptoms including neuropathy and renal/liver damage. Phosgene poisoning is primarily pulmonary (lungs). http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/phosgene/basics/facts.asp Still, he's right: From http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals/chem_profiles/tetrachloroethylene/working_tetra.html "Do not use near welding operations, flames or hot surfaces because of the risk of formation of toxic hydrogen chloride or phosgene. Do not perform any welding, cutting, soldering, drilling or other hot work on an empty vessel, container or piping until all liquid and vapours have been cleared. " I'm a doctor, but I'm a real doctor, not a medical technician. The preceding is not a diagnosis but is only a set of observations.
  18. If that's true, you might contact Jim at Ned's Auto and Cycle in Riverside, Iowa. I've had a seat done by Rich (V11) and I've had a seat done by Jim (Eldorado) and they are both high quality. I would recommend either. They were both done several years ago, so I don't know if they still do them. Jim's number is 319-648-3241.
  19. No need. I was just curious as I have a set of 36's with the bell tops. Heck, people have complained about throttle pull on Dell Orto's for as long as I've been riding them. I guess I have strong forearms (ewww, no jokes, please). The only time it bothers me is on a very long ride. I can open the 30's on my G5 in one pull, but you're right- it's a long twist.
  20. Nice find! I agree with you in regards to the changes you propose- it would look much more period with correct seat/tail/turn/paint. Those are lovely bikes. I am not familiar with the pros or cons of flat top vs. linkage top carbs. Would someone enlighten me?
  21. jrt


    I suspect that is an overestimate of the bike's comfort zone. Certainly it will handle it, but would handle better if you adjusted the suspension ratings.
  22. jrt


    Hi Remo, You have my respect if you can keep pace with the 155hp 'monsters'. That's damn good riding! Sorry, but I don't like the look of the Nevada pieces on your V35. That bike should be a cafe racer, not a cruiser. Cheers!
  23. Did'ja have to pay extra for the 2X4? Nice bike!
  24. Wow, Jaap, that's really, really nice looking. I'm talking about the bike, of course. That Eagle looks great! She does too, but that's not why we read this forum (with the exception of one thread). Take some video and audio and post it up!!
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