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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Ah, well that explains why the shaft is on the left side.
  2. jrt


    Hi Fernando- The picture came through just fine- all three times. When you attach a picture, go ahead and click 'browse' to find the picture on your drive, click 'add this attachment' only once (and it might be slow, so be patient) when it has uploaded the file, you'll see the name of the picture next to the 'add this file' button. Then just click 'add reply'
  3. Jaap, Just tell them flat out not to call you anymore. They are supposed to take you off their lists if you ask them to, although I don't know if that actually happens or not. Other strategy- just talk to them in Dutch. If they don't want to make the effort to communicate in your native language, then you aren't interested in their business. Jason
  4. Wouldn't hurt, but it's also not necessary. Also, that's kind of a pain unless you have a PCIII. It will almost certainly be a good idea to richen the mixture a bit at the TPS. I believe a some of this was covered in a recent thread- http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4506&hl= or at least will be of interest to you.
  5. jrt

    RIP Hunter S Thompson

    I'll never pass up the chance for a bad joke! I guess it helped that I listened to the album the other day. Jason
  6. My apologies- that is NOT the Jesus bike. It's like the Pontius Pilot or Judas bike meybe, but a picture of the original Jesus bike is on Guzzitech.com sorry 'bout that. Jason
  7. jrt

    RIP Hunter S Thompson

    Let's not turn this into a Thompson gun thread
  8. jrt

    RIP Hunter S Thompson

    Here's an article Hunter wrote that is much more aligned with the philosophy of this website: Song of the Sausage Creature! It's a performance review of a Ducati 900. At least it's Italian....
  9. That's the so-called Jesus bike. It was up on ebay a couple years ago.
  10. It's not a Panthette, which was a 500cc V twin (transverse? longitudinal? uh...crossways), but that was a chain drive.... That'd be a good quiz as well. hmmm....
  11. jrt

    RIP Hunter S Thompson

    Nicely said. i picked up on Thompson's writings during my adolescence, so they'll always have a place in my head. See ya' later Uncle Duke.
  12. (first one) It sure looks like a '23ish harley racer, an eight valve. Are you referring to the 'banjo' motor developed by Ottoway and Ricardo? Jason
  13. yeah, I hear ya, Carl. There's a madness to that method.
  14. The 1100/870 units sold- is that US or World? Does anyone have an idea of how much profit the factory makes on a bike (on average)? Jason
  15. yep- sorry, I did the mpg in my head and it came out wrong. 30mpg is not that good gas mileage-true. I did change the TPS setting to a little richer as I did modifications.
  16. And here it is. apologies to helicopterjim. standard disclaimer- I don't know anything about this bike- I happened to see the link off of the topica.com MGCL list. cheers, Jason
  17. jrt

    air intake mods

    Hi Todd, But was a modified intake done in the presence of a stock exhaust? The Guzzitech article implies that the crossover and exhaust were changed before the intake. Jason
  18. With the devaluation of the US dollar, it might be reasonable to buy directly from the states, in which case Todd E is the man. Personally, I wouldn't trust anyone who predicts dire consequences when none are warranted. And by my reckoning, 13 km/L is roughly 50 mpg- which is good mileage. Now, you might benefit from a PCIII, but I've run 17Kmiles (27 Km) and no catastrophes so far. Jason
  19. Looks to be an 850T- so it's priced average. But then- a lot depends on how well the PO took care of it, cosmetics and what kind of spare parts you get. Just FYI, in the MGNOC news- this month- there's 75 850T with 1000cc kit- 2500 80 CX100 3200 80 V1000 pervert 2200 (for pete) 78 SP1000 2750 the above have 20-75K miles on them. personally- I'm fond of the SP. good riding position-bulletproof. Also- I don't know if the 850T had chrome or nigusil cylinders. If chrome, then check them out because they are prone to flaking if the bike isn't ridden regularly. J
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