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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Now, now. No need to turn this into anything other that what it is. Dave Pott is right- it's just a contest.
  2. I didn't even notice until you mentioned them. That's some riding you do up in Canada, eh? I disagree with your retro/modern bmw/guzzi argument, but that's what I like about these bikes- you can do what you want with 'em. Even put on ape hangers and fringe, if you're into that sort of thing. J
  3. They go on faster and go off faster- more binary. The lifetime is far, far longer than a filament bulb and they are less susceptible to shock. Also, since there is a cluster of LEDs, in the unlikely event that one burns out, you have backups and backups and backups. They use less energy, and they are brighter in line of sight. Since LED's are emitters, they have an axis (or cone really) of emmission. Anything off angle can be substantially dimmer, but I think that's improved a lot recently. J
  4. You might want to check out the bolts on the front fender as well. Same kind of setup. J
  5. http://www.seqair.com/Hangar/Zuccoli/Legends/Legends.html More weird aeronautical sillines. I don't know who is kookier- the Italian who originally designed it or the Australians who decided to build one.
  6. So my mother is a sweet lady, and rather feisty. She hikes and goes camping a lot, taught herself kayaking, and now...after seeing her sons grow up on motorcycles with...well not too many injuries (what she didn't know...), she decided that she was going to learn to ride a motorcycle. She signed up for the MSF course and showed up. First day was instruction, the second morning was riding. Well, it was damp and cold on the second day and my mother said she was going too slow when they had to practice U turns and slalom. Long story short- she fell over and she broke her ankle. It doesn't sound like too bad of a break and I think she is taking it well. 6 weeks and she should be out of a cast. So...riding too fast is a hazard we are all aware of, but remember that too slow can get you in trouble as well. I mention this because of the 'my wife wants a bike' thread. cheers, Jason
  7. And, just my opinion because I do not want to take away from this guys nice work, but I would still rather pay someone 20 bucks to unmount the old tire, dispose of it, mount the new tire and balance it. Tires are filthy, and this is one job I do not envy.... J
  8. Paul, Yes- very useful- and thanks for putting it up. Thank you, thank you, thank you for applying whatever filters you applied. thank you. J
  9. MSF is an excellent idea. My wife took it and really liked it and she learned a lot. J
  10. Small dual-sport. I'd recommend between 125 and 350cc. Practice in the dirt if you can and tell not to be afraid to fall. Good luck, J
  11. Sorry Ralph- I don't have any good suggestions for you- kind of a side note instead. I was listening to NPR (Natl. Public Radio) this morning and they mentioned that someone had figured out how to hack and duplicate signals on the speedpass and (dammit) on the toyota prius and other cars that have keyless ignition. Their suggestion- wrap the key in metal to prevent it from transponding. Um, not sure but I think that defeats the purpose. Just sayin'. Actually- here's a suggestion- superglue a rare eath magnet to the back and affix it to the frame? Cheers, Jason (fan of rare earth magnets everywhere)
  12. Pete, don't forget to add some fringe and a racoon tail for the antenna. Jason
  13. jrt


  14. Now I understand....it's an obsession. Clearly, you are enamored of the Duc fairing. If so, then go for it, and don't worry about the BMW fairing. Time and again, most everyone on this board acknowledges that this is a passion, so you gotta go with your heart. Maybe call up airtech and have them measure width and length...hopefully it is close enough for you to match it up. J
  15. I don't want to discourage you 'cause I think the Duc fairing would look great on the Guzzi- but the BMW fairing requires you drill 8 holes, and bend 4 pieces of metal. Not that much fabrication. One thing to keep in mind is that machine shops are happy to fabricate any thing you want. Just takes a bit of cash, and this is an interesting enough project that a decent machinist would be happy to do it. J
  16. Seems like cylinder head guards are a perfect candidate for anodization. Just a thought. J
  17. I came awful close to buying a bunch of stuff from 'Rennsport' when he was in Ojai, CA. I'm glad I didn't. I still have an old price list on my computer if anyone wants a copy (no idea why you would....I just can't throw anything away). Anyhoo, Steve, the fix to the throttle pull was just to cut the springs in half, stretch them out a bit, and you're good to go. You probably didn't want to hear that..... I really like Dell Orto carbs, but they're the only ones I have ever used...except for Amal and maybe that explains why I like Dell Oroto's. Jason
  18. What about the bike shop in San Marcos- the Ghezzi Brian stuff? check the user "supertwin"
  19. Hey, nice work! This should be added to the 'adapting bars' section as well- just to consolidate all this info. Very nice kjaj! Thanks for providing the new lengths of line. Just one question, though.... Do you often ride in your stocking feet? Cheers, Jason
  20. Not the last time I checked...but I was raised in Texas, so I'm bilingual- English and Southern.
  21. There he goes again....you crazy Canadians and your...words...and....stuff
  22. Mmmm, actually my wife is looking at some variants of the prion protein, so don't temp us. Actually, I think I know Anna Mapp also....small world. I wish I did have time to drop down to SD, but time constraints will prevent that. I'll try to set up a lecture down there for fall since I know some of the faculty at UCSD and I'll leave the prion's at home. J
  23. Of course- temperature of the probe. Gawd, I'm thick sometimes. The reversible reaction of oxygen with the zirconium working electrode is kinetically competent only at high T. I think some of these probes get around that with an internal heating element. Thanks, Jason
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