So my mother is a sweet lady, and rather feisty. She hikes and goes camping a lot, taught herself kayaking, and now...after seeing her sons grow up on motorcycles with...well not too many injuries (what she didn't know...), she decided that she was going to learn to ride a motorcycle. She signed up for the MSF course and showed up. First day was instruction, the second morning was riding. Well, it was damp and cold on the second day and my mother said she was going too slow when they had to practice U turns and slalom. Long story short- she fell over and she broke her ankle. It doesn't sound like too bad of a break and I think she is taking it well. 6 weeks and she should be out of a cast. So...riding too fast is a hazard we are all aware of, but remember that too slow can get you in trouble as well. I mention this because of the 'my wife wants a bike' thread.