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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Send me your mail address by PM and I'll send you a VCD or DVD of this 'history of Moto Guzzi' show from Britain...when I figure out how to write it (will be soon). I feel your pain- I'm here in Iowa. No snow or salt yet, so I can still get out for short rides. J
  2. jrt


    buy 2, you should never have to drink alone.
  3. That's the same as I have. Al- I'm going to have to look into unsnapping the bag to fill the tank....I've always unzipped it and I've never even thought about that alternative. Cool. J
  4. Best case scenario- a little blew out from the pressure relief hose. Worst case scenario is a cracked transmission housing: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1784&hl= I would suggest cleaning the tranny as best you can, then ride and look for leaks frequently. Jason
  5. I also have it installed like you Keith. But the tape is a great idea Steve; you should send that to Greg Field for his 'tips for Guzzi's' articles. To keep the excess length of strap on the front from flapping around, I used some safety (diaper) clips. J
  6. jrt

    Ignition Button

    Joshua, Sounds like you aren't getting enough juice to the starter. The solenoid is probably ok. Common problems with your symptoms are poor ground, poor hot connection, or weak battery. Clean the battery and the frame connections. Don't lean on the starter- the valeo units are not very robust and can overheat if you keep the button pushed down too long. Jason
  7. jrt


    Interesting points made here. I'll have to try a different Arai next time I look at helmets- I thought they were ALL the same shape. I doubt that there are many counterfeit helmets (though it is, of course, possible). It seems like the profit margin is too small to bother. Counterfeit cheap, easy to produce stuff if you want the most bang for the risk. As far as certification goes- I'm a conspiracy theorist type, so I wouldn't be surprised if a few corners are cut. Probably not with the really expensive helmets, but my HJC was pretty cheap. Jason
  8. Definitely not Atkins. I like bread too much. I'm not going to advocate for OR against a PCIII. I haven't used one, so it wouldn't be fair. I have heard from people that own them; they are universally positive comments. Unfortunately, we do not have 'tons' of PC tuning centers here in bumf***k...eh...the middle of Iowa, so I've never gotten around to trying one out. Either with or without one- my guess is you'd be ok. Just a question of how far you want to tweak it to the bike's 'true' potential. J
  9. jrt


    Arai helmets could be free and I still couldn't wear one. Why? They don't fit my melon head. For me, an HJC flip-front helmet fits great, so that's what I wear. I'm part of the chorus that says fit is more important than cost. Jason
  10. No, it won't require you to get a PCIII. I have K&N's/Stucchi/Mistrals, and I don't have PCIII. The bike runs just fine. Yes, it could probably be improved a bit more with an accessory brain, but they run ok without. One of these days I'd like to do the experiment. The QuatD is pretty loud- I saw a guy with one at the Minnesota rally this summer. It's loud- just a little moreso than the Mistrals, but not by much. The sound was more 'raspy' though. Not as pleasant to the ears. J
  11. So how much mass are you really going to lose, and is it going to be worth the money? The RAM clutch weighs in (complete) at 10 pounds. I have one on my Eldorado (GT850). It is not grabby, and the pull is lighter than the stock Eldo clutch and about the same as the V11. The hydraulic clutch does not make that a fair comparison, though. I don't know what the V11 clutch assembly weighs in at. On the RAM clutch I installed, the flywheel-to-crank bolts were not recessed. Also, there is a large washer that has holes for each crank bolt, not 6 individual washers (as pictured on the instructions). Jason
  12. Small world, huh? That's cool that your local dealer called you back and is trying to make a sale. That reflects well on them. J
  13. see? Actually, I'm surprised any company would use magnesium in that application. It's prone to oxidize as Paul points out, but it's also very soft. I don't believe I've seen anything but stainless for valves, but I admit I've never looked. j
  14. I'm deleting this topic in 24/7 because it's cross posted in three forums (technical topics, member intro and 24/7). RCono- good luck with the bike, but you need some beta blockers, dude. It'll be fine...chill Jason
  15. Dude, that's frightening. As soon as I get home, I'm going to check my nuts and warm them up, if necessary. /sorry- //wasn't anything worse than belfast would post J
  16. What does the level in the fill cup look like? Full? If so, then the leak is on one of the cylinders (master or slave). Given that black stuff came out when you bled the system (I'm assuming imeadiatly), I would suspect the slave. Bummer- the MC is a lot easier to get to. Is the fluid in the fill cup clear and colorless (as hydraulic fluid can be)? Not sure where you will get the parts- I'd try the usual suspects: MGCycle or MPH. J
  17. Could the PO have used a fluid that was under-rated for this system, or used a silicone based oil? I'm just thowing this out- I don't think silicone oils are supposed to degrade rubber seals in a DOT 4 (the V11) system, but hey...it's a Guzzi. I'm just sayin'. I would flush and flush and flush the line, then start looking for a seal kit 'just in case'. Like you said, it wouldn't be any fun to loose the clutch across town from home (highway would be no problem I guess). With respect to the seal in the transmission- that appears to be the same old type seal that Guzzi has used forever. A couple of o-rings around the clutch actuator rod and piston. They've been pretty reliable in my experience, but they do leak sometimes. Not into the clutch, but down the back of the case. Welcome and good luck with it! Jason
  18. Also glad to hear you're ok. Some parts will probably be cheaper new from other sources, than used MG parts (guessing). turn signals - source from Buell clutch/brake lever- Ducati (or a really nice expensive one from CRG) pegs- again- buell ones can be made to fit Good luck getting it back together. Jason
  19. jrt

    Lift for V11

    I got one of those too. Not from burnouts, just not enough curves 'round here. J
  20. jrt

    Wh'appen to Docc?

    I'm getting curious myself. J
  21. WildJackal, this sounds very much like your spacer is not long enough. There were several threads on this a year or so ago: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3605&hl= http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=813 http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1162&hl= (not sure this is all of them, just a few) If you do a search on "hollow front axle" you should get a thread that goes over the front spacer ad infinitum. So Paul's advice is warranted. Measure everything and make up a correct-sized spacer if necessary. J
  22. Juha, It appears to be the same item. Jason
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