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Everything posted by jrt

  1. I don't mean THAT imminent. I'll give it a couple of weeks. Then I'll forget and leave 'em up forever....
  2. Ok, I've just posted a bunch of pictures to my website. They are big files, so I won't leave them up forever. http://www.avalon.net/~jrt/oilpan/oilpan.html Please be gentle, I'm not used to showing my bikes' most sensitive parts. J
  3. Oh, I think they'll ALL do that. What kind of riding, and how far? Cheers, Jason
  4. jrt

    Dealer Bashing

    I don't think they CAN void the warranty if you work on your bike. If you screw it up, sure; but not if you work properly. Otherwise, if you changed your oil, replaced a tire or whatever not using the dealer, then the warranty would be void, right? Don't quote me, though. I am very sorry to hear about the problems you've been having with this bike. I also hope you are documenting every little detail in case it gets worse. And mostly, I hope it gets fixed, because the spine frame is really a good bike. Good luck, Jason
  5. OK, I've got the sump and the spacer apart. I'll post a couple of pictures tomorrow. There are a few bits that stick above the gasket line. Pete, shoot me a note off-line, and I'll send you a link to a site where you can download large picture files. Can you handle .tiff images or should I convert them to jpeg? I tore the upper gasket when I was taking it apart. Note to self- remember to take off the side stand 6mm bolt. Grrr. I started to swear, cause I thought it would be monday before I could get a gasket. Actually, I'm pretty good at swearing, I found out. Then I thought....Guzzi hasn't changed much since, oh, about 1970. I bet the oil sump gasket off my G5 might just fit (I have a spare). It fits just fine. Quit swearing, and now I'm ready to put it all back together. More later. J
  6. I think that is a splendid idea. Perhaps an excel spreadsheet that we (users) could edit adn upload? Of course, it's easy for me to say this- I have no idea how to actually implemnet it. J
  7. The problem is one that Dan alluded to, and that is the statistics of small numbers. The V11Sport/LeMans market is small- very small (couple thousand). Of this small number, only a few people post here- very few (tens to a hundred). Any data that we collect for a dealer will be from what- one or three people who actually interacted with that dealer? It's just not enough to get a real feel for what a dealer is like. That's huge sampling error for an inherently negative approach. I would propose a statistically safer way to accomplish this is to set up a positive dealer response system. There are many reasons you might not like a dealer, but to like one is a much more discriminating choice.
  8. No promises, but I do need to change the oil this weekend. Unfortunately, I need to drop the transmission out of my Eldorado too (and that takes priority). If time permits, I'll take some pics for you. I assume you would like a ruler or something for measurements? J edit: if time permits, I'll drop the pan and take pictures... sorry wasn't clear about that earlier. Sheesh, I wish I could go home right now....
  9. jrt

    Ignition Button

    I had that on my G5. It was the big connector that went through the headlight (corrosion). Turning the bars one way then the other would cure if for awhile, but eventually I had to replace the connector. J
  10. jrt


    Well, you would be blocking off a lot of holes in the pipe- true. But I suspect that what would happen is that you would get a truly 'straight pipe' sound. Loud. Raspy. Those perforations in the side of the pipe (and the mesh behind it) allow the higher frequency noise to be absorbed to some extent- those nice low notes just go on through. You won't get substantially any more flow (my conjecture). Sure, there's some turbulence caused by boundry effects, but isn't the M4 already essentially a straight pipe (I'm thinking the M4 is just a Mistral pipe...)? Here's the easy experiment for you- take a piece of cardboard or posterboard, roll it into a tube and insert into the pipe. Start her up and listen. I would suggest paper, so you can pull it out again after the experiment. Maybe tie a piece of string on it for easy removal. I rather doubt you'll like it, but what do I know? I've never tried it myself. Good luck! J (edit: BTW, don't forget you have a LOT of air moving through that pipe- don't be surprised if it blows the paper right out, LOL. You shoulda seen the first muffler I ever packed. OMG, you didn't want to ride behind me!)
  11. Uh, I don't know Göran, that seems awfully straight-forward. Thanks for the sites. J
  12. Welcome home (I guess)! Hope you had a good holiday. J
  13. Earlier on, some of ya'll posted that you were going to (or already have) bought "Faster" on DVD. Is there a US source? I ran a quick search, but only found things like 'faster! faster! pussycat, kill! kill!' Not a bad movie if you're in the mood, but not quite what I was looking for. J
  14. I don't read the WG site too deeply so, in fact, this was helpful and informative! Thanks, Jason
  15. Or a computer component was overloaded and died. The guys at MI are supposed to be competent, so they should be able to figure it out. Hang in there Dave.
  16. I have stock in bridgestone.
  17. I thought you didn't drink, Al???
  18. Bill- it's an Italian bike. It's August. Wait a couple weeks, and it'll come back. You could also pop off the connector to the sending unit on the transmission and check continuity there. That would confirm or eliminate (prolly eliminate) that switch. J
  19. Uh, are you sure you meant to say that, Al? TX- NO PICTURES! NO PICTURES!
  20. Anthro, you made a choice based on your ideals. Don't sweat it (you're obviously not), and enjoy your bike. Others may feel differently and they should act accordingly. Personally, I have a great dealer that's close, so I'll use them. If I pay more upfront there, I don't worry about it, because I'll get it back threefold. So for me, it's worth it to shop local. Actually, they sell for very reasonable prices. Other people do not have this luxury. To some degree, this sounds to me like an oil or wal-mart thread. People are very passionate about their feelings in this matter. I learned long ago that I will rarely change people's religious, political, wal-mart or oil views, so I just don't try. Instead, I slash their tires (kidding). J
  21. I agree with what twhitaker said. The dipstick could easily be mis-marked. It was on a whole series of the early Breva's (ask me how I know). Not sure what you mean about hard acceleration (wheelies?), but it does sound like you are sucking air. Not good for the motor. As far as the sensor goes, they are notoriously bad. Leaking from the connector is a very common failure mode. On all the time is the other failure mode, but at least that one doesn't leak. I've gotten to the point where I will dissconnect them on my tonti frame, because they don't work. That's not really a good idea either. In the section on testing the sensor, the manual states "...the tester arrow [connected to a multimeter] moves when the pressure (looking at the pressure gauge) reaches a value of Kg/cmq 0,15÷0,35" So you should be ok, but on the high side. Check the units of the measurement, though. Don't pull a 'mars lander' and use newton/sq. meter or some such. J
  22. Remember, it's a process not a ending. You're never really done futzing with your bike and that's ok. Sometimes it runs better. Sometimes it runs worse. The experimenting is where the enjoyment should come in. And when it's not running, just remember these immortal words: You're good enough, you're smart enough, and darn it, people like you. J
  23. jrt

    Rear Stand

    I'm a total hack when it comes to welding. I can do it, but ya' probably don't want your life to depend on it. Besides, all I can use is a stick- I don't have any of those fance tig/mig setups (someday, though). If you want to learn welding, check out your local community college. Ususally, the classes are cheap and they provide all the materials. Ours has classes in welding, machining, beer brewing, and all that good stuff, and I don't think it's more than about $50 for a semester. I'll still take you up on the beer! cheers, Jason
  24. "Joe Kenney" http://www.swva.net/jkenny/ but his site was not coming up when I checked. Try later, perhaps? J
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