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Everything posted by jrt

  1. No pictures, please. J
  2. If you do a search for 'handlebar riser' you'll get all sorts of hits off google. The Ballabio uses standard (1"???) bars and individual risers, so virtually any 1" should work- you can also change the height and set-back. Here's some for beemers (first one I ran across): http://www.bmwofsaltlake.com/store/handlebar_risers.html J
  3. jrt


    Hey Supertwin (and anyone else in the area) get down to Rojellios (sp) in San Marcos sometime if you want some GOOD TexMex. All I can say is *damn*. It's down in the barrio off Guadalupe. cheers, Jason
  4. jrt

    Rear Stand

    Handy is what this was modeled after. Actually, Handy is an Iowa company, and their lifts are hell for stout. If you can drive there, they sometimes sell blemished models for cheaper. I would have prefered air activation (I even have an assembly for it), but in the end, this is more portable. I can always retrofit- it's the scissor action that is the key to the lift. The nice thing about it is that I can weld too. So any extra plates, levers, lifts, etc. shouldn't be a problem. I wanted to put the bike on it before I started welding on it though- so I know where to put stuff. This will be used to service the Sport, and Eldorado, a Breva, and whatever we buy in the future. J
  5. jrt

    Rear Stand

    I just got a full stand, and I have to say it rocks. My father-in-law welded it up for me, and I am quickly becoming very used to it. No more bending over to futz with bolts you can't see or get at. No more laying down on the floor. I'm gettin' old and lazy and cranky. J
  6. And you get extra points if you use disestablishmentarianism.
  7. I got my unknown and unknowable rational object, or thing in itself, which is distinguished from the phenomenon through which it is apprehended by the senses, and by which it is interpreted and understood (or simply the oily stick) at the local shop, but I noticed MGCycle carries them. That suggests that all the usual suspects do. Funny thing is that when I got my unknown and unknowable rational object, or thing in itself, which is distinguished from the phenomenon through which it is apprehended by the senses, and by which it is interpreted and understood, it wasn't oily at all. J
  8. I knew I could count on ya'. J
  9. Well, I haven't done anything to my engine, but if you want go fast bits, it seems the logical place to start is to contact Mike Rich. Doesn't he do basically what Manfred used to do, i.e. make Guzzi's fast? I've never even talked to the fellow, so I can't personally recommend him, but he did do some fine work on the Guzzi land speed record bike. http://www.cookedgoose.org/ Hope that helps. I'm still polishing my footpegs and handlebars... J
  10. The only times I've heard of that happening is when the engine is *really* wrung out. Doesn't sound like you were doing that (only 40 Km/h in 2nd is basically idling) Were the European '00 Guzzis affected by the same recall as US '00 Guzzis? Some were recalled and defective con rod bolts were replaced. I'd look into that- maybe Guzzi has some culpability. There's a bike breaker in England that Carl and Al have used- reboot spares or something close to that. Do a search, and it should pop up. My condolances. I am glad you are ok, and that it didn't happen at 140 Km/h. Jason
  11. Looks very similar to Ian's Centauro peg setup, which I've always lusted after. Nice job! Jason
  12. I've got one of those oil dipstick thermometer thingamahoobie (that's the technical term until belfast comes up with a better one). In hot weather, the bike runs around 100 C, in cooler weather it runs about 80. It definitely runs better at 80 C. When it get's hotter, it doesn't 'feel' as smooth or comfortable. Might be me just being hot, though. Condensate will evaporate even at 80 or even at 60 or 50. Just takes a bit longer, which is a fine reason to extend your ride. J
  13. I'm curious as to how you decided what was straight. The rear tire is wider than the front. Did you use the rear tire as a straight-edge, and measure the offset of the front tire on both sides? Or did you run a center-line? Jason
  14. I haven't looked closely enough at the Ballabio to tell whether you could easily mount up a small fairing or not. But hey, with enough metal strap, baling wire, JB weld and some duct tape, anything will fit. Thanks for the link to Omar's. That's a neat idea. I don't think an original Le Mans fairing will bolt right on. The forks have different spaces, and the cluster layout is a little different. It can be done, because it HAS been done. I know I've seen a picture of one from Germany. Looks nice really. J
  15. I like the idea of moving the oil pickup, but do you remove the oil cooler when you fit the deep pan? I guess so, since MGCycle indicates that this model is for 'big blocks without oil cooler'. Or is it a different model you use? Does G&G still make a deep sump? Not that I'm going to buy one- I'm just nosy. J
  16. Docc, that's a really good point. Since Rob just had his bike shipped, there's a good probablility that there was no 'setup' for the bike. Rob, 4 or 5 hours invested now will save you many more hours and dollars later. J
  17. Be sure and take pictures! One other thing you might try cycling the kill switch two or three times. That will push some fuel around and maybe help out. J
  18. The other thing you'll notice is that all that heat sheild is held on by the worst glue ever made. I think they used wallpaper glue. 3M fast tack will be your friend, but wear gloves. Congrats on getting the filter in! J
  19. jrt


    I like what Ken Hand sez (paraphrasing) 'Sinnin' ain't much fun since my wife bought a gun' J
  20. It should hold just fine. C'mon, it's not that much stress, and if you're worried, then have the welder put a brace in it. If you have the pieces, then just have it fixed like Gthyni. J
  21. Hi Alexandre, Sounds like you do have good instinct. If you can do simple maintanance, you'll be fine with the Guzzi. They are very charismatic motorcycles. Jason
  22. Good news! The least they could've done is fixed it, though. Oy Vey! The theives these days!
  23. Glad to hear it all got sorted out in the end. Mine does not drip condensed water (I hope its condensed) out of the mufflers, but occasionally I do see some steam out the end of the pipe. I'd guess you have some water in the crossover- drive 50-100 miles to get it good and hot and dry. Jason
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