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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Docc's in fine form tonight. You're running the bike at too low RPMs. Keep it (mostly) above 4K- anything less is really lugging the motor and not good for the driveline. Not sure why you or we get the 'sneezing', but mine has occasionally done it too at low rpm (so I'm a hypocrite). Setting the valve lash to Euro specs and using a Stucchi crossover has really about cured it.
  2. Cool- I hope that's it. Your description of the clearances, finings in the pan, etc. sound pretty normal. 8K is IMO pushing it on oil but realistically, it is probably just fine. Please follow up tomorrow with how it runs- and good luck!
  3. True dat. Say, we need a 'Felix the cat' emoticon.
  4. jrt

    Is this one of us?

    He has a TV in his garage? He does seem enthusiastic about his bike- hope he has fun with it.
  5. ... Not telling how: in case The Club get wind of shennanigans. A fellow could get stripped of his rank. OK – I set fire to the Guzzis. Oh, well that might get you reinstated. At a lower rank, of course.
  6. LOL. Welcome to the internet, I guess. Yeah, Ducatisti can take themselves kind of serious. Question 99% of what you read...there or here or anywhere. One thing everyone agrees on- getting all that stupid plastic off is a serious PIA. I don't even pretend to understand the battery placement. That was put in by a demented-asylum-engineer-escapee. When I get home to St. Louis, I'm going to start looking for a new place to put a bigger battery. I might not be successful, but I'll try, COG be damned. I'll keep you posted Ben. J PS- the Sargent seat is really comfy. I can't say about any other.
  7. Dunno if this will help, but www.ducati.ms has an ST-specific subforum and an active classifieds listing. No warranties expressed, implied, etc....
  8. Just keep it hooked up to the trickle charger. The batteries on these things is embarrassingly small.
  9. Yeah, thanks Tom. I especially like the sneakers and hip-belt-purse thingy Ben, it's a fun bike. I've an ST4s, which increases the number of valves and maintenance costs by a factor of four. Eh, that's ok. It's a fun and comfortable ride. Mind you, I'm not selling any of my Guzzi's...yet....but I do admit to enjoying the occasional Ducati
  10. Oh, yes, that was the weekend I forgot sunscreen.
  11. jrt

    bad news

    Yeah, well, almost everyone's house (in the US) has devalued. Be glad you aren't in Vegas (and my condolences to those that are). I'm a young fart, not even 50 and I'm in no danger of slowing down the riding. There's folks on this forum and others that are well into their 80's. Look up a mister J.N. Smyth, for example. Also, I had an uncle who rode his Harley (no accounting for taste) to the family reunion at 78... Point is, you got a awhile to go, yet and it only gets better. Don't be gettin' in a hurry.
  12. jrt

    bad news

    BFG is right. I'm an American! Kind of.... Actually, I'm from Texas and I'm not sure whether that's better or not. Seriously, I'm ok, but not great, with money. I'm lucky to have a wife that is a) sensible and makes a lot more money than I do. But, it is a bad idea to borrow against a retirement fund. You're putting money into it right now, it's going to be earning interest and MORE IMPORTANTLY compound interest for you. If you devalue that, then you effectively take a loan out at about three times the interest rate. First you pay the interest, second you reduce the amount going into retirement and third you reduce the capital that the retirement interest is working on. Even Albert Einstein is reputed to have said that the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. The Monkey is far more succinct than I am. I took loans out at earlier years than Pete or BFG, but they were small (~$1000) and aimed to improve my credit rating. My first 'new' bike that I took a loan on was a V11. Come to think of it, that's still the only one. You will have a great time on KLR. Pay cash, put around on it and don't look back. Sure it's slower, but I really liked mine. Belfast, it's time to raise a drink I'll have one in honor (honour?) of your brother and to his health- and yours.
  13. Well, this explains a few things. Were the Docs (not Doccs) trying to reset your brain particle onto the stem again? Hope you are doing well, BFG. That doesn't look comfortable. To keep this on track (in so many ways):High Field Brain MRI
  14. Think big BF, think BIG! Could this be Greg's Field?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn5_ThuoQYw (sorry about the advert at the beginning) No. Cururbita sp.
  16. I thought it looked like a knockoff of the Yamaha V-max, which is also hideous. I won't be buying one, but best o' luck to them.
  17. Well, this thread has gone deviant...so I'm going to veer off more: Do Europeans do a pumpkin toss? I don't believe it's possible to put a baseball team in a tomato. ...and possibly, not wanting to deviate from the Topic title, one grown in Greg's Field?
  18. Nice photos. I don't care for this Honda Anus, though. Reminds me of someone....... sorry, changed the photo/link, so There's no damn way I'm clicking that link.
  19. Nice photos. I don't care for this Honda Anus, though. Reminds me of someone.......
  20. I see. Or maybe I don't. I've heard of bad news bears, and dust in the wind.... Are we talking about a baseball team in a tornado?
  21. Maybe. What kind of dust are we talking about? Should we start a new thread? "What dust is this?"
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