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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Nice. Timely post. I just took my tank off- a lot of the insulation material had started to come off Thanks for the info jason
  2. Yeah, we're on the same page. It's that sentance 'working on the opposite side, remove the bearing and then lift the plate with gearing 'I' using two screwdrivers' that bothers me. The bearing doesn't come out easily - and I don't want to destroy the bearing trying to get it out if there's some easy trick to doing it. So I was wondering if that whole race came out. Thanks Geezerx. J
  3. I was messing around today, dropped the rear wheel, and I was going to grease the cush drive (CD and the rubbers, of course) a la Rich Maund (he's such an inspiration ) Anyhow, I got all the screws out and the big washer off (P) and the manual says to drive out the bearing from the other side then remove the plate (CD). At that time the cush drive is accessible. It's literally that vague. So, do I drive out that whole inner race-thingy ® or do I actually just remove the bearing? I've got the giant circlip © off and should I just pound out that race? thanks, Jason
  4. Yeah Chris, nice rack Seriously- what about the two mounting points at the rear? Do they rest on the carapace? From the pictures, it looks like do. FWIW, I have a ventura rack on mine. Ugly as sin, but very functional. Cheers, Jason
  5. jrt


    I made up a set of adapters like what you mention here (in December '02). Machined them out of some aluminum, and was going to mount them on my bike. Then I figured I'd just replace the handlebars and be done with it. So...I sent my prototype adapters to mcloutier; he at least used to visit this board. Apparently, he mounted them up on his bike. I don't know whether he likes them, hates them. Maybe they broke and he's talkin' to a lawyer. Once installed, they should be pretty much buried, so I don't know how kludgy they're going to look on a bike. I'll send him an email and see what's up. Cheers, Jason
  6. Dang, I wish I could join you- it sounds great. AAA can set you up with an international drivers license. Ten bucks or thereabouts. No test. If you go to Mandello, remember the factory museum is only open one hour a day. I (still) recommend staying in 'agritourismos'. Damn good food that's homegrown. Milan is a pit (sorry to any Milanese here). Get North, and fast! Cheers, Jason
  7. Here in the states, you could contact John Prusnek- I've had him make up some decals for my Eldorado. Not cheap if you want a one-off decal, but it was worth it for me. I had him make this one (originally from a Gambaligno sp?) Cheers, Jason
  8. Uh, oh, Mods vs. Rockers clash.
  9. Well, that's pretty good evidence. Even if it's not the source of your vibration, it's bound to make a hell of a racket. I've been meaning to look on my sport, but I thought there was a tab from the crossover that bolted to the bottom of the frame or engine? I dunno. I keep forgetting to look. Could you just put a spacer between the crossover and the headers (or mufflers) that you could clamp down on? That would fix it in place. Cheers, Jason
  10. I just saw this stuff recently in the auto parts store- http://www.permatex.com/products/prodidx.a...m&item_no=25249 Some weird blue stuff. It really is non-hardening- I used it on my Eldorado oil pan gasket for that reason. Doesn't seem to leak, but I'm not sure I would recommend it for valve covers because some does 'squish' out and it's BLUE. A better solution is that MGCycle sells a 'thicker' valve cover gasket. I have the corresponding ones on my Eldo and they are great. Cheers, Jason
  11. jrt


    Not exactly what you're looking for, but at the bottom of my website page: http://plasterbath.chem.uiowa.edu/fairing.html is a picture of my sport with *round* mistrals and techno bags. On my bike, the bags just barely touch the mufflers. I noticed a 'shiny' polished line on top of the muffler after a ride. It doesn't bother me any, but it suggests that you better be careful when you mount yours. cheers, Jason
  12. It seems to me that the V11 sport has an inherently large amount of drive lash- two ujoints and a sliding spline add up I guess. It certainly has more (and has since day one) lash than any of my other Guzzis. I think it feels weird when I coast between throttle and no throttle as well. Has the amount of lash increased or are you just noticing it now? Carl is right, though- if it's making weird banging or grinding noises- have it checked out. I'm pretty sure my problem was oil on the plates since the clutch action is back to normal for the Eldo. I didn't have any grinding noises, but I could feel and hear the gears in the drivetrain slap. Not really a good sound, I have to say. After reading your description again, it matches what Carl is saying more closely than what I was experiencing. On the plus side- if you do the work yourself, it's pretty easy to get the cases apart. cheers, Jason
  13. That'd be great Todd. I'd be happy to buy parts from within the community, so if you do source them, let me know. I haven't been working very hard on it because school is coming up and that'll keep me pretty busy for awhile. I'll keep my eyes on Guzzitech. Cheers, Jason
  14. Weird, This same kind of thing just happened recently on my Eldorado on a long trip. Real grabby as you release the clutch- basically had to dump it into gear. Coincidence? Conspiracy? Ok, so it wasn't at Deal's gap, but northern Minnesota, but maybe the bikes were harmonically connected. In my case I think I had some oil on the clutch, coupled with the fact that the bike was hot (fully loaded luggage). After a few hundred miles I think I burned the oil off, and now it works pretty much like it always had. So...check the oil in your bike- do you have a leak into the bell housing? Cheers, Jason
  15. http://www.technoresearch.com/DashboardOverview.htm Not a very complementary picture, but it's probably a prototype. Cheers, Jason
  16. Wow, those really are nice looking. But, uh, why is the eagle taking a nose-dive? Cheers, Jason
  17. Todd, I'm interested in dropping in roller bearings in the rocker assemblies also- I have been hunting for some bearings for about a week now. A spare set of rockers are at my Father-in-law's now awaiting his magic touch. Actually- they'll go into my round-head engine. Couple of questions about needle bearings in this application- 1) I'll probably need to cut down the oil that runs through the pins (less backpressure with bearings). Any idea on whether or not I need to blank off and put a smaller orifice in the oil supply? 2) needle bearings tend to wear in an application where they move back and forth, but not actually roll. Any comments on this? Heard any info regarding wear on the rollers? Along with the noise thread- I was reading the old Tips book (vol 1), and some fellow drilled a hole in the rocker holder-thingy and drilled and tapped out his rocker pin, then fixed a second bolt to hold the pin more stiffly (this on an eldo, I think). Said it quieted things down for him. There's only one stock- on the upper lobe. I never thought of the bolt as actually holding anything- the bearings should do that job- but it was a fun read. And John, if you're trying to quiet the valves- ha! Come listen to my Eldorado sometime! Oh my gosh, but those valves are loud- we're talking loudspeaker loud, some kind of harmonic oscillation that couples to the cooling fins kind of loud. I scare small children and make grown BMW riders cringe when I run about 4K rpm. I wear earplugs. Cheers, Jason
  18. Thanks! Jason
  19. Are these the same pushrods that Raceco used to sell? I have a set of those, but they're not installed in my round head engine yet. BTW, what is Mike Rich's contact info? I'd be interested in sending some work his way. Cheers, Jason
  20. Congrats Zeb! Jason
  21. jrt

    Brake lever

    CRG also makes a brake lever that works just fine. Just a little less pricey than the Moto Guzzi part, but it looks a lot cooler, and is adjustable. Cheers, Jason
  22. Hmmm, government jobs...say, I work for the... gotta go... no really- I think of them more as eye candy than adjustable. Someone on this forum had a set of Centauro pegs fitted to their LeMans- I remember they are in Seattle or the area, but I don't remember then name (Ian, maybe?) Anyway, they have a website up with some good pictures of that setup. I mounted handlebars to the triple clamp on my Sport for an easier riding position. Check the 'how to' section here for that description. Cheers, Jason
  23. And here's where I ran out of poop. The shift lever goes onto the peg, but I need to bend a rod so I can connect the shift lever to the shift-thingy on the transmission (it's hidden behind the starter). I figure that the thing on the transmission needs to be turned upside down- from a cursory examination, it looks like it should be pretty straight forward. Gene, if you have your's installed- how did the dealer hook up the shifter? cheers, Jason
  24. From the sinestra side:
  25. Another: forgot the picture... Jaap, you need to a coffee emoticon!
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