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Everything posted by jrt

  1. I don't have my V11 here in Boston, but I'll be going on my RED Ducati ST4s. Jason
  2. Waddya talkin' about? There's a bag (or box) right there above the rear wheel. Good enough for a sandwich or fig bar, but not at the same time. Oh goodness, look at that time. that is way too old and beyond my comfort range, plus it doesn't have any bags.
  3. I'm impressed. That was very politic of you, Hubert. (seriously...I'm not being sarcastic)
  4. If you are just playing around, why not use a 30-50W trim pot? You could dial it in to your system.
  5. Dont let Pete's complicated explanation get you fooled. It is really quite simple. And BF, they won't be the first (or last) to prefer a good head-boiling over a conversation with me.
  6. So we'll see you at the damn yankee rally in Heath, Ma this weekend?
  7. Use whatever you like and add some moly additive. It's not too expensive.
  8. I converted my bike to k&n filters a long time ago. So long that I don't remember the part number. Emry's post sounds right. Measure the OD of the intakes and get the round (cylindrical) ones to fit. Anyhow, I had to remove part of the intake runner to get them to fit. You should be aware of that. I guess you could also clamp them to the TB's. Your call. Or go with the sportcyclepacific.com set of intakes and UNI filters. They look very nice. I can't give you a direct URL since I'm on my iPad and it doesn't do flash...
  9. Yes, I suppose it is. Still, i'll give it a go. An engine is often a device which converts useful money into vapor- similar to a boat, but slower. Have you seen http://www.animatedengines.com/ ? Some nifty steam engines there.
  10. Low power to the headlight. It might be the +12V feed or it might be the ground or both. I would recommend running an auxilary ground wire from the headlight and also run a heavier gauge wire through a relay. Kiwi Roy, Docc and a few others have made some excellent posts on this subject. For example: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15733
  11. I'm just yanking your chain, Ben. The pictures I've seen of your bike look nice. Cheers and good night- it's my bedtime. I really shoul link to a certain thread here, if oly I could remember its name......
  12. Holy bejeebus, that was a he'll of a rant, Pete. Almost as long as the FMKARH (did I get that right?) Seriously, you need a beer. You still planning on going to the damn Yankee rally? I'll even let you buy. Oh, and my useless opinion is that MG should make a water-cooled bike. And also that every driver should have to exilian the basics of an engine to qualify for a license. Not advanced theory on cam profiles..just a basic working knowledge. That would take care of a large fraction of nonsensical complaints. Then the 'company' should step up to fix the problems that are inevitable in a complex, mass market machine. Ok, I know that's unrealistic. I'm having another glass of wine now.
  13. Well, ok Ben, but why do you like red so much if you didn't drop the bike? Seriously, I didn't know Termi even made a slip-on for Guzzis. The hot (common) setup seems to be either a Stucchi (more power at high rpm) or mistral (better low end) crossover with a variety of pipes. MG Ti pipes come with an ecu. I happily use.Mistral slip-ons that seem to work fine for me. I bet the performance differences are minimal (mister, stucchi, mg, staintune) but the sound is more apparent. Just my opinion and seat pant dyno from one datum point.
  14. In your opinion, was it worth doing? Reason I ask is that I'll need to buy a car at the end of the year. Is there useful info in a carfax report? Clearly, I know nothing about it....
  15. Here ya go Ben if you want old school It's on the MGNOC classifieds
  16. Well, Loopframes are easy to find, it seems, so if you are really wanting one, you will continue to have a chance. Or come down to STL next summer and take a ride on mine if you are just interested in how they drive.
  17. Now I've read the ad. It's an Eldo- you can see the webbing on the block. All 750's (afaik) lacked the criss-cross webbing we are so familiar with and only had vertical webs. Early bikes (Ambo, Eldo) came with chrome bores and if it sits for any length of time, the chrome is prone to flaking. I would ask about that and also ask if the crankshaft sludge trap was cleaned out (since they don't have oil filters as fotoguzzi points out). Hard to say what shape it is in from the pictures. But- they are fun bikes despite any 'drawbacks'. As I said, I really like them- but I agree that it would be a disadvantageous straight-up trade.
  18. Ummm...ew. Sounds like fun. Ben, I've had an Eldo for years now. I've taken it on extended tours and used it as a daily commuter, so I do have a bit of experience on them. I love the Eldo- it is honestly my favorite bike. That said, and I haven't seen the ad, but it doesn't sound like a fair trade. Right now,v11s are ~$5k, Eldos are $3-4k. Also- drum brakes work well if set up properly (Mark at MGClassics has the shoes). Disks can be made to work better, but require ~$1000 in parts. Dual disks are even more expensive. Convert and other fork tubes can be made to work, but involve a bit of engineering- not worth it. The stock generator is weK, but Greg at MI sells (sold?) an alternator replacement that is the cat's meow. Other than that... The frames flex quite a bit on hard corners, the motors are low power and you can cruise at 50-80 mph all day with a big sh@t eating grin. They are fun to drive. Look around on the loop frame list (on yahoo) for a wealth on info from fanatics.
  19. I have seen them powder coated, so it can be done. I can't say I usually like the results, but that is just an opinion. If you anodize, be aware that even small imperfections in the surface really tend to show up- like the are magnified by the anodization process. So the will take a bit of work to prep them depending on what they look like now. Sport cycle pacific sells an aftermarket set of valve covers that you should look at. I think they are quite sharp looking. http://www.sportcyclepacific.com/featured.html Good luck
  20. Airtech has them listed on their site: http://www.airtech-streamlining.com/vintage/vintagefairingshalf.htm It would take some work....but I doubt any more than using a stock product. Good luck! I want to see pictures!
  21. Good advice there BFG. I know I can count on you for consistent, well-reasoned suggestions like this. Cart before the horse and all that....
  22. I don't know if I should let my wife see that..... Thanks BFG
  23. Thanks for the cautionary tale. I'm sorry to hear about your bearing surfaces and hope you can replace them for a reasonable cost. You might want to check the sludge trap in your crankshaft before you reassemble.
  24. Right on! Glad to hear it!
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